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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. I don't understand why DCFS will not do anything? Drugs, smoking, dirty kids, playing in the street, car, etc.? That just screams neglect at the very least. Around here, those kids would be in foster care in a heartbeat and adopted out by the next week (exagerration, but close to the truth). Keep calling. Keep mentioning the drugs. Call the police when you smell marijuana. If you see them in the road again and don't see grandma or "dad" around...pick up the little girls yourself, call the police and tell them you found 2 babies playing in the street and don't know where they live and you couldn't find adults out anywhere. Maybe THAT would help it sink in to the fools at DCFS. Crazy. Good people have kids taken away for homeschooling...and DCFS can't see past their noses in order to save 2 babies from abuse? Makes me want to vomit.
  2. I am sensing a trend here. :lol: My dh asked me tonight if I wanted a Mac or a PC and I said Mac, w/out a doubt if I could afford one. I started on a Mac many, many moons ago (on an Apple 2e) and used Macs in high school and college. Then we got a PC. Have had issues ever since. Viruses drive me crazy. CRAZY! So...tell me what KIND of Mac to get. Macbook? Desktop? Huh, huh? Tell me, tell me! :D Thanks for the suggestions and advice!
  3. I've been dealing with a slow, ancient, no-sound, piece o junk computer for too long now. I must have a new one before I go completely insane. Any recommendations? Do I want a MAC or should I stick with a PC? There might be a little issue of cost :glare: but I am looking at all options! Thanks!
  4. I looked at BTB and had some reservations about it. It looks thorough enough, but some of the phrases used in there bothered me. It's silly, I know. I might still consider it, but I'm just not sure. I am going to make lots of flashcards as well. I'm thinking about putting the names of objects on index cards and taping them to the object they name. Thank you! Any other ideas?
  5. Background: Dd13 is entering 9th gr. She took Spanish 1 at our local ps this year. She tolerated the class but did very well and wants to continue next year. What are my options? We have Auralog's TMM Spanish but I want a book-based program to supplement. I've heard BJU Spanish is dry. What else is there? SYRWTL? Is that high school level? I don't need something "fun"...just something that won't bore her to tears. Thanks.
  6. Heather, I would suggest finding a good counselor to talk to and work through these issues with. Not to say that finding a friend is not a good idea, it is. However, counselors are trained to help you deal with "issues". I've dealt with many in the past few years. You are welcome to PM me if you feel you can talk. I am a good listener. :grouphug: and prayers that you find somebody in whom you can confide.
  7. We are using Spanish. The version I have did not come with an intro. CDRom. This will be fine for my dd13 who has had a year of Spanish. For my ds12, who hasn't had any exposure, it will be difficult. I did email Auralog to see if I could upgrade. Thanks.
  8. I purchased the Homeschool version from the Buyer's Coop a year ago or more. We never used it but I pulled it out to preview for dd13 next year. I went online to the website and noticed that there is a 10 level program out for like $400! I think I only paid around $50? My program has only 4 levels! AND, it says it is for Complete Beginner but when I "tested" it...I found that it assumes you know certain vocab! My ds12 couldn't use this having never been exposed to the language! Ugh. I am so frustrated right now. Seems my program is now useless and the "newer" more complete version on sale now at the site is too much money for me. :glare:
  9. I am looking for a textbook program to go alone with Auralog's Tell Me More Spanish for my dd13 next year. She's had a year of Spanish in ps this year. Has anyone used Bob Jones text? I'm looking at several but just can't figure out what to use. I like the Christian flavor of this text. Anyone? Thanks.
  10. It is such a personal decision, isn't it? A friend of mine, who loves me dearly in her own way :tongue_smilie:, once told me (when I was pregnant with #6) that God gives us wisdom. That was in response to my "children are a gift from God" and "God can open and close the womb when He desires as He did with Sarah, Elizabeth and so many others". Well, after having #6 (our 2nd girl after 4 boys in a row and a child conceived just weeks before dh was supposed to have the big V), we decided to stay open to God's will for us. Then we had #7 (another boy) who is the joy of our life. And then I suffered major PPD and a breakdown. Fast forward 2 yrs. to today. Dh had been very, very adament about not wanting more children...he was overwhelmed as was I. After a very serious discussion about faith and trusting God and much prayer, dh came to me and said that he felt God was telling him to trust Him in this area of his life just as he trust Him in all other areas. Wow! So, now we are not using bc (not any). It feels right for us. It feels "freeing" to simply trust God. I know He wants what is best for our family. If He chooses to bless us with another child, we will be thrilled. If He does not...that's okay, too. It's not in my control anymore and I really, really like that! Good luck to you...this really is such a personal choice and nobody should tell you that you are a bad Christian for using bc or for not using bc. We've been called irresponsible, greedy, insane, etc. and it does hurt (mostly from our immediate family mind you). I hope you don't ever have to hear such hurtful comments..whatever you choose.
