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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. this morning. :crying::mad: He was only in his 30s and left behind a beautiful young wife and 2 children (14 and 9). He was diagnosed with this horrible disease 3 years ago and has been fighting ever since. We went to church with this precious family for 6 years before they moved to FL several years back. Please pray for my friend, Kristy, and her 2 children and the rest of their family. She is so strong, and has such a strong faith...rock solid. I know she is relieved that her "superman" as she calls him, is not in anymore pain and with his Savior. But, the grief is unbearable and overwhelming at times. Thanks.
  2. I guess my first thought is, "Don't fix what aint broke!". (I tell that to myself all the time :D). However, if you find that you are spreading yourself too thin trying to plan everything for everyone and not enjoying it anymore then it might not hurt to switch to something more planned out. I LOVE the idea of planning my own curriculum...what to study, when to study it, what books to use, etc. Flexibility. KWIM? However, I am only one person, too! And I have 7 kids to educate, not to mention a husband who, for some odd reason, likes some of my attention as well. :tongue_smilie: So, I must compromise. I (we...dh and I) sat down and wrote a list of what we wanted the focus of our homeschool to be. For us it was Bible...so history, science, etc. needed to be from a Christian perspective. The "spines" anyway . I researched (and have tried) various programs, books, "spines", etc. and learned a lot about my teaching style and my kids' learning styles through a bunch of trial and error. I LOVE *parts* of so many awesome programs/books (MFW, TOG, HOD, BF, MOH, Apologia, etc.) and if I could just figure out how to integrate all the great *parts* I love of each into one "perfect" program I'd be all set! :D But, alas, nothing is perfect and so I compromise. My advice? Decide what you want your homeschool focus to be, your specific goals for each child and in general and then research which materials can help you accomplish each. Remember that curriculum is just a tool (something I have to remind myself all.the.time). Decide what type of teacher you are...strict schedule type, more flexible or fly-by-seat-of-pants type, box checker (that's me :D), creative, etc. After many years of trying out new things, I found HOD and it just "fits" my teaching style (box checker!) and has something for each of my childrens' specific learning styles (hands on, auditory, visual, etc.). And if I can just get myself out of that "box checking" mentality and make the curriculum serve ME and not the other way around...I'd be golden! Good luck!
  3. Day 3 of the "fun house" glasses and I'm not thrilled but trying to adjust. I hate that I have to walk with a completely new posture. Playing baseball with my son today was awkward and I kept thinking, "I know I'm gonna get clobbered in the head." Driving is easier now, but not great. Still not thrilled with the reading/computer aspect. I *think* the Rx is correct...def. better than my other glasses. Sweeping the floor? I felt like I was gonna faint. Hate having to actually move my head to look at stuff instead of just moving my eyes. Ugh.
  4. We give 50 cents per year of age 2x per month (on dh's payday). It is not necessarily linked to chores, although they are expected to do certain chores each day. We also have "extra" jobs for which they can earn extra allowance (cleaning out van, mowing, babysitting, yardwork, cleaning gutters, washing windows, etc.). We are beginning to use a modified system based on the Accountable Kids system but plan to keep the "allowance" and extra jobs as they are. My kids are required to use their allowance to purchase any "extras" they want (candy, sodas, junk food, toys, movies, church functions w/in reason, clothing not deemed necessary by Mom :), bday gifts for friends, etc.). Expectations increase by age, but in our house even the young ones are responsible for their own laundry (from age 7 up), keeping room tidy, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping, dishes, etc.). Oldest dd14 trades babysitting for having a cell phone on our plan so she does not get "paid" for babysitting her sibs. We will occasionally have to dock allowance for chores consistently left undone.
