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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Yippee! I got some construction paper and markers yesterday and came home to find a coupon in my email box for $5 off ANY purchase (no amount specified!) from the Rewards program! :D Going back tomorrow for more!
  2. Not sure I would call these manipulatives, but my 2yo and 4yo love the Lauri toys (pegs, shape puzzles, etc.) and will play with them for hours. Unifix cubes are also a favorite b/c they snap together very easily. The boys love to make light sabers with them. :glare: And, as prev. mentioned, pattern blocks, cuisenaire rods, counting bears (or other animals, objects).
  3. Having all of my kids home again. Starting HOD Preparing and LHFHG. I think HOD will be the breath of fresh air our homeschool needs. This year I am committed to being more relaxed and enjoying my kids and the journey instead of focusing so much on the goal or end result. Life is too short. Nature study will happen...even if only on Fridays. Taking more field trips. Starting Latin Road. Also looking forward to my dd13 being in 9th gr. and beginning the high school journey with MFW AHL. Lots of changes. All good.
  4. Yup, I did what jannylynn did and printed the yearly calendar from Donna Young and colored in the squares with colored pencils for when we would do school and when we would break. I'm happy with our yearly schedule. My dd13 starts on Aug. 9 and the others start Aug. 16. We go for about 6 weeks and then break for 1 week. Then we go for 7 weeks and break for 1 week. Then the mini-session of 3 weeks w/ a 2 week break for Xmas/New Years. Then, we go 6 weeks on, 1 week of again. Then 8 wks on/1 wk off and then another 6 to finish off our year on June 3. That is 36 weeks or 180 days, leaving plenty of time for make-up days in June if need be. I'm hoping it works out as I have planned!
  5. I do, sometimes. When I am at my worst (emotionally) and cannot seem to get anything done...then I feel guilty. Which, of course, doesn't make the emotional problems any better. :glare: Dh does not enjoy his job anymore and so I do feel very anxious for him. When I am at my best and getting things done, then I do not feel guilty one bit. I'm constantly on the go. Hardly a time to rest. AND, I have 7 children with me 24/7. It is a trade-off and one that we discussed before we even had kids. Now that money is so tight and I'm not working I do often feel guilty b/c I am not contributing financially much. But, it is what it is.
  6. :grouphug: Tina. MIL situations are the worst, sometimes, aren't they? I wish I could tell you it's okay to tell her off. :D But, I can't. Ship it back to her with a nice note of thanks, telling her you appreciate her letting you "borrow it". You know the scripture saying that by being nice to your enemies you heap hot coals on their head? You are also perfectly w/in your rights to now put up some boundaries. It's obvious that this woman causes you stress. So, let your husband handle his mother from now on. That's what I have had to do.
  7. Good for you, Mom! It's hard to let go, isn't it? FWIW, my 10yo runs with my dh on Saturdays and we let him run alone during the week when he wants to. Safe neighborhood and he knows his way around.
  8. I mean, "The Rainbow" for ages 12-14. I was wondering about the "Colors" for elementary school as well b/c I like the look of the samples.
  9. Ooohhh...good ideas! I like the idea of the science notebook.
  10. My ds2 loves his Lauri toys. Playdoh, rice and measuring cups/cars, etc., Trio blocks (my ds2 loves these!), Builders and Benders from Discovery toys, ed. DVDs. I can't think of anything more right now...brain dead. I'm sure others will chime in! I have a crate for my ds2 just like all his siblings but I'm wondering if I should use drawers instead. Hmmm....
  11. I thought about doing 2 years in one and I just might. He is going to be doing science in Preparing Hearts as well so maybe this will be fine.
  12. Just got my Rainbow Science books (thanks, Tamy!) and I really like what I see. My ds12 will really enjoy the color photos, experiments and short readings. I, however, wonder if it is enough for him. The lessons are short...just reading on day 1 and 2 and then the experiment on day 3. That's it? I'm thinking of having him do some notebook pages for each reading day and make vocab cards for all the bolded words. What do you do with Rainbow Science, if anything, to make it a bit, um, fuller? Thanks.
  13. My ds12 wants to get involved in BMX. There is a track about 45min. from us where he can practice. We found a bike at Walmart.com for $99 that the ABA recommends for beginners. Seems Walmart is working with the ABA to mass produce a good quality, inexpensive BMX bike. Nice. I worry about safety, but this kid wants to play football, too. :001_huh: Heck, any sport can be dangerous these days. Our assoc. pastor at church was really into BMX as a kid and said he broke his fair share of bones. :glare: I know I'm not much help right now b/c we are just getting started.
