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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Funny, but I am right now re-evaluating how we do K-2nd around here. I've always been drawn to the "boxed" curriculums like HOD and MFW. I suppose it has always been my own lack of confidence that I could really teach them and cover "everything". LOL. I've used MFW and HOD now and I do so love parts of both. I've used FIAR and I adore it...most of it. ;) I'm coming to realize that there is no perfect curriculum...for me. So, I will make my own. :D I'm going to read A LOT more to my little ones (we do read a lot already). I'm going to do ala FIAR and use the book as a sort of "springboard" to get into other topics. I will continue doing math and phonics and handwriting with my little ones. I am loving the freedom that this is giving me. I don't have to worry about following a curriculum and getting "behind". I don't have to worry about what they are missing or not missing or whatever. We will read a variety of books, take weekly library trips to get books that they are interested in. I have so many great science experiment books lying around and we will do those on Fridays. Whatever floats their boat. I agree with a PP that I will be more CMish instead of TWTMish. For the younger grades. (Not knocking TWTM at all!). They have plenty of time for more structured academics. Plenty. Enjoy your kids. They grow up too fast.
  2. We are making our own pizza as the "main course". Nothing special. But all homemade. Tortilla chips and salsa and popcorn. It's just us, so no company to impress! :D
  3. I absolutely LOVE Diana Waring and her curriculum! That being said, I think it is a better fit for the middle through high school aged student. I used this a few years ago when mine were younger (I had one in middle I believe) and my little guys had trouble following the lessons. My older, middle age child didn't have a problem at all. We all enjoyed listening to the CDs though and I, personally, learned a TON! I can't wait to use HOD's RtR next year b/c it schedules her CDs in the curriculum. If you are getting this to use with your 6th grader, I think it would be perfect. The younger ones could just listen in and pick up what they can. Mine did enjoy the Activity Guide. But, that being said, I think the curriculum is written for the 6th grader and older. HTH.
  4. Congratulations! So happy for you. Enjoy your new little one!
  5. My son loves minifigs! He scavenges eBay for good deals. He would love to trade! He would like to know if there are an Lego Star Wars minifigs for trade!
  6. Congrats to all those expecting! I have to admit feeling a bit jealous and will have to live vicariously through all of you for right now. I want more (b/c I am just that insane) but dh is adament about being done.
  7. Combining both "too much" would make me crazy! I've tried combining other programs before and went insane. So...if I go with HOD I would probably just use some of the books from MFW....not the guide itself. And, if I go with MFW...I'd just use it alone and use Bigger Hearts the next year. As you can see I am still waffling. :D
  8. :grouphug: This has totally got to s*ck! I am so sorry you are all in this situation. My blood is boiling just thinking about it. I agree with the others about getting a GOOD appraisal done. Praying that you can find a similar, if not better, place.
  9. I've never turned in the actual portfolio to the district. I only turn in my evaluator's review. i don't plan to change how I do anything unless my evaluator needs to see more which I doubt she will. She is very laid back. :D
  10. Cheesy spaghetti bake, salad and homemade garlic bread (from the fresh bread that just came out of my oven :D). It was yummy!
  11. My ds9 and ds12 are my problem children when it comes to school. Both fight me. Ds12 will eventually get his work done but it is his attitude that drains me. We fight all.day.long. I hate it. I cry every day. I will be sending him back to school for high school in 2 years. Ds9 has other issues going on and as we get those under control, school remains a struggle. He still refuses to do his work. School is a def. poss. for him next year. It would alleviate a lot of my stress. I'm sorry you are going through this, too. I wish I had some good advice. If you do send dc to school, it will not be the end of the world. I do think that some personalities btwn mother/child just clash. KWIM?
  12. Thank you EVERYONE for such thoughtful responses and detailed comparisons/reviews. It's not easy, is it? :D Crystal, I was just saying thanks b/c you do have a ton of experience with MFW and placement issues and such...you've always been a big help to me. :D I knew HOD would be at the Northeast Conf but didn't realize MFW would be there, too! YIPPEE! I will be able to compare and hopefully make a firm decision.
  13. Awesome...thanks so much ladies! Now can you make up my mind for me? :tongue_smilie: My dh would flip if I tried both but that is where I am leaning! I like the idea of combining. Donna, you said you beefed it up for a 10yo. How did you do that? I have a 9yo (10 in May) who is doing HOD Preparing this year and it seems to be just a bit difficult for him. He's my challenge child, remember? ;) I was considering putting him in Adv. with the 8yo and 6yo next year. I'm not certain I would have to beef up much since he is so immature academically (very, very bright, just a bit, umm...lazy?). I'd love to know what you did! 8yo is still doing phonics...very "behind". 6yo is at the same level, if not a bit ahead of 8yo. I like how HOD gently introduces LA w/out using a curriculum. Oh ugh. I need to find a used manual! :D
  14. Was hoping you'd chime in here, Crystal! :D You know I covet your advice and suggestions even if i don't end up using it all, lol. So, you know from previous experience with me and curriculum that I am a hopper. :tongue_smilie: Always trying to find the perfect fit. I can almost see how Adventures "might" not be a good fit for my 6yo and 8yo. Both are about at the same level academically and neither are ready for the amount of notebooking that seems is required in Adv. I'm checking into that more, though. And Crystal, if you can advise...how much writing IS required? HOD Beyond seems a bit more "gentle"? I think that is what they need. I'm hoping and praying to get my hands on an Adv. Manual so that I can compare. I have so many of the books for Adv. already. My tentative plan is to use Beyond as is and add in some of the great books scheduled in Adv. If I can find a manual cheap enough or even borrow one :001_smile: I might add more or substitute more. I'm even considering using Adv. the NEXT year when dc are a bit older and more capable of the work. Ds8 will be in 3rd next year but is more like a 2nd grader academically (except for math). Dd6 is in K but more like a 1st grader academically. Thanks everyone! Any more opinions?
