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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. I have not looked at that one. I think I will pass b/c if I see it and like it, I'll end up spending money I do not have! :tongue_smilie: See, we already use PR for my youngers and will eventually use level 3 so I can justify spending the $$. But, can't justify yet another expensive curriculum no matter HOW good it is! Thanks for the suggestion, though.
  2. That is a great price for those clear drawers at Amazon! Thanks for posting that. I get them at Walmart or Target for like $12.99...on sale! We have 3 sets of those and tried using them as workboxes this past year. It would have worked better had I been more organized. But, I also found it to be an incredible waste of space. One book in each drawer? I could fit lots of things in those drawers! I just don't have the space for workboxes. We even tried the "file folder" system for workboxes and that didn't go over well. Back to the drawing board as far as how to organize the day. Perhaps a master schedule as one PP had...hung for everyone to see.
  3. How To Teach Spelling... is a program that uses the words that a child misspells on his/her writing assignments and help them classify them by "rules" and put them in a notebook. I like it, but it is obviously not as thorough as PR. Thanks, Tina. I will look into purchasing PR3 since I will need it anyway. And no, ds10 has had no experience with PR at all so he doesn't know anything about markings. I could go over them with him this summer. So PR3 begins with a review? That will be good.
  4. :glare: Another spelling curriculum! Ugh! Thanks...:) No seriously, thanks for the suggestion!
  5. So, here is my dilemna. My rising 5th grader has average spelling. He used SWO and LLATL for the past couple years and was in ps this year where he was just given random lists of words. His spelling hasn't improved much...he just memorizes for the tests but doesn't really "use" the words in his writing, kwim? I have PR and can take him through it quickly this summer, hoping to get him up to Level 3 by Sept. OR, I could just use the "How to Teach Any Child to Spell" book I bought for him to use this year along with the ps lists he has. WWYD? Then there is my rising 7th gr. who has atrocious spelling. Is he too old to use PR...even to go through quickly? Even as a "remedial" program? Or, sould I just use How to Teach...with him, too? Advice? Tina?
  6. That is such wonderful news! Still praying for all of you. :grouphug:
  7. Jenny, the "office" is the laundry room, fitness room, catch-all room...certainly not the "office" that one should "covet". That is, unless you enjoy working around a mountain of laundry! LOL! I am grateful for the space, though!
  8. I don't know where they would have gotten that from. MFW certainly isn't babyish. As for academic rigor, we found MFW to have "just enough" without going overboard. I think the Hazell's do a very good job of combining the best of Charlotte Mason with Classical Education. True, their LA recommendations tend toward the Charlotte Mason side (PLL and ILL). But, I don't know that I would say it is less rigorous. Having only used K, 1st and ECC, I cannot comment on the History cycle programs. However, looking over the book list and sample plans, I certainly wouldn't classify it as "babyish".
  9. Mainly wanted to bump you up, b/c I am always interested in how others organize. I have a 5-shelf built-in bookshelf in our kitchen/dining room where we do most of our schoolwork. The top shelf is for my teacher manuals, shared books/curriculum and misc. supplies/books. The next shelf is for my ds10 and ds12 (for next year). Each will have their books in a colored milk-crate (purchased from Target). Next shelf is for ds9 and ds7. Each will have a different colored milk crate for their books/supplies. Next shelf is for dd4 and ds2. Again, different colored crates to hold supplies/books, etc. The bottom shelf will hold a basket or crate with our HOD program supplies/books/read-alouds, etc. That is my plan so far. Dd13 has a bedroom right off the dining room so she will keep her books/supplies there. We have a linen closet that we converted to a game/supply closet which, again, is right off the dining room. We have 2, 6-drawer units to hold math manipulatives, puzzles, paper, calculators, rulers, etc.. My "office" is right off the dining room as well (in another direction!) and has 2 more bookcases for History, Science, Art, Music, Geography, novels, Encyclopedias, reference books, etc. The computer is in there and a baker's rack with different bins for library books, coloring books, etc. It used to have my MFW K books all organized in one bin but we are finished with MFW now. HTH a little. I do hope to get more bookshelves soon b/c we are running out of room!
  10. After sending my 3 oldest back to ps this past year, my mind was set at ease re: hs vs. ps academics. My children are, by far, getting a better education academically at home. I don't mean to sound arrogant. It is just that I have now seen, first-hand, what is being taught (or not being taught) in the ps around here. All 3 of my children were advanced in ALL subjects, even writing which was the subject I feared we were not teaching well. I would rather my children be educated at home and take Comm. Clge. classes in high school if need be (say for lab sciences and such). There is, however, more to it than academics. My health was not good for the past few years and I simply could not handle teaching all 6 children while keeping after a toddler and keeping a respectable home. I HAD to put the 3 oldest in ps at least for this year. It would have been detrimental to keep them at home...for all concerned. Now, I am in a different place mentally and able to bring them back home next year, praise God! To us, homeschooling is so much more than just academics. I want my children to grow in their faith, learn practical skills not taught in a ps (keeping a home for my dd13 and dd4, for example). I also want for my dh and I to be the primary influence in their young lives and give them a firm foundation before sending them out into the world.
