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Posts posted by Luckymama

  1. For those of you who use free weights: how did you learn to do the lifts? I printed out a routine but have no idea what the correct postures are, how much weight I should begin with, etc. I've thought about taking my laptop or Kindle with me but I don't want to look like a dork. I am saving to afford a personal trainer but that's going to take a few months. I don't want to bother a stranger while he/she is working out.


    And this is why I avoid the free weight area of the Y.

    I worked with a trainer because of a shoulder issue.


    There are so many YouTube videos showing form that it's hard to choose. I like the Girls Hone Strong videos because they break all the moves down, show regressions (easier version) and progressions (harder), explain what is incorrect form, and (best of all) are done by women for women.


    You can find them on YouTube or linked on the GGS website.




    And for "what weight to choose"


    Pick a weight. Try the move. If you can do 10 with ease, increase the weight. If you can't do more than 5, decrease the weight.


    For some things I use 10lb weights, others 40lb weights, and still others >100lb. It just depends on the muscles being used. I can't raise more than 10lb from my sides due to recovering shoulder injury yet I can row 45lbs. Same arms, different muscles.

    • Like 3
  2. I have thought about this program! Are you happy with it?

    I am, very much so. I like how the days are planned out for me. I'm in the second level, fourth block (weeks 12-16). I have a push day (dumbbell bench press, overhead press, push-ups and a couple others), a pull day (deadlift, chin-up (I do a modification), dumbbell rows, lat pull down, a couple others), and a lower body day (front squat, single-leg squat to box, barbell glute bridge, and a couple others).


    Some weeks have 2 days, some weeks have 3 days. I lift 3 days a week, so when there are 2 scheduled workouts I do A Monday, B Wednesday, and A Friday. The following week I would do B Monday, A Wednesday, and so on. If I were to lift twice a week, I would do the same sort of adjustment with A/B/C workouts.


    I find using the log to be empowering. I can see my progress right there. It's an awesome feeling watching the numbers for weight and reps increase!


    I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have :)

    • Like 1
  3. I am in week 15 of the Modern Women's Guide to Strength Training from Girls Gone Strong




    I started at the second level because I had already been lifting for more than a year with the guidance of a trainer. I had to drop training sessions because my schedule changed last semester.


    My usual workouts:


    3 weight training sessions 45-60 min incl stretching

    3 HIIT sessions 15-20 min, sometimes on a bike or elliptical (basically hill sprints) and sometimes rope slams/ball slams/heavy carries/kettle bell swings

    1 Pop Pilates class 45 min

    1-2 steady state cardio sessions, walking or hiking or indoor bike during poor weather


    My goals are to continue to progress in weight lifted, to improve flexibility and balance (I do a lot of single leg work), and to lose the fat that has settled around my middle as I've turned 50.

    • Like 2
  4. For computer science specifically, ask about internships:


    --does the department advertise internships--local, regional, national?

    --does the department have staff dedicated to helping students land internships (and jobs for that matter)

    --is there on-campus recruiting for internships?

    --which companies or agencies recruit?

    --where do the students intern?

    --how many students intern after sophomore year?

    --how many students intern after junior year?

    --how many of those juniors received a job offer from their internship?


    And by how many, I mean raw numbers and percentages.


    My son graduated from a state flagship w a degree in cs in 2015. He works for a very large named company in Silicon Valley.

    • Like 6
  5. We got a sleep number mattress a year ago. I LOVE it! Dh and I have always disagreed about the firmness of mattresses ;) so it's perfect for us. I really like how I can sit up to read in bed at one setting and change it for when I actually sleep. Dh has knee issues (old injuries) and sometimes needs an even-more-firm setting on his side.


    The sleep number combined with a heated mattress pad makes it difficult to get out if bed some mornings :lol:

  6. I agree with EKS--a proper environmental science course requires chemistry as prerequisite.


    He might consider doing one of the other courses during the summer. My D has always studied something during the summers----maths and languages (not at the sane time!) specifically.


    You might consider block scheduling.


    D has done courses in semester blocks---bio at double-speed one semester, AP Environmental the second semester.


    He could do 4 classes one semester and 4 classes the second. I believe that maths and languages should be studied without interruption, so it might be better to stretch geometry and Japanese over the full year and do 3 other classes in the fall with the remaining 3 others in the spring.


    My D is very motivated. She likes studying as much as she can to get to the "good stuff" as soon as possible. It's very difficult to slow down an intrinsically motivated student. Summer work and block scheduling has been great for her.

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  7. D's transcript has a category for History and one for Social Sciences because she has 6 Social Sciences courses. She'll be majoring in International Relations plus Arabic and Chinese, sobit is important to highlight that area of interest,

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