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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. It certainly isn't any fun, is it? I've shared my struggles on this board and while I feel I am doing much better now, I still struggle daily. Second the Vit. D and exercise and sunshine. I would also add it might be helpful to find a good counselor and talk to a psychiatrist about anti-depressants. I'm not one to push meds, b/c I hate taking them myself. But, sometimes we have to do what is best for us AND our family, kwim? Seeing a therapist made a tremendous difference for me. Having somebody "safe" to unload on every week was such a blessing. Are you making enough time for yourself? Time alone and time with friends is also a huge thing for me. I am a "people" person and I tend to get very depressed when I haven't been around my friends enough (once a week usually does the trick).
  2. My dh has worked in public education since graduating from college. He taught high school and now he works in school reform. Needless to say...his heart is really not in it. School reform is such a stressful field to be in and he travels a bunch. It's hard on all of us. Anyway, I wondered if anyone knew of any jobs or career paths related to homeschooling, curriculum development, etc. that he could look into. He needs a change. He is very good at what he does, but if he could only apply it to a field where his heart is, kwim? Thanks.
  3. Oh my. That IS bizarre. Are you sure she didn't smell the smoke, too? Wow.
  4. I did what Donna did for my manual and it really helped me. Also, sorting the student pages in file folders marked with each letter was a big help. What I did, was gather materials for each unit ahead of time and put each in the file with the pages. For example, if I already owned the book suggested for each unit, I put that in the file and if I had any supplemental pages or activities, etc. I went a bit overboard, but keep it simple. It is, after all, just K! Also, if you need a library book (esp. if it is an ILL..interlibrary loan), put a post-it note in the folder for 2 units ahead of it to remind yourself to order that book or check it out. Helped keep me on top of things. Don't feel obligated to do each activity or even follow the 6 day schedule. We only did 5 days b/c my dd completed the workbook pages a few at a time (she LOVED them). That worked for us b/c she was advance. So, we did the pages over a 3 day period, spent the next 2 days doing the science, art stuff along with the supplemental reading, the badge, etc. Check out the MFW board for some great ideas for activities but don't get overwhelmed! Good luck to you...it can be difficult to school with health issues. I know. But, take care of yourself and be easy on yourself. K is really not "necessary" IMHO...they have plenty of time to learn all they need to learn. Let MFW K be fun...not stressful!
  5. Rhonda, I cannot remember how old your dd is, but I will tell you this: MFW K is so much more than just phonics! We did MFW K with my dd4 this past year, who was also sounding out CVC words (and then reading them quite fluently!). She loved MFW K! There are science activities, art activities, worksheets to cut/paste, handwriting practice, math explorations, etc. You can continue with OPG at her level if you wish and she would still get a ton out of MFW K. MFW 1st really ramps it up very quickly. Very short and quick review of K stuff and then moves into silent 'e' and blends. It moves fast and has a TON more writing. My dd4 would not have been able to do that this year. Probably not even next year, come to think of it. Her writing is good, but not quite there yet. You will be fine with MFW K. Praying that you get your health issues remedied quickly. Have you tried Topamax for migraines?
  6. Praying right now.:grouphug: Please update us when you can.
  7. How do you break up your year? I want to move in this direction now that all my kids will be back home. It makes better sense to school this way. But, I want some ideas as to how to break up my year. Thanks!
  8. I tried to resist reading this thread...I really did. Now, I am re-thinking our math plans for next year! Thanks guys. :glare: Okay, just kidding...I'm really intrigued by Math Mammoth now. I like what I see and like that I don't have to buy multiple books to really do the program like it is intended. With Singapore, I always feel like I am missing something only using the text and workbooks. I guess I am! Best part...I can print what I need for a few weeks at a time...OR have it all comb-bound into a workbook for dc! Hmmm...I wish HOD used MM, too! Oh well...
  9. :grouphug: Oh Kari. I am so sorry. I wish that somehow words could bring you peace and comfort. I will be praying diligently for you and your family. My heart is hurting with yours. :grouphug:
  10. I was going to guess hornet. We had a HUGE nest of hornets on our telephone pole of all places last year. My ds was playing basketball on the driveway and almost knocked it over! So, dh got some spray, saturated the nest as per instructions and poof! Gone. Hate to use chemicals, but those hornets are aggressive and nasty creatures. They sting repeatedly and are not afraid of you! Hope you find the nest.
  11. This is what I would like to start with my dc. I've been noticing some bad attitudes re: thankfulness recently and I think it might do them some good. I was thinking about having my oldest 2 dc start with 3 things they were thankful for each day, having ds10 and ds9 do 2 things and ds6 and dd4 do 1 thing (they would tell me, i would write it and they would copy it). This would be more for the attitude correction than a writing assignment, kwim? I won't correct the spelling or grammar, except to make a mental note to myself about it to work on later in the school week.
