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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. I am so sorry. I know how difficult it is knowing you won't have any more babies. :grouphug: My uterus hasn't ruptured but after 7 children my dh has said no more. He is adament. And I am grieving. So many new, young mothers in my church and so many new babies. It is very hard to get through. I will be praying for your peace in this circumstance and God's comfort. :grouphug:
  2. My ds12 was getting sugar for his cereal and noticed a couple ants had gotten in (we have major ant problems here. ugh). The following conversation ensued: ds12: Mom, there are ants in the sugar! Mom: Really? I sure hope there weren't any in there last night when we made chocolate chip cookies! ds12: (deer in headlights look b/c we had EATEN those cookies) WHAT? Oh well. At least they were cooked. Mom: So baked ants are better than raw ants? ds12: Yeah!
  3. I LOVE my MacBook Pro 13.3". I got the basic model but it is plenty for me. I will never go back to a PC. Eventually, I want to change our whole whose over to Macs. Right now mine is our only one. The extra money I spent is sooo worth it. Biggest difference for me? No viruses. NONE. Great customer service too. My cord recently stopped working to charge my computer (only 6 mos. old). I called Apple and they told me to take it to an Apple store and have it exchanged. No questions. You won't regret it.
  4. I've been making our bread for a few weeks now. I am really enjoying it. It is very fulfilling for me as I've never been much of a cook. I made some pizza tonight for dinner with a recipe I found online (for the dough). It was okay. Not great. The kids like it, but it was missing something. Not sure what. Do you all have any recipes for pizza dough that you love? Thanks.
  5. I've never been much of a cook, but I just started doing this with chicken! I cook the chicken usually in our crock pot and have it for dinner. I pick all the meat off the bones and put it in a container in the fridge. The carcass goes back in the crockpot with any juices that were leftover. I add various vegges that I have (I often freeze leftover celery leaves, carrot stumps, etc. for this purpose), add water to an inch from the top, put on the lid and put it on low overnight. Next day we have chicken soup! Yummy!
  6. My Amish neighbor uses garlic oil tincture. I started using it for my ds2 who had some earaches a while back. Worked wonderfully! I made my own, however. I put 2 TBSP of olive oil in a small glass bowl and mixed in some mashed garlic (we have a press). I microwaved the mixture until it was hot and then let it cool a bit. Then, I took one of those liquid syringes for medicine and put a few drops of the liquid in the affected ear. He didn't like it much at first but after a few minutes, he stopped the incessant screaming (from the ear pain). Hope dd feels better.
  7. I actually LOVE our ped. dentist. So, that is a plus. I trust that they will do what is best. I'm still feeling rather crummy about the whole thing and wondering how my other kids went through toddlerhood w/out this problem. I even had a dd who nursed herself to sleep until she was about 4! And she has perfect teeth. :confused: Thanks for the post. Today just wasn't a good day for this little discovery.
  8. Never drank soda during pregnancy (at least not daily...occasionally maybe). He was never given a bottle to fall asleep with. But, we do give him juice before bed. Guess we will stop that. We brush his teeth morning and night but have never noticed this. Even when he smiles his lips cover the decay. It's about 1/3 of his tooth that is BROWN and rotted away! I don't want my beautiful baby to lose his front teeth before the adult teeth come in. And I don't want his adult teeth to be rotted b/c of this! I can't handle this today. Dh leaving to go out of town, already feel like a cruddy mom and so beaten down. I just want to cry. I just can't do this right now.
  9. My dh just noticed that my 2yo has major decay on his 2 front teeth, near the gumline. It's like all brown and rotted away. That is the part that is under his lip, even when he smiles so we don't see it. KWIM? We brush his teeth regularly and have never noticed it! It is rotted away and I see spots on the teeth next 2 the two front teeth as well! Tiny, but there! I'm shocked and terrified! Has anyone ever had experience with this? He is seeing a dentist on Fri. (earliest appt. we could get).
  10. Well, I just wanted to thank you all again and update you on the situation. Unfortunately the situation has turned ugly. Her response to my email was beyond judgemental and it only got worse from there. She deleted me from her FB (which is fine with me) and so I had to tell my dd to delete the woman from her FB as well. I can't have her contacting my dd over FB w/out my ability to supervise, kwim? Dd was upset but she will get over it. The woman told me, among other things, that I was divisive, let my kids run the neighborhood, that I do not have the presence of God in my home or in my life (how she can tell that I do not know, lol), that I should listen to Godly counsel (meaning HER Godly counsel), criticized the CHRISTIAN music that we listen to (my kids like some of the more rock-type Christian bands like Toby Mac, Skillet, Building 429, etc.) and said they do not allow that in their home, that her daughter isn't allowed here b/c my boys fight with each other and use weapons like knives (:confused::confused:), etc. It got uglier than that so I had to end it before I said something I would regret. Now, I am left to pray that God opens her eyes to the dangerous people the Pearls are and that her children are spared the indoctrination. It is all very sad. But, I am sort of relieved. I never felt great about dd spending time at their house. Thanks again for all your replies. As you can see, I have done as the Bible instructs in Matthew 18. She was not open to reconciliation. I tried.