  14. My grandmother is 97 and is still in her right mind and very active. She fell and broke her hip 2 weeks ago, had surgery to insert a rod and is now in a rehab home doing extremely well. I hope if I live to that age that I will be as alert, competent, agile, active, etc. as my grandmother. I visited her today and was just marveling at how wonderful she looks 2 weeks after breaking her hip. Amazing.
  15. Great ideas already so I just wanted to say have fun! What I wouldn't give to have a whole week just me and my 2yo! Not that I don't love all my other kids, but he does seem to get lost in the shuffle sometimes and we certainly don't get a ton of one on one time. Enjoy!
  16. Praying for you. Have been there. :grouphug: We did ECC 2 years ago and I did not like it...nor did my kids. That was just our experience. Others have loved it. The guide, while easier to navigate the the K or 1st guide, just isn't my cup of tea. Not knocking MFW...we did LOVE K...and ECC is a solid program. Preparing is not just geography, so that might come into play. We are doing Preparing this coming year and I am excited. I LOVE the boxes. I love the books, the activities, the science, Bible, etc. I will say this (and this is JMHO...HOD seems to speak to the heart of the child more than the intellect as far as Bible is concerned...and I really like that). Again, JMHO. Never did GTG so cannot compare there. I know you have read post after post (as I did) so I will keep praying for you. As for expense...Preparing can be expensive but you can find it used and might be able to find some on paperbackswap. And here is another thing to consider...age. I do believe that Preparing is more suited for a 3rd grader than ECC. When we did ECC, I had a 3rd grader and the Trip Around the World, missionary biographies, and most of the other texts bored him to tears. HTH and doesn't make your decision harder. :D
  17. We are trying to use more natural products in our home and on our bodies. I know it can be rather expensive to buy all natural body care products so I am looking for some ideas. I've heard of using coconut oil as a moisturizer, plain, organic yogurt as a facial, honey, olive oil, etc. And, I know plenty people use vinegar mixed w/ water to clean. Problem is...I can't stand the smell of vinegar. How do you get around that? I thought of squeezing some lemon juice in with the water/vinegar but wouldn't that leave a sticky residue after cleaning? Where do I buy essential oils? I'm really just looking for any info you have...recipes, formulas, etc. Thanks!
  18. I've been in that desert place for a long time now. Feeling EXACTLY like you do. Why would God care/listen/hear ME? I love Hillsong's "Desert Song". Listen to it frequently. :grouphug:
  19. Well over 100K miles. Van isn't worth much...even working. Doubt we'd even get a good deal for a trade. Not worth it. Some co. will pay us $250 for the van and free towing just to get rid of it. Better than spending over $1000K + towing only to have more probs later. Searching for a good, used van now. Well, later. I'm too overwhelmed right now. Thanks all!
  20. I *think* we paid about $15K for the van in 2001. We are looking at at least that much to replace...taking on another $300 payment each month. Dh has great credit so we could probably get a good rate. I am even thinking of (gasp) buying new b/c of the incentives. Looking at the Chevy Express. Not sure though. I just feel sick repairing a van that I hate already and one that smells and leaks and doesn't have a/c. A car is one thing, but a van with no a/c (can't open back windows) gets stifling in summer.
  21. We we have this 15 pass. Dodge Ram Van. Had it for about 5 years now. It's a 2001. Broke down last night on way to church and it is likely the transmission which is a costly fix (about $1000). We JUST paid off this vehicle about 6 mos. ago which gave us about $300 breathing room in our monthly budget. I am sick to my stomach thinking about paying that much $ to repair this hunk of junk. A few specs: The van does not have a/c so it get's beyond HOT in the back where the kids sit. The van leaks when it rains. We've had it in for repairs 3x for this and it has yet to be repaired correctly. So, our carpet gets wet in the front and the van constantly smells of mildew. Yuck. PLUS, we just paid about $500 to get something else repaired in the van not 2 mos. ago. I'm sick, I tell you. SICK! I hate the thought of taking on another $300+ payment but am equally sick about paying $1000+ to repair this van that I despise anyway! I'm leaning toward replacing...dh is leaning toward repairing. :glare: Advice? BTW...we would have to put the repair costs on credit (which we hate doing) and then use tax refund to pay it off in Feb. THAT means no vacation...AGAIN! UGh.
  22. Some are supportive and some are not. I have a friend who is a teacher and was homeschooled herself. My dh was a public school educator and is 100% in board with homeschooling. Others feel threatened I suppose. Why? Not sure. Not like it's b/c of them that we decided to hs, right? Doesn't bother me any, anyway.
  23. Kari, :grouphug: Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you. You keep posting about your dear son and your grief if that helps you. That is what we are here for. This board is more than academic advice...it's a community. We love you, Kari...and we are here for you.
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