  12. No time to write my "review" of my relationship but wanted to suggest a great book...Always Daddy's Girl. It is a book that tells you how your relationship with your father helped to shape who you are today...for better and worse. Good read...but might dig up some "issues" so be prepared to discuss with a good friend, counselor, pastor, etc. if it gets "hairy". :)
  13. I don't know about the response time. I have called the office and gotten a better response. Also, Crystal (cbollin) on this board, is a wealth of info. on MFW having used it for many, many years. She might be able to give you a good answer to any questions you have. PM her...she is very helpful. If you post on the MFW board, you will also get good advice. Crystal is "mfwrocks" on that board. :)
  14. There are really cheap on Currclick and there are hundreds of forms included. I'm just wondering if anyone found them helpful or not? Has anyone used them? Only $1.58 or something insane like that at Currclick so I figure if I only used one form it might be worth it?
  15. Phonics is included in MFW 1st as part of the curriculum. A major part, if you ask me. It very quickly reviews what was taught in MFW K and then moves very quickly into silent 'e' and more advanced phonics. If your dd is already reading, it would be review most likely. With BLHFHG, phonics is NOT included. You choose your own program...if you need it. There are spelling lists that are included (going from memory) which would also probably be review if she is reading well. But, you could just skip them. The 2 programs are so very different. The Bible portion in 1st takes them through the Bible from Genesis to Revelations. BLHFHG the History is American History. I am/was doing MFW 1st this year. We sort of got off track but I'm trying to pick it back up minus the phonics since we do Phonics Road. I like MFW 1st a lot. I have not done Beyond yet. But, I love the samples and can't wait to get to it!
  16. You say your dd11 is a pretty decent speller? SWO might be more like "busywork" if your dd is already a pretty solid speller, IMO. I used SWO for my dd, who was a pretty natural speller. She did the work with no problem (she didn't mind workbooks) but I noticed that she really didn't learn anything new. You could go with AAS 5 if she already likes to listen in on what you are doing with your younger dd. However, you might want to look at How to Teach Any Child to Spell by Gayle Graham. She basically teaches you how to use your child's everyday writing assignments/journals/narrations, etc. as their "spelling list" and then sort each misspelled word into lists based on rules. I'm not explaining it well. But, there is a book that goes along with it called Tricks of the Trade that has all the spelling rules and then places underneath to fill in the words your child misspells. Does that make sense? I'm using it for my ds12.
  17. I've heard that Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas is very good. I personally enjoyed Safe Haven Marriage....it is a book to be read together if your dh would do that. My dh is enjoying it. Also 2nd Boundaries in Marriage. :grouphug: to you b/c this stage is so difficult. Young kids, homeschooling, not a lot of quality time together, dh's feel very jealous, etc.
  18. I actually asked this question on the HOD board re: my 5th grader. Not sure the age of your dc. The response was that the writing in Preparing coupled with the writing instruction in R&S would be sufficient. I tend to agree. I am adding writing for my 7th grader, though. HOD recommends Igniting Your Writing, but I'm not certain on that one.
  19. Holy Cow! Is that why I have been so super-irritable recently? OMGosh...there IS a storm coming. I will have to track this more closely. I was getting depressed thinking my meds weren't working anymore or something. This is interesting... Thanks!
  20. That about sums it up. My mother wasn't abusive and I know she loved me and wanted me (and my brother). She did everything for us, came to every game, every performance, paid for my college, is a great MomMom to my kids, put up with my father, made sure we were clothed and fed, etc. I love her dearly. But I grieve the mother I needed, wanted and didn't have...the warm, affectionate, compassionate woman whom I could say anything to, talk to about anything, get a reassuring hug from when I felt down or scared or vulnerable or whatever. I needed that and still do sometimes. I forgive her for her shortcomings in that area and praise her for all the rest she did well. But "grief" is a tough thing...
  21. :grouphug: Sorry it was so bad. Does it help that you aren't alone? My expectations of Mothers Day are very, very low. It's "just another day" I tell myself. But, when I hear my friends brag about all the wonderful things their dh and kids did for them...I do get a bit sad and jealous. It's only natural. My oldest made me a neat scrapbook "album" (3 pages anyway), my ds10 made me a pin in school and a nice card...the others said Happy Mothers Day when prompted by dh. Mine was crappy b/c we visited MY mother and even though I am a mother now...it's still all about her. Ah well... And dh got me a card and a chocolate bar (on the way to church today...). I shouldn't complain. It was, after all, just another day. And tomorrow is still Monday. :lol: I hope everyone else had a fabulous day, though!
  22. Thanks all! I appreciate the analysis of the programs. I'm not sure what to do right now. I think I'll just keep with SM until next year and re-evaluate.
  23. Does anyone have experience with both programs that could give me a comparitive review of both? I have used Singpore with ds8 for 2 years now. It just doesn't seem to have enough review built-in. But we keep plugging away and I supplement with worksheets from the internet on concepts he doesn't get right away. Then I saw CLE and I thought, "wow, this looks great!". Now I am thinking of CLE for all my kids next year (except dd13 and ds12). Any reviews? Thanks!
  24. If done correctly (meaning no help from parents, etc.) then I think it is fairly accurate. My ds12 just took the middle grade Placement Test and placed into 8/7 which is where I figured he would be. When my dd13 took it when we first started hsing, it was also accurate.
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