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Posts posted by jemx5

  1. I did this past year. No I would not do it again. We had a reduction and lift and had some complications. So recovery was much longer, a good year. Still having to go back for checkups. That being said. I am happy with the outcome but at the same time I regret taking matters into my own hands rather than the way I was created. Finding shirts is much easier now....But was it really worth it????

  2. Hello, I know I stumbled across this after the fact but I am looking for a health curriculum for my dds. My youngest is in 1st so I was looking at Horizons health 1 and thought I would use in for my 3rd and 4th graders as well since they have never really gone through a health program. Now I just looked at Abeka based on another post and am not sure what the best route is. All my children do well with workbooks. I am new to homeschooling. Just did my oldest this past year and am bringing home the others. :) Does anyone have a suggestion for an easy program that we could all do together.

  3. My sis-in-law read the same article. I was watching a live broadcast just minutes before where the parks president said she fell in and was drowned. Details were not being released until after the investigation. They asked the media to "please respect that because they just lost a family member." The local news has not said anymore as well. I would be shocked if those are in fact true details. Truly a sad thing and we were just talking about going there in the Spring. Gosh can you imagine the kids that were there at that time. It has been really rainy so hopefully there weren't too many.

  4. I was kind of thinking the same way. I purchased spelling power and wanted to use that for spelling. So i haven't decided whether to use CLE or not. I am pulled between CLE reading & LA, mystery of histroy and Sonlight Reading, LA, history. I am interested to see others imput as well.

  5. Hello, This is my first year homeschooling. I have started with my oldest DD who is currently in 3rd grade using SOS. I have found that we are supplemtenting alot for SOS so we will not be using that next year. I am also wanting to bring my now 2nd and Kindergarten DDs home next year. I started looking at Sonlight but now have got it down to basically reading, LA, and history. I am really interested in the mystery of history but have no idea what to do for reading. I am afraid my dds may not like the sonlight books. We have several that I purchased from their core 3 readers list and she has no interest in reading them on her own so they have become read alouds for her and I to read together. She tends to not like to challenge herself with chapter books, even though she is quite capable of reading them. I think the size overwhelmes her. My middle dd is now acting the same way when it comes to chapter books. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I could use to be sure they are being challenged as well as getting their fluency up and reading comprehension?

  6. I would teach her to her abilities as far as traditional school, what is your state's cutoff? I live in FL and the cutoff is Sept. 1. I have a daughter with an Aug 9th B-day and she is currently in K in public school. I look at her against her classmates and we can pick out all the Aug birthdays opposed to the earlier ones as far as development, reading, and focus in general. I think that homeschooling gives you much more ability to choose the subjects based on her level and if it comes down to putting her back in traditional school one day you could always go with the grade level she is in the most of and supplement at home if there is a subject lacking. i.e most subjects 1st grade, reading K I would say 1st grade and supplement at home with reading.

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