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About kimo

  • Birthday 03/11/1971

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  • Biography
    DS 6 DD 4; SOTW, FLL, WWE, SB, RS4K, SINGAPORE, SOTW, CC, Piano, Gymnastics, ETC.
  • Location
  • Interests
    photography, running, reading, gardening
  • Occupation
    part time chemist, full time mommy
  1. Your list looks fine. If you don't like the science, look at Real Science for Kids. It's fun and light. Other than that, keep in mind that you will repeat your subjects a few times before they graduate. You should aim to go deeper each year.
  2. Another San Antonio area contact. My son, who is 14 now, recently went through a period of unending questions and debate. I even asked if he would be interested in a debate group. He still considers law as a possible career. I've found the best approach with him is if he has an argument, go away and come back with a good rebuttal or a presentation for discussion. He's taken it to heart many times. We've had presentations regarding a cruise trip, chores selections, school schedules, (he's a night owl), sleep schedules, (he thinks he needs less), what courses he needs to move to college classes, etc. It's opened the discussion and sometimes minimized arguments just because we listen.
  3. We rarely use the textbook, but I've always had one on hand if we needed added explanation. We primarily use the workbook, adding intensive practice problems when needed.
  4. I liked Creative Homeschooling too. I also liked Bringing Out the Best by Jacquelyn Saunders.
  5. Start small and grow. I really feel you should focus on the basics and not go overboard when 'schooling' a young quick one. My 3rd is 2 and my oldest and first is 9. We've homeschooled all the way. I started out planning out the whole year and putting way too much on the schedule. I schedule electronically now and only a couple of weeks at a time. We school year round so we can take breaks or dive off into child desired topics when needed (Lego EV3 and deer (yes-deer as in the animal) at the moment). I feel like I'm not enough every single day, but that's probably a given in the life we're living right now. In the beginning,my best friend and I agreed on my front porch that we'd homeschool kindergarten and then reevaluate. Both families are still going strong four years later. You'll see that you may need to accelerate some subjects and supplement others. You won't get a good feel for the rhythm of your lessons and teaching until you get started. Please take a deep breath and get ready to have some fun and learn yourself!
  6. Saxon 2 is the point that the curriculum became too repetitive. We had to switch to Singapore. We plan to try Saxon again at the Algebra stage, but we may investigate others. Singapore has been perfect. We use the additional workbooks for practice when needed. We never need the textbook even though I always buy one.
  7. We tried Bob Jones and a couple of others that I can't remember right now for my 9 year old when he was technically '3rd grade age'. Although a very well organized program, it didn't work. He really likes to read and fully comprehends beyond his age. We switched to reading books, required reading time, and discussions. I'll develop a project sometimes when appropriate. He didn't like the short story approach with lots of workbook type question afterward. I didn't either. It turned into busy work instead of a mutual love for reading.
  8. DS 9: "You know Dad's shirt that says 'Welcome to the Dork Side, We Have Pi!' I really want one of those!" I just love nerds!!
  9. We're using the Little Mozart books for my 3 year old. We are using a teacher. She has never taught children this young and thought they would be a good start. It took about 1 1/2 months before she really started taking off. Good luck!
  10. We were together almost 10 years until I realized why they made him run extra laps during school. I'm seeing that 'extra' energy in my daughter too. My dh also has issues with socks being in the correct order (lightest to darkest) and shoes touching. Crazy things you learn about each other!
  11. It's usually olive oil, balsalmic vinegar, itialian spices (oregano, basil, thyme), and garlic. Sometimes they include a little crushed red pepper. Sounds yummy!
  12. Your daughter sounds like my own. I ditto Singapore Earlybird Kindergarten. That has been the favorite with my little 3 year old. I've found other random, but good, workbooks to use with her now that she's finished it. She also likes the HOP stuff I used with her brother a couple of years ago. Family Math and Peak with Books have also been great resources for projects. I set up a 3 drawer system of projects for her to do while I'm working on lessons with the older brother (playdoh, beads, coloring, matching, games, etc). She is extremely active and only gets in trouble when she's bored, so I know how you feel. For some reason, water is extremely calming and fun too. I let her go crazy in her little kitchen and worry about the mess later. My opinion is work with her as long as she is interested, but don't push yet. Enjoy!
  13. We are in the second year of using Sounds Beginnings. I really liked the program because it layed out the lessons very well. I've referred to WRTR many times for more detail.
  14. We've been using Sound Beginnings for phonics and spelling. It isn't colorful and interesting, but effective.
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