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Everything posted by Kebo

  1. She looks like a little Kelpie, but is much more likely to be a chiweenie, or some similar mix. Lots more of those around! DNA testing might be fun if you keep her.
  2. Kebo


    I used it for several months. I did lose weight, but just similar to when I tracked my calories on MyFitnessPal. They gave the same recommendation for number of calories for me to eat. I had hoped that having some "accountability" would be helpful, and I think it did at first. I thought the style of the program was annoying -- lot's of puns and cutesy, upbeat, rah-rah encouragement -- but that's just me, as I would have preferred more scientific studies. They did provide some supposedly scientific advice, but it was often contradictory a few weeks later (always eat breakfast! Unless skipping breakfast works for you!). To keep up with the program you had to read their articles daily and sometimes post to other members, and eventually it just became a chore. The calorie tracker was only OK -- several times I had to check MyFitnessPal to get calories for something I ate; for example I could find an entry for a Taco Bell bean burrito, but not a bean burrito without cheese. I have heard second hand that other people around me have found it helpful, so maybe it's just not my style.
  3. Do you like cauliflower? If so, this is a good way to make a full meal with white beans. I usually leave out the tomatoes. https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/herb-crusted-cauliflower-steaks-with-beans-and-tomatoes
  4. candied bacon oatmeal with various toppings (gluten-free oatmeal of course) hash browns or country potatoes (Trader Joe's has some ready to bake that are good; check the label to see if they are gluten-free). If fact, if you live near a Trader Joe's I would check their list of gluten-free items, such as gluten-free toaster waffles.
  5. I order every year from iGourmet and they have a large selection of many types of gifts (meats, cheeses, spreads, crackers, etc). You can order separately or choose a premade gift basket (many different themes). They also have gift subscriptions. They have a 15% off code of HOME20 right now.
  6. Nice socks hand lotion favorite foods (olives, beef jerkey, Pringles, fancy mustard, etc) Specialty spices for people who like to cook a magazine or small book that suits their hobby (crosswords, cooking, spirituality, etc)
  7. Have fun in agility! I had two dogs that I trained with, and I really enjoyed it. I'm hoping my next dog takes to it.
  8. Short leashes are definitely available: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=short+leash&i=pets&rh=n%3A2619533011%2Cn%3A2975312011%2Cn%3A2975339011%2Cn%3A2975343011&dc&qid=1604357651&rnid=2619533011&ref=sr_nr_n_3 Hope you find one that works for you!
  9. Yesterday was a cute movie. My Big Fat Greek Wedding (the original from 2002) Not exactly light-hearted, but Knives Out was great and the whole family enjoyed it!
  10. I have liked the GE Profile appliances that I have had. Not much experience with Whirlpool. Personally I would rather wait for a better appliance than settle for what is in stock. A month without a microwave will soon be forgotten, but living with a glitchy appliance will bother you every day.
  11. Disposable surgical masks are pretty comfortable to wear, and very lightweight. I see a lot of people wearing them now.
  12. Kebo


    If you had the neighbor's girl over to hang out with your three girls, do you think it's possible she might get along well with either your older or younger daughter? Just because two people are close in age doesn't make them a match, but she might be a good friend to one of the others. Or not ... but you wouldn't have much to lose by inviting her over to play board games, or watch a movie, or build a fort or whatever your girls like to do.
  13. Are you taking any antihistamines? Claritin made me feel like that when I took it regularly, and a different antihistamine had a similar effect on a friend's daughter. The problems resolved as soon as the antihistamines were discontinued.
  14. Our best splurge this summer was buying all 9 seasons of The Middle after watching the first 3 for free online. We had to have the rest -- The whole family loved it!
  15. Your cats may reset faster/ more completely with a little pharmacological help. it can calm down the emotions and many cats can then go off of medications after a while without resuming hostilities. I would try to Feliway first, though. Also, I don't know if this will be an option for you, but one of our cats lives in the master suite, with only supervised visits to the rest of the house. There have been no fights, and she acts friendly to all, but she breaks litterbox training (that is, she urine marks) if she co-exists in the same space with the other cats. She's perfect if kept in her own space. It's not ideal, but it's better for us than the alternatives.
  16. You might also try Feliway (calming pheromones), which is available as a diffuser, wipes, or a spray. I would agree that keeping separated eating, drinking, litterbox, and sleeping areas can help cats tolerate each other when their personalities don't mesh, or one is a crankypants or a diva. If there is anything you can do to keep stray cats out of your yard, that would also be recommended.
  17. We just made this recipe for zucchini bolognese this week and it turned out very well. We used the tips in the first review to add tomato paste, thyme and oregano. VERY easy recipe, but it takes 4+ hours of cooking. It is vegan if you leave off the parmesan. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipes/a58228/zucchini-bolognese-recipe/ Minestrone will also get a lot of veggies in, and you can adapt it to the veggies you like. I add carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, spinach or kale, onion, and sometimes some sliced cabbage. Also vegan if you skip the parmesan. https://cookieandkate.com/classic-minestrone-soup-recipe/ From the same website the lentil soup also looks good, but I haven't tried it yet: https://cookieandkate.com/best-lentil-soup-recipe/
  18. A few more...I like how the flower is smiling : )
  19. Sorry, don't know why they doubled up! I tried to edit, but no luck. The flowers are cactus blossoms, and the owl is a burrowing owl that was perched outside a local pizza restaurant, looking grumpy!
  20. You can live trap it and relocate it. We just did so with a roof rat. It took quite a few tries! We ended up using this live trap (linked below) and stringing cheerios from the roof. Everything else we tried was eaten but the trap not triggered. He was freaky smart. It took at least a dozen tries -- we even tried hot gluing food to the pressure plate, but in the morning the food would be gone and the trap still set. It started to feel like Caddyshack! Good luck! https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B078JBSBFV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  21. Found this thread on reddit: If you view the entire discussion, it ended up being a control panel problem and the unit needed to be replaced. I hope that is not your problem!
  22. The early masks that I bought had this problem, and I no longer use them. There are better styles out there that don't do this.
  23. If you are looking for another body oil, Neutrogena makes a nice one that absorbs quickly. They have scented and unscented versions. https://www.amazon.com/Neutrogena-Fragrance-Free-Lightweight-Moisturizer-Formula/dp/B001B0ZZFS/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=19A3K5ND60XL5&dchild=1&keywords=neutrogena+body+oil+fragrance+free&qid=1594569162&sprefix=neutrogena+body+oil%2Caps%2C378&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzR0tLQ1AxQVNYRVJUJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNTk3MzI3MzY5QkZKMjZCQUNINCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzc3NzQxMlc4M041ODY3ME5JNCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
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