  5. I find parts to love about MFW and HOD. This was our first year with HOD. I am LOVING it. We are using Preparing and LHFHG. I adore Preparing. I'm not so enamored w/ LHFHG. I think it is a bit too "babyish" for my 5yo and 7yo (now he is 8). We ditched "most" of it by Jan. I can tell you that we did MFW K (loved it), 1st (was okay, but not our cup of tea), and ECC (real disappointment to me). I threw in the towel with ECC very early on. I wanted to LOVE ECC b/c I was soooo excited about it. It just didn't work for us. Others say it is their favorite year. So, we are probably just weird. :tongue_smilie: Next year I am torn between ADV. and Beyond. Leaning toward Adv. if I can find it for a good price. I already have Beyond. If HOD is drawing you, I would go for it and not second guess. You won't be disappointed. Running 2 or 3 guides is difficult but not impossible.
  6. No, not cheap.at.all. :glare: I sure hope my brain adjusts soon.
  7. I am so glad you didn't really leave, Lisa! I would have really missed you. :)
  8. So, at my last eye appt., the dr. gently told me I was on the borderline for needing *gasp* bifocals! Because I didn't want to have 2 pair of glasses to keep track of, I opted for the progressive lenses (the invisible bifocals). I just got them today and I think I'm gonna die before I get used to these. Seriously, I was walking around and the room felt like it was spinning or the floor was moving. Driving was insane. I have to hold my head at a different angle or posture in order to see clearly. Will I ever get used to these or should I ditch them and opt for the separate reading glasses and distance glasses? :confused:
  9. My ds8 is having problems with reading as well. It just doesn't "click" with him, either. He still has to "sound out" every.single.word. It is frustrating..for both of us. Even words he has JUST READ he must sound out. Thanks for the vision check suggestion. It scares me that he might need vision therapy b/c of the cost involved. Most insurance doesn't cover it. Does anyone do vision therapy at home and if so, how? On the other hand, some kids just take their time learning. We also use The Reading Lesson and I like the large print, plain pages. Another suggestion is something I read in Bravewriter's The Writing Jungle. Julie Bogart's own daughter didn't read until she was about 9 or so. She learned, however, to WRITE and SPELL before she could even read! And that seemed to help with the reading process. Perhaps something like PR might be helpful to you or as a pp suggested, AAS. My son does beautifully with his spelling using the AAS tiles (his writing is still a bit illegible as well). Eventually it will all come together. At least that is my prayer. :)
  10. I often say that I feel like I am just "playing house"! I mean, I am almost 40, have 7 children and still feel like a kid sometimes. What is up with that?
  11. I am just sickened by this whole entire thing. It has morphed into something completely different from the original issue. And I am so disappointed that a man whom I originally respected has behaved in such a completely un-Christlike manner. Susan, I'm sorry you have been caught in the middle of this. I pray that his character assault does not hurt your business and livlihood. I pray that it has the opposite effect. If I had the $, I would buy out your store! Now, I must think long and hard about my support of Dr. Hamm's business. While I am a young Earth Creationist and AiG produces great materials on this topic, I think I will have to find other publishers. Ugh. I am just so disappointed. :grouphug: Susan, and thank you. We all love you here.
  12. That happened to us a few years back. I think we had 6 kids at the time...maybe 5. Anyway, it was around Christmas Break and we decided to splurge and go out to eat (something we rarely did). The kids were relatively well-behaved, the meal was good and then the waitress came over and says, "You are not going to believe what I have to tell you". I was waiting...for the worst! She tells us that somebody had already paid our bill and wished to remain anonymous. I was shocked. And it was truly a blessing. So glad it happened to you! We paid it forward when we were able as well.
  13. Just :grouphug:. Visiting my folks is emotionally draining as well and the only reason we still do as often as we do is for the kids. We only see dh's folks once a year, thankfully. That's about all I can handle...2-3 hrs./once a year...so that works out well. :D Thanks for the laugh, though. I needed it.
  14. :auto: I also posted an auto smiley in the other thread directing us here. Don't count me twice!
