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Posts posted by rfoster

  1. :grouphug:


    From personal experience - try giving her a month. When my 11 year old ds started school at 6, he screamed, cried, held on to me and acted like he wasn't ever going to see me again on his first day of school. They asked me not to come visit him at school for a week or so to allow him to acclimate. Emotionally, it was one of the hardest weeks of my life. 2 weeks later, he loved school and from then on was upset whenever he had a vacation.


    I'd give her a few more weeks, and then if she still feels the same, say 'it was a mistake' and bring her back home.

  2. My daughter has very sensitive ears, so we can't use most places like Claires etc. to buy earrings. If you have access to a Silpada representative, they have some very nice sterling silver earrings for less than $20 dollars (these do very well in my daughter's ears). And if you have access to a Premier Jewelry rep, the Mimi 4 pack of earrings is only $20 and also does very well in her ears.

  3. I'm white, my husband is black. We were asked when they were born which race we would like on their birth certificates, and we chose Black. We could have chosen White if we wanted to. While the 'one-drop' rule has been ruled unconstitutional, for the purpose of studies and demographics, generally researchers DO still use the 'one-drop' rule.


    As far as I have found, there is NOT much, if any, additional scholarships for Black/AA students. The advantage they DO have is that they will have a better chance for acceptance at very competitive universities. From what I have found when I researched, Ivy leagues etc. will accept a black student before a white student if they have the exact same test scores, UNLESS the white student has a very very good hook as opposed to the black student.


    Don't quote me as I may be wrong, but Native Americans who are member of a Federally Recognized tribe are really the only group that receives race-based scholarships.

  4. Something I discovered over the years that is applicable to ALL skilled businesses (not only in my photography but also my hubby's web design and programming) is that there is ALWAYS someone that will work for cheaper or even free in some cases. You have to maintain your professional integrity and offer what you feel comfortable with, even if that means you will occasionally lose business. You also need to feel confident enough in your work to believe that your work is WORTH the money you charge. ETA: And for those establishments who offer more for less, the clients are almost always getting EXACTLY what they paid for.


    I would not change my policies because you lose 1 or 2 clients. In my experience, these are the same people that will sell your code to other people, or complain that they didn't like the photos and ask for their money back (AFTER you deliver the CD of couse).


    I'd find a friend or two who are comfortable offering CDs to clients. When a client asks for a CD say 'I'm sorry, I do not offer CDs. I am able to recommend 1 or 2 people who do, here are their names'. This works even better if you can manage to negotiate a kickback of $10-$20 from business you send their way ;-)

  5. We land on the Big Island on Sunday afternoon, and I'm very eager to meet some other families from the area and participate in any group activities that are available. I know there are quite a few HS families on Oahu because of all the military families, but is there anyone on the Big Island?



  6. Also places like Residence Inn and other such places aimed at people who will be staying put for a while are nice; the rooms are much bigger, they often serve dinner during the week, and breakfast daily, with cooking facilities (inc pans and plates) in the room.


    :iagree: We use Homewood Suites wherever possible, all of their rooms offer a bedroom, living room with sofabed, and a fully equipped kitchen with a full size fridge and pots and pans. On a long term stay we were able to negotiate a rate on a 2br (1 king bed, 2 queen beds, 1 sofa bed) down to around 90 a night (From around 190 a night). that included breakfast every day and dinner 4 days a week so we could factor that into our budget. Now admittedly, that was a LONG term stay at >1 month but that's a good example of what negotiating can get you).


    I'm surprised that everyone is saying they've had problems with occupancy we have NEVER had a problem with that as long as we tell the front desk that all our kids are under 10. If you don't want to reserve far in advance, try calling a hotel near where you think you'll land around noon before all the road travelers start checking in - that way you guarantee they have something for you when you get there, but can be a little more spontaneous about it.


    Have fun!!! :auto:

  7. Vinegar in a bath works for me, but I also tan rather easily so it most likely isn't as bad as what you are looking at. My mom and younger sister are very very fair skinned. They burn very easily every year, and they use Noxema - and I've seen my little sister put it in the fridge to cool it down even more before applying.

