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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Awwww...congrats Tara! I remember well when Warrior was born. Such an exciting time. Lots of baby boys born around that time. Enjoy your newest blessing.
  2. Our neighbors made rolled beeswax candles last year and they were so cute that we decided to do them this year. You can buy 8x11 sheets of colored beeswax (or about that size) at candlewic.com or we are buying a kit from magiccabin.com. You can also make cookie-cutter candle by cutting out shapes in the beeswax and pressing a few layers together with a wic in the middle. I got that idea on familyfun.com That site has a lot of neat ideas.
  3. My ds12 hates Saxon 8/7. :glare: He does well with it as far as getting the answers correct and understanding the material. He just hates it. I thought more interaction with me was the answer but even when I sit with him and demonstrate the material he rolls his eyes and moans. So, I am considering a switch to either Teaching Textbooks or back to MUS. Can anyone give me any feedback on TT? It looks great...except the cost. Of course, MUS isn't cheap, either. Also looking into TT for ds9 who is getting tired of Singapore. Well..he's another issue entirely anyway...but any feedback on TT would be appreciated. Tnx.
  4. :grouphug: Sounds like you are talking about my 12yo son. He is extremely disrespectful to me and I have contemplated the same as you. But that is what he wants! So...we battle. Removal of privileges is my weapon of choice. Can't say it really works b/c he doesn't act any better but at least he knows who is boss, kwim? Have dh talk to ds...that helps around here. Something about the man-to-man thing. Sorry you are going through this, too.
  5. Ds is outside a lot even in winter months. I'm setting up an appt. with a new dev. ped. and she will be testing him for pretty much everything....even Vit. D. If I could get him to swallow a pill I would give him my Vit. D. Thanks!
  6. I had what you might call an "aha" moment tonight while thinking about my ds9 and all of his issues and challenges. He's been seen by a therapist specializing in ADHD kids and "officially" diagnosed with ADHD although we see more of the deficit than the hyperactivity with ds9. Anyway, I started thinking back to the beginning of this school year and how he would get at least half his work done each day without much trouble. Yes, he would take a lot longer than normal, but he did it. Fast forward to about Thanksgiving. He absolutely REFUSES to do ANYTHING...except perhaps dictation. He simply cannot focus enough to do his math, his behavior has gotten quite out of control, he is violent, irritable, has trouble sleeping at night, etc. It then hit me that he has been like this for years now. Fine the first 3 months of school and then BAM...impossible! I know that I get SAD during the winter months and wondered if ds9 might have this as well? Any thoughts? If so...any recommendations on a light therapy light? I think we could benefit from that. Thanks!
  7. I only want one thing for Christmas. And it's not a thing at all. And I won't get it. So, other than that, I really don't want anything at.all.
  8. :grouphug: to you first and foremost b/c I, too, have been where you are. Let me just offer a few things. FIRST..none of this surprises God! Your questioning, your hurt, your frustration, your anger, feelings of betrayal, etc. NONE of that surprises Him and certainly NONE of it causes Him to love you any less! That is the good news! I've shaken my fists at God, screamed at Him, ignored Him, questioned Him, etc. All of it. BTDT. I've wrestled with Him until my hip hurt. All of this, my friend, PROVES that you DO recognize that HE EXISTS! Your challenge is not in believing IN Him; it is believing Him. Does that make sense? I don't know the answer to your original question. I've asked it before. I will simply urge you to keep wrestling with Him and with this hurt. He can handle it. It is ultimately bringing you closer to Him. Believe it or not. I will be praying for you. PM me if you need to...I'm not one to get super-religious and preachy. But if you need an empathetic ear, I am good for that. I've btdt and still struggle sometimes. :grouphug:
  9. My son had an Aiptek that was a video camera, still camera and MP3 player. It was like one of the those mini-camcorders but took stills and played music. Can't remember the specifics.
  10. Easy would probably be best for him. We like the simple 1 cup milk, 1 cup pineapple juice and 1 banana w/ a scoop of the protein powder. Very tasty and doesn't need any sweetener. Can you stock his freezer with frozen berries? Adding berries to this is also very tasty. For more protein, add an egg (contrary to popular belief, raw eggs do not cause salmonella poisoning...just wash the egg first before cracking). OR, if you can't fathom that...buy him some ground flax seed. Praying for your dear grandfather.
  11. Jane, :grouphug:! I just got on and saw your post. Call me! You need a break and some time to think about how things can be different. My 2yo had been cranky and clingy today and I'm exhuasted...I cannot imagine day in and day out of that. TOOOO crazy. Is there any way you could get away for a week? Can dh take some vacay time? Ask for cash for xmas and fly down here girl! We can have some much needed girl time and "think tank" sessions!
  12. I am looking into starting this diet with my ds9 in an attempt to put a stop or at least curb some of his behaviors. He will start seeing a therapist next week and possibly a psychiatrist when we can get an appt. but before I jump to putting him on meds, I would like to try a diet change. Has anyone here used this diet with any success? What were your experiences (i.e. what should I expect?)? Was it difficult to follow? Did your dc fight you about this? My ds hardly eats anything as it is. Many of his favorite foods or tolerated foods are on the No-No list for the diet in Phase One. I just don't know how we are going to do this! But, I am at my wits end and NEED to try something! Thanks.