  11. Using it next year as well. Have you tried asking on the HOD board? I'm sure you would get an answer to your question there. :D
  12. Dear Lord! Praying for her right now. Please update us when you can. :grouphug:
  13. A few things (sorry I forgot I don't have a proper siggy :D): My kids are dd14, ds12, ds11, ds9, ds8, dd5 and ds2. It isn't me (for once) who is overwhelmed and in need of a break. Hard to believe, isn't it? ;) What I need is for my family to "gel", to work together as if we are on the same team instead of enemies, to at least "try" to get along (in that I mean be civil and kind to one another). Satan is having a heyday with my family right now. It is NOT God's will for us to quarrel so. That much I know. Family counseling is already in the works. We had a few sessions a while back with a young counselor from my church (she is certified...not a lay counselor). It wasn't very helpful, but I am not giving up. It is difficult to get all 9 of us together in one office. :D I realize that I cannot handle this/fix this on my own. I've tried. I haven't really figured out a concrete plan for my little "academic hiatus". It's still in the idea stage. I wouldn't can math, reading or writing (the 3 Rs) or Bible. And, I wouldn't necessarily allow my high schooler to slack (although as I have posted before, she is a young 9th grader and could do high school in 5 years). I have a few character books, devotionals, Bible studies, etc. but need a more "formal" plan if you will? Chris in VA...time apart is difficult but I will try. Certain "duos" work better together than others. I think it would be wise to try and separate although ironically, none of the children wish to do their schoolwork alone but they complain so readily about the noise, distraction, etc. It is very :confused: :confused: Mom: "You can go to your room to work on your schoolwork. It is quiet there. You have a nice desk there." Child: "No! I don't want to work in my room!" Mom: "But you said that it is too noisy here; too much to distract you." Child: "Yeah, but why don't you make so and so move!" Mom: "So and so does not have a desk and so and so is too young to work independently!". You see how it goes. Ugh. Please keep the responses coming. I so appreciate each and every one of you! :grouphug:
  14. to concentrate on character building, family unity, sibling relationships, behavior modification, etc. for a season? I've been very transparent on this board about the struggles that we have had as a family. My children, in general, do NOT get along and it is way beyond the normal sibling rivalry that comes with the territory. It can get downright evil. Certain combinations of siblings are lethal. Others are quite precious. My ds9 is having behavioral and psychological issues which interfere with ALL areas of our lives...homeschooling, family life, sibling relationships, my marriage, etc. It's tough. There are behavior issues to varying degrees with each of my children. Attitudes about doing schoolwork are HORRIBLE all around...with the exception of my dd14 and dd5 who rarely complain about school (unless it is a writing assignment...then there are tears...mine and hers ;)). My children are not respectful on a consistent basis. We are not super-strict parents but de require a certain degree of respectful behavior and kindness in our home. Privileges are removed for the biggest infractions (disrespect toward parents, violence of any kind toward anyone, name calling, foul language, etc.). It doesn't seem to be working. Anyway, to make a long and rambling story short. Would you can academics for a season to focus on improving the climate of your home? If yes, what exactly would you do to this end? Any books, character studies, curriculum, Bible studies, etc. that you would recommend? I'm at my wits end. Math, history, science, grammar, etc. are terrific and necessary but if my children cannot learn to get along, treat each other with kindness and respect, treat US with kindness and respect, submit to our authority as parents and as teacher, etc, etc. then they certainly will not be prepared well for life outside our home. I must not lose my family. I will not lose my family. Looking forward to your suggestions and advice as always. But please, no condemnation...I've had enough today (not from the Hive mind you :D). Just be gentle. Thanks.
  15. My dd is 14. Thanks all. I appreciate the support and prayers. I know my dd will come around. She is a good girl. :)
  16. Yes. This. I received an email response from her and it wreaked of this "holier than though" attitude. She even questioned how I could so readily welcome unGodly influences in my childrens' lives yet SHUN the Godly (meaning her). :glare: I spoke to my daughter this morning about the book and the influence this family is having on her/us. I told her that I was limiting her time spent over there (which isn't a lot now). She flipped out. She now hates me. :glare: But that is another red flag. She is being brainwashed. It was happening so slowly that I never realized it but I was losing my influence on my own dd to this woman! God has used this book to show me. I am thankful.
