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Everything posted by HollyDay

  1. mine started like that. irritated throat too. after about a week, it went down hill quickly into bronchitis
  2. Both dds are finding time to be an issue. Longer games that they used to really enjoy, like Catan, take too much time now that they are in college. They do play those games over Christmas break. So far I'm hearing: Uno (and mulitple varieties) Dominoes Dutch Blitz Apples to Apples Oldest dd said they played Phase 10 last weekend, but players had to keep switching out due to work and study committments.
  3. Do you know the root cause of the family history of hip problems? Prevention might depend upon the cause
  4. That happened to dd last year. She had a bad virus last Sept. then suddenly developed asthma
  5. I can't remember the last time I had bronchitis this early in the season. It is usually a February/March thing. How on earth did I get it so early this year!?
  6. sidelined with bronchitis. How on earth did I get bronchitis so early in the season??
  7. Thank you! I switched to cashew milk and I do like the taste better than almond or coconut. I've add coconut oil back into my diet as well. I've started intermittent fasting. Nothing to eat after 6pm or before 8am So far that is helping. The scale is moving a bit. I was so bloated with water weight...rings tight, pants tight, etc. So, I'll take a decrease in fluid.
  8. I went gf about 2 years ago. Yes, it was for inflammation. I did see quite a bit improvement after about 2 weeks gf. I'm now going dairy free. 2 years ago, there was no evidence of arthritis, "just" lots and lot of pain in hips, legs, feet. now, there is some evidence of arthritis so trying the dairy free
  9. You are so right! My focus is on health and wellnes. Weight is only a part of it. I do feel like I would like to lose some weight. I'd like my clothes to fit better, to feel less puffy. But what I'd really like is more energy, less pain, more ability to move with more ease.
  10. Am I feeling better? Yes and no. I was feeling better with Pilates once a week. Twice a week, I'm in more pain/soreness. I have moved the days around so instead of Tues/Thurs, I'm doing Mon/Thurs. This gives me more recovery time and more space between sessions. I'm sleeping a lot better. My mood is generally more positive. But, the steady pain is not helping Excellent reason for taget weight? Yes. I had gestational diabetes twice. I have a family history of diabetes. I have joing problems. I have hypertension (extremely well controlled on the lowest dose possible by the way). I do not need to lug around much extra weight. According to the charts, I should lose closer to 25 lb. But my doc felt that would not be in my best interest. I'm not 20 anymore and often those charts are designed for younger more fit women. He wants me to focus on muscle building, weight bearing exercises, nutrition, flexibility, balance, endurance, pain relief, etc.
  11. I know!!! My metabolism slowed to a snails pace! And suddenly I had ligament issues, joint issues, etc. My right foot is more "issue" than good.
  12. Yes I have. And I've not had any weight loss. I've felt better so that is a positive for sure. But no weight loss. I know people IRL who have lost quite a bit of weight with the fasting/eating plan though.
  13. What troubles me was it started out as 5 left to go (from a higher amount). Then 10. Now 15. I'm going in the wrong direction. Arthritis and other chronic pain issues are making it hard. Slower/older metabolism is making it hard. Beta Blocker is making it hard. First I just want to stop gaining. Then I want to start losing weight. 2-3 lbs a month in consistant weight loss would be great. Nothing big or drastic.