  11. I saw that you got a thorough reply to your question on the HOD board. My concern would be with the 5 and 6yos. Academically, they "might" be able to do Bigger but the challenge comes in the subsequent years if you stay with HOD. That would put them in Preparing at age 6 and 7 and I definitely think that Preparing is a bit much for a 6 and 7yo. I am doing it next year with a 9, 10 and 12 yo and I am concerned it will be a bit much for my 9yo ds who has not done dictation or formal grammar yet. It is quite doable, so I've heard, to do 2 or 3 guides at once. I would look at LHFHG for your 5 and 6yo or perhaps Beyond if LHFHG seems to "easy". I am doing LHFHG with an advance 5yo and a "slow" 7yo next year. It does seem a bit easy, but you can always beef it up by doing your own phonics, math or LA if they are at that stage. I plan to use WWE for the 7yo as well as Phonics Road. So, he will be fine. Take a look at Beyond and LHFHG and ask some questions on the HOD board. You can do 2 guides at once and in the long run it would be better for your youngers. JMHO
  12. Seems we use something different every year...except Math! I'm already second guessing my decision for next year...not the program just the level! I'd love to find ONE thing and just stick with it. Too much curriculum out there!
  13. Anna, that is exactly how I feel. My mania does not interfere with my life...it makes me more "normal". It is the depression that really interferes with my daily life. So, would I ask for Lamictal in addition to the Cymbalta I am on or in place of?
  14. Thank you everyone. It seems that the risks are far outweighing the benefits for me. I don't need it for migraines or seizures or anything...just for MILD Bipolar 2 symptoms. I can deal with my "mania" b/c for most people it seems normal! I just get very productive and energetic. It is the depressive phase that gets me. I think I might ask my dr. to try Lamictal. I've done some research today and for people with Bipolar 2, like me, Lamictal has had great success. I am afraid to try Topomax now and my dh agrees it seems a bit to "tenuous". Thanks!
  15. Leapfrog DVD's and Fridge Phonics have been great "teachers" here. My not-quite-2yo already knows 1 handful of letters and sounds thanks to Fridge Phonics and Leapfrog Letter Factory DVDs. It is amazing. We also read aloud a lot. Now, ds1 looks at books, points to letters and says a sound...sometimes he is right and sometimes he is wrong. But, he knows what letters ARE and that they makes sounds. My ds8 taught himself to read using Word Whammer and watching Letter and Word Factory and dd4 also learned early playing with the Fridge Phonics. It is fun for them and they don't really think it is "school". I'm not telling you NOT to do something more formal or to NOT teach him yourself, but these "tools" have been very helpful here.
  16. I'm not liking the reports of the neg. side effects. I'm just not sure I'll get the Rx filled now. I am already on Cymbalta. It does help. But, I wanted to try a mood stabilizer. I didn't realize Topomax was one b/c I'd just heard of it used for migraines. I just hate adding more meds if they aren't really, really necessary, kwim? Thanks for the reviews.
  17. I will try it, but am scared about the side-effects. I guess we will see. I am starting at a very low does (25mg) and increasing to 50mg if need be. This is for mood stabilization.
  18. Blech. I can't deal with side-effects like that. I'm already tired! ANd slurred speech? Not for me. Hmmm...any other experiences?
  19. My husband is a former teacher and has gotten several friend request from former students and has accepted them. He, however, has never looked up or sent a request to a former student. Was your dd close to this teacher? I remember being very close with a lot of teachers in high school.
  20. Side effects. Have you had any bad side effects? Some friends of mine took it for migraines and said that they felt very fuzzy-headed, couldn't remember basic things and felt like they were losing their mind! What has your experience been and how many mgs are you taking? Thanks!
  21. My psychiatrist just prescribed this as a mood stabilizer. I know that some people take it for migraines. Any experiences on this med? I've heard of some nasty side-effects. I'll be on a low dose.
  22. I agree with the pp. A lot of people sell ppd as well, which cuts into their "profit". However, if I feel something is just too high, I will either just skip that particular item or ask the seller to sell for less. People who really want to get rid of curriculum will often sell for a bit less just to get rid of it. It never hurts to ask!
  23. I found ECC to be a bit advance. The worksheets were designed for older students although there is so much more to ECC than the worksheets! I'm probably not a good one to ask b/c we only got 1/2 way through. Others really loved ECC...just didn't work for us. I'm so hoping HOD works better. Otherwise, I'm just going to give up and do my own thing until the next year when we give CtG a try!
  24. Oh goodness...I don't feel any guilt! All responses have been so wonderful and thought provoking. Just love this board! I know that God will give me clarity and peace. In His timing. I would welcome another child, love another child, just as I love the 7 I have. But I would also feel content and at peace if we were not meant to have more. I am blessed. :)
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