  15. I just saw one at a ThrityOne party. Check out mythrityone.com and lookup "laptop case" in the catalog. $25 plus shipping. It comes in a variety of patterns. Very pretty! I'm getting one.
  16. Goodness, Adam and His Kin...let me think. We didn't use TOG or Biblioplan but have used MOH so it might be a recommended book in MOH. I remember doing it as a read-aloud for my kids. It is also a scheduled book in LLATL, I believe. The Grey book perhaps? My dd read it when she did LLATL.
  17. I can totally see the repetition with Adv. ECC had much the same thing. Come to think of it, I could see my dd6 LOVING the repetition but ds8 HATING it. LOL. Any likes about Adv.? :D THanks!
  18. How do you know my brother? :D Seriously you just described my bum of a brother to a tee. I've vented just about everything that you have here and more over the years but it does nothing to change the situation. He is still a bum, will always be a bum. Why? Not b/c he is dumb or incapable. He is bright, creative, capable and so much more. But he is lazy. And he has the "entitlement mentality" that keeps him on Food Stamps, unemployment until it runs out, any other govt program that he qualifies for, ducking under the radar of the IRS by doing "odd jobs" like mowing and snow shoveling and calling it a "landscaping business" on paper but refusing to legitimize it. Don't get me started! And my parents enable him. And he now lives next door to my parents in my grandmothers house (she recently passed away) renting it for a fraction of market rent. :glare: He is on FB all day playing Farmville or Mafia Wars, gaming on other sites, bumming around with his fiance, staying up all night, drinking (Do food stamps buy alcohol)etc. I feel for his "step daughter" who is 6. Such a sweet child but growing up in such a backward home. Ugh. Vent away honey, but eventually we both must just face the facts that some people just think the world owes them a living. :glare: :grouphug:
  19. PA Homeschool law is written with much room for interpretation. :D It is not very specific at all about HOW anything is to be taught. My children all sing during Sunday School hour for worship, ds12 plays guitar (but doesn't take lessons yet), all children love to listen to all types of music and every now and again we might discuss specific composers. It's music. It counts. The law is also not specific as to how many years each subject is to be taught. :D The way it reads, each subject must be taught during 3rd - 7th...but does not specify EVERY YEAR! Now, we of course teach all the core subjects each year, but certainly not state history or some of the other subjects. Anyway, more than you asked for but unless you have a very picky evaluator (which we do not) I wouldn't worry about it. I usually just write a small blip about what types of musical activities we did during the year and it's fine. HTH.
  20. Like there is no perfect church, for me, there is no perfect curriculum. :D Oh but how I wish there was! For years now I have eyed MFW Adv. I couldn't wait to use it with ONE of my dc...just ONE! Then, I found HOD. And I love HOD. I really, really do. So much of it appeals to me (everything from the visual appeal of the Guide's layout to the content of the curriculum itself). I have found some parts I do not care for...as I do with every curriculum I use. :tongue_smilie: After using LHFHG his year, I found that the dramatic play and Geography songs and some of the games, etc. weren't my cup of tea. I usually skipped them. Found it a bit "babyish" for my 5yo and 7yo. Well, let's fast-forward to next year when I will have an advanced 6yo and a "likes to take his time" 8yo. :D Adventures would work very well for both of them. I can finally use it! But wait...HOD Beyond is calling to me! And I can't choose. I go from one website to the next, looking at the same blessed samples night after night, not coming any closer to a decision. :confused: So, I am here...asking for advice and opinions. If you have used either or both, could you please tell me what you liked and disliked about both. Please be honest. If you could compare the 2 from experience...that would be an added bonus! :D FWIW...I will have a 10th grader using MFW, an 8th and 6th grader using HOD RtR (most likely), and 10yo finishing up HOD Preparing. There is just something about MFW Adv. that is just drawing me in... Thanks everyone!
  21. I think ECC is just perfect for a 6th grader. We used it several years ago when I had a 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th grader using it. I don't think ECC is light if that is what you are worried about. There is plenty to do. Many will say that ECC was their favorite year with MFW. For us...it just wasn't a good "fit". My children just didn't enjoy spending an entire year on Geography. We enjoyed the cooking projects, the missionary stories, and science. My kids got bored with the worksheets they had to complete for each country and I honestly found them a bit dry as well. YMMV, though. As I said, many have had great success and much fun with ECC!
  22. I was going to ask the same question! I have been buying King Arthur from our local grocery store but would like to purchase in bulk. We have a health food store but the prices are higher. Any online resources? I think I'll check out Pleasant Hill Grain? Do they sell flour?
  23. I don't think I could keep bees. Bees totally freak me out although I know they are harmless unless provoked. We do love honey! I certainly plan on several square foot gardens for the spring. Dh gets very nervous when I put construction projects on his "to do" list, but this is one I think the boys could handle as a project. How do you keep bees (without getting stung, that is :D)? I think a 5 acre farm would be quite doable and not overwhelming as we get acclimated to farm life. :D Goats, chickens, garden...hmmmm...I just love the "brainstorming" phase of this!
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