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Status Updates posted by Luckymama

  1. Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luckymama


      Just application stuff. You know!

    3. quark


      We should time it so we can all shout aaargh together. :) Hugs!

    4. Luckymama
  2. March is going to be the longest month ever.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Ah, good luck! Keeping fingers crossed for you.

    3. quark


      Another set of crossed fingers here! Good luck!

    4. swimmermom3
  3. The interview is over. Now she waits for at least two more months. Just a taste of college app season for next year!

  4. Such a weird feeling to have your kids scattered across the globe

    1. Penguin
    2. Tress


      I can't imagine! Hugs!

    3. quark


      Oh you must miss them!

  5. I hate waiting!!!!!!!!

    1. quark


      Fingers crossed for good news!

    2. Luckymama


      Thanks :) Dd's concentration has taken a vacation.

  6. Argh!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Chrysalis Academy
    2. quark




    3. Luckymama


      Thanks :) Combo of an ovethinking-her-essays dd, college searching, testing plan, and a volunteer potentially backing out of a commitment!

  7. So many beautiful, hopeful wishes floating around the LuckyFamily household right now!

    1. swimmermom3


      May they all come true. You have a lovely family and I hope this coming school year is a joyful one.

    2. Luckymama


      Thanks Lisa :)

    3. quark


      This is such a lovely status update. :) Yes, hope each one comes true!

  8. Halfway through dd's immersion camp, and she has access to her phone today! We've been texting since noon :)

  9. Off to take dd to the airport for her first solo flight! Toss-up between who is more nervous lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gingersmom


      My daughter flies alone several times a year. She'll love it!

    3. swimmermom3


      Sailor Dude just did that. Hands-down, I was more nervous ;-) But I am sure you will much more calm and collected than I was.

    4. quark


      Safe travels! Looks like you need a good book and lots of chocolate! :D

  10. "Mom, I think I'd like to look at West Point." *faints* *starts searching*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. swimmermom3


      I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this. That would figure and I say that with love and a little too much understanding ;-))

    3. Arcadia


      RMA Sandhurst, UK :)

    4. Tsuga


      Truly a lucky mama. I wish her the best of luck!

  11. Woke to snow flurries. On March 28. In the mid-Atlantic!

    1. GailV


      We had it yesterday! Crazy!

  12. Against my better judgement, I stress-ate Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips while finishing taxes today. Oh well!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peaceful Isle
    3. Kerileanne99


      Dark chocolate is not stress eating but therapeutic ingestion of invaluable antioxidants!

    4. Space station

      Space station

      That's the only way I can imagine getting through taxes! Good for you!

  13. Time to create that transcript document!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. quark


      Hee hee. Excel is lovely for the functionality but more of a pain to format. I'm procrastinating by designing my school logo instead!

    3. swimmermom3


      A logo! We have a name, but I've never used it anywhere. We'd probably have to have some torture device on ours or... a timer, yeah that'd be it:-P

    4. quark


      Ours is a "timer" of sorts...the sun! :)

  14. But I don't want to leave warm and sunny Florida!

    1. TammyinTN


      We've missed ya...so it's back to reality! ;)

  15. Ahhhhh, Florida in January!

    1. TammyinTN


      You truly are a lucky mama! :)

      Have fun and enjoy!!

    2. MysteryJen


      Have a wonderful time. Trying not to be jealous!

  16. Seriously, I cannot be sick for Christmas!

    1. Chrysalis Academy

      Chrysalis Academy

      Oh, what a drag! I'm sorry!

    2. Kathy in Richmond

      Kathy in Richmond

      Hope it passes quickly & you feel better soon!


  17. Nutcracker all finished for another year! 13 down, 3 to go!

  18. If you agree in August to help with an event in November, do not cancel a few weeks before the event! Oh my goodness...

    1. TammyinTN


      I'm so sorry!


  19. I know I shouldn't be surprised at the level of scientific literacy in this country, but still...

    1. Hypatia.


      It doesn't surprise me but it still disappoints me.

  20. The Boy has a third interview with the company he really wants to work for! He feels no pressure because he already has a job offer from his second choice :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kathy in Richmond

      Kathy in Richmond

      Good luck to him! Is his job offer from his summer internship company? Will he be joining my son in CA?

    3. Luckymama


      Yes, the offer in hand is from his internship (east coast). This potential one would be in CA :)

    4. TammyinTN


      Best wishes to him and you! :)


  21. Trying to be a better person, but really---volunteering for 2 different things both weekend days when you said you'd help me? Sigh.

    1. Tress
    2. TammyinTN


      Sorry! That stinks!



  22. Found a PSAT seat for dd :)

  23. Time for a book and a glass of wine!

  24. Ahhhh, the beautiful sounds of the vacuum running in dd's room...for the first time in a year!

  25. 30th high school reunion this weekend---I am NOT that old!

    1. PinkyandtheBrains.


      Nope,you are not. Must but some time vortex thingy-ma-jig.

    2. Luckymama


      Yeah, that's it--just like you were a child bride :)

    3. kiana


      Goodness, how did you graduate high school at 9? ;)

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