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Everything posted by momacacia

  1. So it sound similar to the policy on gay leadership that BSA changed a few years ago. Differemt troops cam determine whether they will be all boy or co-ed. Am I reading that right? I guess there's a lot of local authority in the organization.
  2. Dice it up. Feed the brain food to 3yo who will love it!
  3. It's not mildewy/musty. But I don't find it pleasant. I will try stripping them. Its mostly pillow cases because I change those every few days and keep a few more on hand between all the beds. So they're just going to be stored somewhere. These are great ideas. Thank you, All. I love 2 gallon Ziploc so might have to resort go those!
  4. I'm am *done* with the "musty" smell that my (clean and regularly used) sheets and pillowcases seem to develop whether they are stored on a shelf in a linen closet or in a drawer. I realize that some sort of drawer freshener stuff, may be the solution to this, but why does it happen in the first place!?! The towels in the same closet/drawer don't smell this way. Am I not getting them clean enough? I thought I would outsmart the system and try hanging the pillowcases in the closet right after washing/drying. Nope, still smelled!! Nothing else in my closed smelled that way, but the sheets and pillowcases...and the smell dissipates once the sheets/cases are used. I don't smell it again every night I go to bed. What is up with this!?
  5. Magnesium oil and bath salts. Jigsaw Magnesium SRT oral supplement.
  6. New note to self: don't let children play at homes of sex offenders or talented software programmers. And don't even invite the children of the latter over to your home so their creeper, criminal parents won't snoop on you. So many things to watch out for this day and age. 😒
  7. Go with your gut. Mama instincts are there for a reason...listen to them!!!
  8. I consider it abnormal behavior for both your MIL's generation and your husband's generation. It is neither fun, not funny. My mother is almost 80 years old and would not do this. Even in her old age she understands private, personal property. Evidently your MIL and husband have too much time on their hands. Do they have jobs? If not, they need jobs and maybe a hobby to take the time and energy they'd otherwise use snooping into other people's business and private property. Hopefully SIL finds out and learns to develop better boundaries with MIL and her BIL, unless of course she doesn't mind people snooping through her personal property; and maybe she doesn't. Maybe that's a cultural or age thing, too. Idk. Your SIL, however, sounds lovely.
  9. It really depends on how much $ you're talking about. Also, in most states there is spousal elective share. In my state, my mom can elect against the will and trust and take 30% of the estate off the top. In her case with how my dad has set up the trust (maintenance for her) this is probably her most lucrative option. If spouses own property as joint tenants, then it will just automatically go to other spouse. Children are just not given the same standing as spouses in estate law. I'm not sure why you're concerned at all anyway. Sounds like there's been no contact with FIL for quite a while and if you weren't too worried when she thought she had a validly rewritten will, why does it matter now. For about $2K, you can probably get an attorney to review the situation for you and it would be less than that if there are no documents to review. Sometimes we just have to let a parent go and whatever wealth they have with them.
  10. Well, sounds like you and your daughter think it would be a lovely thing, do rock on. For me, the thought of saving all those logo T-shirts and anything related to sewing gives me hives. My husband however, would think this a fabulous idea. To each their own.
  11. Going to a reception a lot like this. Thankfully the wedding is inside. Long sleeve tunic top, leggings, boots or booties. My real goal is to keep my kids out of the tent they'll have set up for reception overflow and I strongly suspect won't have heaters. 😒
  12. momacacia


    You could test your ferritin levels (that isn't always tested in iron panels), yes you could get your cortisol/DHEA levels checked (this would be for adrenal), and if you have an MTHFR issue or a pyroluria issue, you may need a lot more Bs of a certain type than you think. And working on your digestion would help all of that.
  13. I think it's worth a shot. Sounds like it has a lot of the thyroid supporting compounds in it. I have seen people use supplements and wean off thyroid meds and onto only the supplement as symptoms/labs improve, but not necessarily exactly what you describe. I'd also want to be sure my progesterone and ferritin levels are high enough...those can be related to hair loss as well.
  14. Nag, nag, keep nagging, and nag some more. Once you have one chore down, rinse and repeat on the next one. ðŸ˜
  15. If only having great test scores and going to the best schools had anything to do with how my kids turned out in life.... I'm starting to care less and less about those things as I see more and more people doing well financially and personally with much less in their background academically.
  16. Maybe you want to just start out including juices in your daily diet for a while. I've been doing that to support liver/gallbladder health and I feel a lot better. 12-24oz day of carrot/beet\cucumber/pear juice, somewhat diluted. You can always ease into the fast after trying a bit of juicing.
  17. Me too. My washer is not that old and it was not that cheap. Bleach and fabric softener trays don't work, till up with water. I've tried all suggested "fixes." Nothing.
  18. If you feel good, I think it's okay. My husband lost 25 in a month doing GAPS in solidarity with one of our kids. Not exercising, but also not eating lunch each day. He can get away with it, but I would never recommend it...and he was tired sometimes. For sustainability, you don't want to keep losing the weight...obviously. So you're going to have to figure out what it takes to maintain ideal weight if you want to keep exercising like you are and still feel good.
  19. I think that's really beautiful of your 6yo, Blondeviolin. â¤
  20. Small biz owner here, too. We think about this quite a bit. I strongly suspect at some point we'll drop our health insurance benefits.
  21. Just because someone else needs the money the job pays, doesn't mean your employer would pay that someone else to do your job. They're willing to pay you for a reason. Maybe they couldn't invest full time pay in the position or the position didn't need a full time investment; and there you were, a perfect fit of skills and availability! Idk what size company you work for, but DH and I run a small business. Our employees have no clue about how we make hiring/firing decisions. We may ask some input from our managers, but we don't explain the big picture of our employment decisions to them. I would not base how you feel about your job on what other employees, with just as little information as you have, say about the job, the work, etc.
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