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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Does anyone know how to set up a wireless router with Vonage phone service? I am clueless.
  2. I am so very sorry for your loss. That is so hard. I will pray for you but I also just want to tell you NOT to feel guilty for this! The sac was EMPTY. No heartbeat. You did not do anything wrong here. Please give yourself some grace during this difficult time, okay? I am very pro-life as well and would not have hesitated to take the methotruxate or whatever was necessary to spare my tube AND possibly my life. Hang in there. :grouphug:
  3. Don't have kids. Oh, too late. :lol: Seriously, I used to use all those scented air products (plug-ins, candles, etc.). I got headaches from ALL of them except a few of my lighter-scented candles from Home Interiors. Now, we just open windows or use Febreeze when necessary. AND, of course, bake some cookies or brownies or apple pie or bread, etc! Yummy AND smells good for hours.
  4. Our youngest is 2. Oldest is 13. I thought about only taking infants younger than 2 b/c of that very reason you all pointed out.
  5. We have been contemplating becoming foster parents for some time now. A long time actually. If you are or have ever been a foster parent, could you please share your stories? Any advice? We will be doing this through the Bair Foundation, a Christian Foster Care organization here in PA. Thanks.
  6. It can be difficult to retain much of any language using any curriculum unless you USE it daily, kwim? We are using SYRWTL level 2 as dd had Span. 1 in ps last year. I have her make index flash cards for each of the vocab words and we drill those daily. We also use TMM Spanish on the computer to supplement. The biggest thing is using the language in everyday conversation which can be difficult if you do not know the language. I engage in a conversation with dd every day and use the vocab she has learned to cement it. We also attend a church that has a Span. speaking church that meets there so have access to many native speakers.
  7. What does it mean when you find your 2yo playing in the mud...completely naked? :001_huh:
  8. I'd take a quick shower and get dressed and then put on a fresh pot of coffee. Then, I would have the kids do a quick living room rescue. Finally, I would just smile b/c I would have an actual adult friend coming to visit. That is precious and so very rare.
  9. I wondered about food allergy, but she said she hadn't eaten anything unusual or out of the ordinary. I also thought heat rash. She gets the same type of rash on her stomach once in a while...just one small patch under her navel and on her cheek (just one and always the same one). I wonder if it could be eczema? I'll ask her ped. next time we go. Thanks everyone.
  10. My dd13 gets mild skin rashes every so often...has since she was an infant. Tonight, she came to me and showed me this pimply, red rash on the back of her neck that spreads around almost to the front of her neck. She says that it really itches. We thought perhaps it was her necklace so we told her to take it off. She just started wearing it a few weeks ago. Anything else this could be?
  11. Lisa, please check in or PM me. Still praying and very worried about you.
  12. Lisa, I am continuing to pray for you this evening. I wish there was more I could do. :grouphug:
  13. Thanks. She was precious in every way. I hope I have her genes!
  14. She was 97 and lived a full and happy, alert and feisty life up until the very end. We are rejoicing over her eternal life with Jesus but so very sad over her loss and the hole it leaves in all of our lives. Nan is survived by her 2 children, 4 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Needless to say, school hasn't been a priority the past few days.
  15. Just had to laugh at this one b/c it is totally something my ds12 would think up.:lol:
  16. I am only supplementing for my 7th grader b/c I feel like he does need more at this age. We are using The Rainbow for science for him. I am not supplementing for my 4th and 5th graders. It seems sufficient. However, I do have CKE Earth and Space on hand and my neighbor has Zoo 1 if we feel the need for more. I should also say that we plan to implement a nature study on Fridays since Preparing is a 4 day program.
  17. Ya know, Jana...you are 100% correct! He's just being a twit b/c he doesn't want to be homeschooled.
  18. Brief history...he has used a variety of programs since beginning hs journey in 2nd grade (K12 for 2 years, then tried Saxon, moved to MUS then back to ps for 6th grade where they used Everyday Math :glare:). He liked MUS, except watching the DVDs was "too boring". So, when we decided to bring him home this year, we tested him with Saxon and he tested into 8/7. He said he could handle Saxon now. Fast forward to today. H ecomplains every.single.day. I only make him do evens or odds so it isn't too many problems. It isn't too hard b/c he KNOWS most of the problems (most is review right now). WWYD? Try the DIVE CD? Switch programs and if so to what? I'm tapped out of $ in my budget for homeschool stuff! Teaching textbooks is out of the question (too much $). I could probably swing MUS. Life of Fred? Another? Please advise. Thanks.
  19. MOH is best suited for children much older than K. I did it one year with a 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th grader. The 1st and 2nd graders didn't get much out of it at all and hated it. 4th and 6th graders loved it. I'd shelve it for a few years.
  20. They all have nicknames of some sort...or at least they did. The ds2 has quite a few...booger, little dude, sweet pea, baby boy. Dd4 had a bunch...Boonie, Boonie-girl, and now dd13 calls her Shoopy. Don't ask. I don't know. Ds7 is Bean or "The bean". Ds9 is "bug" or Barkie von-Schnauzer (again, don't ask). Ds10 never really had a nickname, ds12 is Joe-Joe, and dd13 is Shanny or ShannyBananny.
  21. Yup. Ds12 is the constant entertainer. Always making a joke...and most are really good! He always makes us laugh. At least he used to be like that...now he's more grumpy than anything else. :glare:
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