  15. My 8yo has LOVED Mike Mulligan, Katie and the Big Snow, The Story of Ping, Make Way for Ducklings, Cranberry Thanksgiving and so many more! We love FIAR! I don't use it consistently...more like a "break" from our regular curriculum.
  16. Keep me informed, please! DH and I have a room booked at a Marriott not too far down the road and I am soooo disappointed the convention was cancelled. I would sooo love to still go! :D
  17. This Is The Stuff by Francesca Battistelli. Story of my life... This is the stuff That drives me crazy This is the stuff That's gettin to me lately In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed.... Take a listen...it's so catchy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqqdA8LHN7I I also love Beautiful, Beautiful.
  18. My dh just registered us TODAY...paid, too?!?!?! Booked our hotel and everything! GRRRRRRR. Hoping it is relocated....in the area. :glare:
  19. I have yet to find any negatives with AHL. My dd14 really enjoys it. She is not fond of having to read The Iliad and The Odysssey, but oh well (I never enjoyed those much either :tongue_smilie:). There is a lot of reading involved in this program (IMHO) so if your dc is not an avid/strong reader, it might be difficult (unless you found audios for some of the books...like the OT for example). My dd is a visual learner and loves to read so audios are not her cup of tea. ;) I didn't find the writing lacking in AHL but that depends on what you consider a normal amount of writing. Writing isn't my dd's strength, so I am adding in Jump In! and just purchased The Writer's Jungle and Help for High School while it was on sale at the HSBC. What I will say is that I have found that my dd has really grown spiritually this past year. And that, to me, is worth every penny of the program and is more important that any academic skill it could teach her. :D
  20. MP, thanks for sharing your schedule! It would be a stretch to get my older kids up that early...and me, too, might I add! I might have to try doing LHFHG with my littles all at once. Right now, I space it out. Always feels so disjointed. My 5th grader does Preparing practically independently but my 7th grader (go figure) needs a bit more hand holding. Ugh. And my 9yo (also using Preparing but at half speed) needs me practically in his lap in order to complete his work. Marie...I never thought I'd see the day you'd switch to HOD, LOL! There is a certain "draw" to it, isn't there? My oldest uses MFW AHL and loves it. I've seen a real growth in her spiritually this year. She is really growing up and learning a lot. Can't wait to do World next year. That being said, I am sooo glad Carrie is planning high school guides b/c I don't think MFW would be a good fit for my boys. HOD is perfect, however.
  21. My dd does not use any of the supplemental CDs or the Mp3 audio. The one thing that I did purchase for her was the lapbook b/c she is very crafty and it really helps her retain what she has learned. My dd is not very into science at all. She does like Apologia, though. I read a very bad set of reviews on Rainbow recently and am now very hesitant to keep using it. Something about some of the content just being wrong. I am thinking about having my ds12 use Phys. Science next year with the audio...he is an auditory learner. HTH.
  22. in the tail and tell me to stop moping and escaping into the world of "planning for next year". I've been stuck in a rut...since January. :glare: With the challenges of ds9 and his hospitalization and behavior difficulties at home and the effect of that on the rest of my dc (not to mention on me and dh)...I've struggled to keep school going. My ds12 is giving me serious attitude about schoolwork (b/c he wants to be in public school and b/c he is, well, 12), ds9 still has sig. behavior issues, my own SAD compounded with the situational factors had me more depressed than usual, ds8 is getting increasingly difficult to teach, etc. So, I've been escaping into a fantasy world of "next year will be better" and have been planning out next year while getting further and further behind on THIS year. :glare: I know. Not good. I just need a good kick in the tail to get moving, keep pressing forward, not let the past dictate the future, etc. It would be more helpful if anyone had a magic :chillpill: that would straighten out all the bad attitudes and fix the sibling rivalry and behavior problems. :D Anyway, thanks for allowing me to "whine". I don't think I am cut out for this homeschooling gig (or this parenting gig for that matter) and yet I know it is what is best for my kids. Or is it? :confused:
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