  17. The conversations I had with this young lady were very one-sided. It was more of an open sharing by the girl and a "Hmm." response from me. Does that make sense? I wouldn't bad-mouth her Mom to her. Who knows what my dd discusses over there. She is fairly quiet so it would surprise me that she discusses anything like this unless initiated by the Mom. THAT wouldn't surprise me. Anyway, I think I know what I need to do. Thanks.
  18. The mother creeps me out, that is for sure. Her daughter is a lovely girl who also realized her mother is a bit, um, legalistic? We've had conversations in the past, initiated by the girl, about her mother and her strict nature and her treatment of the girl's brother. The woman has some obvious issues regarding men. It's all very sad actually. At first, I was hoping that some of our "normalcy" would rub off on them, but now, I'm wondering if too much of them is rubbing off on my dd. :glare: I had planned to talk to dd today. I think I need to establish some more "firm" boundaries with this woman before I let dd spend more time there. Thanks everyone, for letting me know that I am not off my rocker for feeling a bit upset! :D
  19. Yes, Matthew 18. I emailed her before I posted this. I suppose I was just wanting to make sure I wasn't being super-sensitive about it. Thanks.
  20. My daughter is very close with this woman's daughter. I have from the very beginning been wary of my children spending too much time with them. Lots of little things that make my mother antennae start standing straight up, kwim? I'm going to risk having my dd hate me if I start limiting her time with said friend. I'm sort of in a spot. The mother will not let the daughter spend time her b/c we have "too many boys". :confused: Anyway, I may have to have a long talk with dd tomorrow and with this woman.
  21. My daughter is good friends with another girl in the neighborhood. This girl's mother and I are friendly but not good friends. We are both Christians but disagree on many aspects of child-rearing, Biblical submission, marriage, family, homeschooling, etc. I've written about this woman before and how she told my son he wasn't a friend to her son unless he called him every day. :confused: Anyway, she has recently been introduced to the Help Meet book written by Debi Pearl. She was RAVING over this book and how it has completely opened her eyes to her "role" as a wife and how she'd been "messing" up until now. I cautioned her about the Pearl's and how they tend to twist scripture to make it say what they want, etc. I told her that I disagreed with pretty much everything Debi Pearl has to say in this book (I have read it) and told her that it was great she was enjoying it though. To each his/her own, right? Anyway, I picked my daughter up from her house tonight and she had a book in her hand. I asked what it was and she said that Mrs. "so and so" got it for her when she picked up a copy for her own daughter and another friend. It was "Preparing to Be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl. :glare: I told my daughter I would have to read it first before I let her read it and that is certainly was thoughtful of her friend's mother to buy it for her. Would you be upset? This woman, knowing how I felt about the Pearl's, went ahead and purchased a book for my daughter, written by Debi Pearl? Would you feel like this woman was overstepping her boundaries a bit? I read a bit of the book tonight just to "see" if perhaps I was making a mountain out of a molehill. Nope. Same junk. Just written for impressionable young girls this time. Anyway, just wanted some opinions. I already emailed this woman and politely told her my daughter wouldn't be needing it but how thoughtful it was for her to think of her. And it was. She really is a nice woman. We just "differ" in our opinions on pretty much everything! LOL.
  22. Well, I DID actually like MFW K (perhaps I should amend that to say that I LEARNED to like it! :D). The first go round was rough b/c of what others have already said...poorly laid-out guide. Lots of flipping back and forth, seemed rather disjointed, etc. I sort of got into a "rhythm" and really enjoyed it from then on. MFW 1st didn't work out quite as well b/c it moved too fast for my ds...not enough practice or reinforcement. It would have worked well for my dd5 but I just grew tired of it. I am looking forward to the poss. of using MFW Adv. for next year as I've had my eye on it for some time. We also used MFW ECC for half a year and neither me or my kids could get into it. Perhaps is was just the year we were having as others have said ECC was their favorite year. I guess I really "wanted" to like it? I think if SL is more your style, stick with it. You aren't missing out on anything if SL works for you, KWIM? Don't fix it if it ain't broke, lol. For me, no ONE curriculum has been perfect. I like parts of MFW, parts of SL, parts of HOD, etc. If I had the time I would design my own but alas...I do not. So, I am a curriculum junkie who hops from year to year. :D
  23. You might want to post this on the HOD board and see if Carrie would comment as to her reasoning. :D I can only see that the approach is different, as you said. The first year you cover various important events (and there seems to be a lot of Colonial time period) and the next you cover important people. Skill-wise, the guides do "build" on each other. From what I hear from other HOD moms, Bigger is a jump from Beyond and Preparing also a big jump from Bigger. Make sense? I can't imagine covering American History for 2 years, either. But, I do like HOD. We are using Preparing this year b/c I wanted an overview of World History for my kids who hadn't covered certain time periods yet (thanks to a mom who couldn't figure out which curriculum she wanted to use :D). I am considering using MFW Adv. next year. An alternative to 2 years of Amer. Hist. w/ HOD.
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