  14. I'm feeling pretty defeated today about my weight loss journey. It is going in the wrong direction. Instead of having 10lbs to loose, I now have 15. Yesterday at the gym, I did the inbody testing and got some mixed news. I have put on 2lbs of muscle (started Pilates in Sept)!. But, my % body fat has gone up. I started Pilates once a week but added a second day. I'm much more sore with the 2nd class added but I think it will be more beneficial doing 2 classes rather than one. My new Pilates teacher tried to be encouraging yesterday saying it took years to get me where I am, so I can't expect it to change over night...especially at 57 years old. Sounds great, but she doesn't know how hard I've worked over the past 2 -3 years....hence the discouragement. My physical in January was unremarkable.....Last month when I saw my GP for something else, he remarked I was in good shape given my age and health issues. I have chronic pain from spine, hip, and foot problems. He said he was greatly encouraged, he didn't think I'd be improving as much as I am at this point (thanks to Pilates). In the past 3 years, I've done multiple rounds of PT which have brought no lasting relief (even though I kept up with the "homework"). I've gone from biking 12-15 miles 3+ times a week and walking 3-5 miles, to struggling to walk 1/2 -1 mile. I finally got up to 2 miles last spring before getting sidelined. Over the summer, I went to the pool almost every day and walked or did water weights. Now as I type this post, my foot is acting up and I know walking around the grocery store will be problematic. I went birthday shopping with dd at the mall yesterday and had to sit twice. This is not how I want things to be. Diet wise, there is always room for improvement. I realized that I have been drinking more juice over the summer (discovered ginger limeade) . Portions I'm sure need work. I am gluten free...and no, I have not substituted the gf options. I use cashew milk (25 cal/cup) rather than cows milk. I've done weight watchers twice. Once I did not lose weight and the 2nd time I gained. I'm on beta blockers so diet is vital for weight loss (heart rate control makes it difficult to reach target heart rates in aerobics) So, I need some encouragement.
  15. I'd be willing to pay $100-$150 for a great purse that will last me for years. I'll put it on my Christmas list 🙂
  16. I want a crossbody purse with built in organization. Not huge, not too small. Doesn't cost a small fortune. Well made.
  17. Did they do a pulmonary function test? Allergy testing? Bloodwork? There are many different medications used to treat asthma. A lot depends upon the results of testing as to what will work best.
  18. I've suddenly developed a sensitivity to the adhesive used in band aids. Any suggestions of what else to use?
  19. Both dds have used PowerPoint and Word extensively at college. Oldest has used Excel some
  20. Economics Business math (different from "regular" high school math, geared more toward real life math situations like interest, loans, banking, etc) Home Ec Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Health and Nutrition/PE Architecture
  21. I learned an important lesson this morning. Make sure my alarm is set correctly. I set it for 1 hour later than I should have set it. I had just enough time to grab food, grab gym bag, put in contacts and get dressed. I made it to class just as the teacher was getting started. Not how I like to do it. I was stiff and sore. I felt like I started class behind the power curve. I've been running all day and still not caught up.
  22. Dd wants an electric blanket for Christmas. She wants one she can wrap up in and be cozy. Her dorm bed is a size twin (although the residence hall info we were given prior to move in day specifically stated twin xl [yes, I'm still not over that since everything I bought and washed and packed is twinxl]). Her bed at home is a full. What size should I get her? What would be a good brand?
  23. It is still so hot and humid here. Was excited to read the forecast would be in the low 90s until I saw the humidity and "real feel" would be upper 90s. 3 weeks ago, I started Pilates reformer class on Tuesday. It went really well!! I love the class and like the sore but not pain feeling. So, I added a Thursday class with a different teacher. Wow!! I was so sore and stiff for the next several days. The next week, I was less sore but still! 2 classes rather than 1 really kicked it up a notch. The Thursday teacher opened a Monday class and offered that as an option for me. I would have Tuesday and Wednesday to recover before class again on Thursday.. I also like that the spread between classes is a bit better. Monday class, Tuesday and Wednesday off, Thursday class, Friday, Saturday, Sunday off. Once this weather breaks, I'll start walking outside again. That is something I really enjoy. I'm thinking of buying a doggie stroller so I can take my 15 year old pekinese mix with me. She enjoys walking, but gets tired quickly. So, Pilates seems to be my solution for pain management and getting stronger. I like the Mon/Thurs teacher. It is a Pilates 1 class. The Tuesday class was Pilates 2. That class was faster paced and quite fun, but there were several exercises I either couldn't do, or had to limit number of reps. Hoping this new plan sticks for a long while.
  24. I started Pilates (using a reformer) once a week a month ago. It was so awesome, I added a 2nd class last week. I was terribly sore after the 2nd class but I'm hoping my body will adjust more this week. However, since starting Pilates, I've had GI troubles. It is probably a coincidence, maybe a bug or stress. I delayed reintroducing gluten back into my diet due to tummy problems. No one else in my house has any problems. Could starting something as intense as Pilates cause the GI system to have problems?
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