  11. :lol: Rebecca! Yes, I do believe it is and I think I'll stick with that instead of the 30DS.
  12. Geez Chris. I so wish I were there to give you a hug! :grouphug: I am so sorry you are going through this. And I wish I had some words of wisdom but I haven't btdt yet! I will keep praying for you and your family. God is in control...and even though those words probably sound hollow right now...it is true. Your ds is HIS child and you can trust HIM with your ds. Please try to remember that.
  13. Can you tell me what you didn't like about Breaking the Barrier? Sorry to hi-jack. You can PM me if you like. :D
  14. Yikes. First, I will be praying that everthing works out. If you have any credit cards bills...those are the first to ditch. Don't pay those. Can you skip a payment with your mortgage? Some companies allow you to do that. Try programs like Angel Food if you have a center near you. Cancel all subscriptions that you pay on a monthly basis, cancel cable, phone (if you can get by with just cell service), any "extras" that you can do without. Such a tough situation. My prayer is that the strike doesn't happen.
  15. We have ants around here constantly. I have an ant crawling on me at least once each day. They are HORRIBLE. We use Terro baits b/c they are the only ones that work. And even those only work for a while. Hate ants.
  16. Thanks! I will check out Planbook as well. Any more reviews?
  17. My dd adores Terry Blackstock books...but that is Christian fiction. I've been reading a lot of books (Non fiction and fiction) about the Amish culture. Just love them! Can't think of the specific authors, but you could check out CBD for some.
  18. I was just about to suggest some library books when I saw that you didn't want to go that route. Okay, well...there are some really good Usborne titles that we used to go along with some of the units: Usborne Beginners series: Bugs Your Body (for the U, U, Us unit) Sun, Moon and Stars Farm Animals (Horse, Cow, Goat, etc.) Tadpoles and Frogs Under the Sea (Octopus) Antarctica (Penguins) There are many, many more of this series. Also very good from Usborne and just precious books: On The Moon Animal Homes In the Nest In the Pond The Butterfly If you are looking for more of an encyclopedia type book I highly recommend the My First Encyclopedia series from Usborne: My First Encylcopedia of... Science Human Body Space Our World Animals Seas and Oceans Those cover most if not all the topics in MFW K. I LOVE the Beginner Series books but if you need to save money, go for the First Encyclopedias. There are also the paperback "Read and Find Out" series of books (not Usborne) that we also used and cover many topics. HTH...we love MFW K!
  19. I've been looking at Breaking the Barrier. It looks really, really good. Grammar focus...which I like. And, it is relatively inexpensive compared to programs like RS. Check it out at http://www.tobreak.com.
  20. I'm not terribly concerned about it for ds12 (7th gr). I want Breaking the Barrier for my 9th grader mostly. She completed Span. 1 in ps this past year and I want her to continue. I have SYRWTL Spanish which we will use, but I wanted something with more of a grammar focus than SYRWTL. I thought about using the text she used this past year only in Level 2, but I really don't like it! It is not "meaty" enough. For example...Level 1 of BTB goes through present, preterite, past, imperfect, command tenses and I think dd only did present tense this year. :001_huh: She should place into Level 2 of BTB but I think she would need to start mid-Level I based on what I see in the contents! Ugh. Thanks for the reviews! Any more? Oh...I can use SYRWTL with my 7th and 5th graders if BTB is too meaty.
  21. I followed a link that somebody posted in another thread about this program. It looks AMAZING! Does anyone have any experience with it? Could I use it with a 7th grader? It says it is equivalent to a year of high school level Spanish. Thanks.
  22. I have Basic and only use it for attendance, reading log. The rest is too complicated and time-consuming for me. Somebody said that the Plus version is much more user-friendly. Is this true? I will have a 9th, 7th, 5th, 4th, 2nd, Ker next year and will be using HOD's Preparing, LHFHG and the 9th grader is using MFW AHL which comes with a grid she can check off and assignments already scheduled. I'm wondering for Preparing and my 7th grader who can be more independent and complete assignments on his own. Would HST+ be worth it? Thanks.
  23. First...congrats! What a blessing...even if it hasn't full registered yet...btdt. ;) Going from 2-3 was so hard for me but that was b/c of a variety of issues that you might not necessarily face. My ds#3 was an extremely difficult child...clingy, cranky and then came the toddler years. :glare: Add to that an extremely PPDd Mom and very challenging life-circumstances and it was a recipe for disaster. Not a fun time. However, going from 3-4 and 4-5, 5-6 and 6-7 was a piece of cake. I think you will be just fine. New babies are so much fun.
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