  13. Bank not open 24 hrs. I have to call in the am. Account was already charged. Will go through tomorrow I'm assuming. I really am stupid. Always looking for a deal and always getting burned. My dh is really going to kill me. Really. Should I just tell bank my card was lost/stolen? :confused:
  14. I see that it is happening to others. I'm sick right now. Just sick. Seemed like a legit site. It all happened so quickly. I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't resolve this.
  15. I emailed the company and explained the situation. Refund policy is clearly stated and so I "think" that I shouldn't have a problem. Business hours are 8am-9pm MST M-F so I can call them tomorrow as well. I'm just terrified. The site is legit. Auctions are happening, people bidding, etc. I also saw that you were only able to purchase bids AFTER you registered and signed in...I never signed in. I had only just registered. Hadn't even confirmed my email yet. So...I'm hopeful but just feeling stupid.
  16. It was my bank card...the only cc we use. So...I don't know what protection we have. Ugh. :banghead::banghead::banghead::crying:
  17. A friend told me about this site called BidMacs.com where you can bid on lots of items by purchasing bid packs (60 cents per bid) and then bidding on the items you want. High-end items like computers, iPads, iPods, TVs, etc. all selling at a fraction of the retail cost. So, I checked it out, and signed up. I put in my cc info thinking this was just to put it on file for the future...like you have to do in Ebay, right? Then I see this screen telling me I just bought 200 bids for $149.99! WHAT? I never saw anything asking me to choose a bid pack or anything. The site said they do refund purchased bids so please pray with me that they do b/c I can't afford that much! My dh is going to kill me if he finds out and if this site isn't legit and doesn't refund my bids. So angry with myself for getting sucked into something like this again. Just want to cry. I'm just so stupid!
  18. So now you must share exactly what you did with him in order to teach him to produce such top quality writing! Writing is the toughest thing for me to teach.
  19. Dh and I were just having this conversation this afternoon! We have 7 and while I have always been open to more, he wasn't so sure. This morning, as I am nearing "that time of the month", we had the monthly conversation, "What if you are?" He was actually very positive. See, we both view children as a gift from the Lord. He opens and closes the womb. Children are a GIFT and we teach our children as such. Each of them is a gift, a treasure and if God would so choose to bless us with another, that child would be as well. Money is tight, yes. Space is a premium as we don't have a huge home. We must limit activities to the ones MOST desired. We can't spend hundreds on each child at Christmas. They can't have the latest and greatest gadgets like some of their friends. But this is what we DO have: There is always somebody to play with. There is always a shoulder to cry on. There is always somebody to talk to (or argue with :tongue_smilie:). There is a lot to learn while living in a large family that doesn't always happen in smaller ones. The children learn at a young age how to do things for themselves that doesn't typically happen in smaller families (i.e. a 7yo making scrambled eggs, 10 yo making pancakes, 6yo doing own laundry, etc.) As for children growing up too fast or being robbed of a childhood...I can see that happening to some. In our home, dh and I are very, very conscious of this and try very hard NOT to burden our older children. Dd14 enjoys helping care for, read to, dress, bath and even change the littles but it is her choice. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. It's a big decision and a personal one. Praying that you have peace one way or another.
  20. First, yes you should calm down...said in a very nice way! :D If my ped had done that I would have made some snarky comment about her testing to see if her arm worked or something. NOT their job. Would have been checking for a new ped. after I got home. Clearly this one does not understand that all children develop at his/her own pace and being able to draw a square, circle and triangle does NOT indicate any future school success. AND, if the child cannot/will not and the ped makes the comment like "you should work with him" in the presence of said child...child could become a bit self conscious and worry he/she isn't "smart". Ugh..sorry to ramble on but things like this REALLY get to me. Reason we homeschool.
  21. It's a tradition! This year I am taking dd14, ds12 and ds10 out at 10 for ToysR Us so dd can get her iPod Touch and then across the street to "camp out" at Target until doors open at 4am. Never camped out before but might as well...ds wants the PSP that's on sale. We have a limited budget. Every little bit helps. Call me crazy :D
  22. Haven't seen any for the new NookColor but as the pp said Best Buy will have them for $99. I believe that deal is on-line as well so you wouldn't have to brave the crowds.
  23. Option #4: Go to a chiropractor who can do the Webster Maneuver. I did that with child #2 who was breech in the 36 wk and MUCH larger than 5lbs. He flipped w/in hours of the maneuver. Also visit spinningbabies.com for some exercises and postures you can do to encourage baby to flip. Babies naturally want to be head-down. Something is blocking her from being that way. Could be a variety of things. If those things do not work...give it some more time, try the Webster Man. again. Some babies just don't flip until the last second. Your baby is small and there IS room left in there to move. Don't get conned into a c/s.
  24. That's what I was wondering as well...the backlighting. I heard that the Kindle uses eInk and isn't harsh on the eyes. How is the Nook in bright sunglight? Glare?
  25. If you have one, could you review it for me? I cannot afford an iPad (although I did hear select TJMaxx and Marshalls locations are offering them for $399 on Black Friday!) but would love a Kindle or Nook. I am shying away from Kindle and all Amazon stuff b/c of the pedophilia book issue but love the looks of the new NookColor. I'm going to stop at our local B&N to see. I wonder if I could use my Teacher Discount? :D That would be very nice. :) Thanks for any reviews!
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