  8. We actually just finished purchasing our tickets and securing our rental etc. for our trip to the Big Island which will be quite a bit longer than yours (we plan on being there several months). I've been doing a TON of research for our time there. The absolute cheapest plane tickets we found (through considerable research) was directly through Hawaiian Airlines. But we are taking off from SFO. Something I learned is that the day you leave can make a huge difference - for example a monday might cost you $600 a ticket and then tuesday will cost you $280. Hawaiian's website has a nice feature that allows you to see every single day on a month calendar so you can see what the cost is per day. Our 6 ticks at the end of August cost us around $1400 (thats cash, no airline miles).


    I think it was Orbitz that had turned up the best fares through the major carriers on their price comparison wizard, better than the rest of the comparison sites i checked (priceline, cheaptickets, etc.) so give them a shot.


    Most of the 'must sees' I have compiled so far are on the Hilo side of the island, because we will be staying in Puna. Were you planning on going that far or did you want to stay on the Kona side? The KonaWeb site http://www.konaweb.com/ is one I put in my bookmarks that had a lot of information in it and is geared towards Kona. Also try: The big island section of http://www.discoveringhawaii.com there is some decent info on http://www.bigisland-bigisland.com/index.html and Hawaii Lisa has a lot of info on http://www.hawaii-lisa.com/ as well. Hope that helps! I can't wait till we get there!

  9. Another non-religious secular homeschooler here! Our kids ages are in my sig. As far as curriculum we have only been homeschooling since the beginning of the year so we're still experimenting and making it up as we go. We are very uncomfortable with taking a pre-packaged solution and teaching our kids only based on what that group that developed the curriculum decided to cover, with the ideological slant that they decided to impose on the information (for example, what they are doing with the new TX curriculum standards). Thankfully TX homeschool laws are so loose that just having SOMETHING that we teach the kids in each subject is following the law. We've been working mostly on fine tuning our 'core' skills (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) and using literature based learning + research for things like social studies and science.

  10. Here are lots of :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I can say that I truly understand. I have already faced this with one grandparent (he passed 2 years ago and I think I am finally gaining some sense of closure), and have 2 more that I will go through the very same emotional roller coaster with. And 1 grandparent who I WILL want to attend her funeral, and that will be very awkward for me after skipping 3 others, so most likely grieve in my own way in private.

  11. Gently...I would be TEMPTED to do this, but I wouldn't actually do it.

    The invitation is rude, but being rude back would not be good.

    All in, or not at all.

    I would bring a wonderful, lavish dish, and a nice gift, and I would just charm the heck out of everyone. I would reserve all commentary for the boards! Remember the politics. Besides, there's no point in being driven to stoop to their level.

    Either that, or "I'm so sorry, but I have plans that day."


    You are right, of course, I'm just ornery like that. :001_smile:

  12. Thanks everyone.


    I have to RSVP for the baby shower. Dh brought home the invitation (in flyer form?!) when he came to get lunch. It is all the same group of people - the other wives (or girlfrineds) of the people dh works with. Then there are the politics that goes along with this.


    So do I simply decline the invitation on principle? Do I go and get suckered in to this?


    Generally I try to avoid this group of women because they tend to be more than I want to deal with. Lots of gossip, cliques, and one cat fight in a local eatery. I equate it to them mentally never leaving high school.


    Oh, I really don't want to go. But the new mom is dh's best friend's wife.


    Help me decide what to do.


    This is your DH's best friend and his wife, so I'd 100% go because of this - no matter who was holding it. But I'd bring the 'covered dish' as a freezer meal in a plastic ziploc container or something. And when I got there say very loudly and obviously in front of everyone 'I am so embarrassed, I thought because the shower was for the arrival of Best Friend and Wife's new baby that the covered dish was for them, at a time when it would help them!'. Not exactly those words, but something like that. If nothing else, the hostess will probably feel lazy - which sounds like that wouldn't really be a bad thing. :D

  13. This story makes me want to cry, because I can see one of my dear nephews, brothers or my son when he gets older being put in a situation like this. I have a lot of male family members that are very sweet and have a good big brother personality - who have taken good care of their sisters/nieces/cousins/female friends because they were TAUGHT to do this from birth, and never allowed by their mothers to mistreat, neglect or ignore their sisters/nieces/cousins/female friends and to help them as much as they can. It just happens that most males in our family are at least 6ft tall by age 14 or 15, and could most definitely be accused of something they would NEVER in a million years even think of. And they'd be put in that situation for that EXACT reason - that they'd never in a million years even think about it.

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