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  1. You are all SO helpful!! I agree, I don't think my daughter needs to learn a spelling program yet. We are having so much fun with the free curriculum from 1+1+1=1 and confessionsofahomeschooler.com Both of these have been the main activities we have been using. However, as recommended, I think I will consider some handwriting program. Again, it means so much that you all would take the time to respond to my questions in such length. Annie:001_smile:
  2. Thank you Mary! That is helpful and confirms what I was thinking. Any suggestions on the handwriting approach? Annie
  3. I have a 3.5 year old who had read through the first set of Bob books. I am not really pushing her to do this, it's just something that she picks up easily and is wanting to learn. I have focused on phonics by some instruction, leapfrog videos, and starfall.com. I recently noticed her writing on the whiteboard, or at least attempting to write. I don't know much about the curriculum but I heard that All About Spelling could be used with preschoolers. I don't know if this is too advanced or if I should go forward? Again, I am not trying to make her a super reading and spelling by age 4:) I just want to maintain her interest and follow her lead. Any advise and recommendations would be appreciated. Annie
  4. Thank you all. Great ideas. I will try the dollar tree and Lakeshore. I just thought some of might lean towards one over another. I thought of making mine, but it seems worth the money to buy one. Lazy, I know:tongue_smilie:
  5. I have a 3 year old who I would like to start some sort of morning calendar time with. Any suggestions? I saw that Lakeshore had an all magnetic one, very nice. Any thoughts on what to include? I want to keep it simple.
  6. I am so glad to hear that I am not alone in this issue! Thank you Moms for all your support! This forum is great!!! My dd gets loads of fibers and flax! We are a fairly healthy-minded family so I don't believe that lack of fiber is the issue. I have tried to sit her on the potty and encourage her to go but she just won't poop there. Peeing is no problem at all. Whenever she does poop in her diaper (the only place she will go), is has to be in a room all by herself so I think that privacy may be the issue, along with control. I suppose I should just wait this out knowing that not too many kids go to college in big kid pants:tongue_smilie: Annie
  7. Hi All! My 3 year old daughter will not poop in the potty. We have tried everything we could think of. It has become so bad that she will hold it for several days at a time. We have given up on urging her to try the potty and simply want her to just use the diaper. However, even a diaper seems terrible to her at this point. Honestly, it is driving us nuts!! She wants to constantly be held and has even had a temp of 103 degrees after holding it for 4 days!! I know she is suffering and so are we!! What do we do? Thanks, Annie:confused:
  8. Thank you SO much!! I thought I was going crazy or something. At least I know this is "normal" and now I can move on with my life. I am taking most of your advice and I am going to forgo a nap. This saves my sanity and I can have some peace and quiet time with my husband. YEAH!!! Thanks for the support:grouphug:
  9. Help!! Recently my 32 month (2 1/2+) year old has been very difficult to put down for a nap. It doesn't matter if we stay at the park for long stretches or are at home, she has a hard time falling asleep. I know she is tired, but napping is still difficult. When she doesn't get a nap, she is a little rambunctious later in the day. She can be hard to handle at times and drives my husband a little nuts. However, the good thing is that she goes to sleep pretty early, giving me a much needed break! On the other hand, when she does nap, she stays up WAY too late and it takes FOREVER for her to fall asleep! This drives ME nuts!! I don't know if she is outgrowing a nap of if it is just a stage. Okay all you experienced moms, PLEASE GIVE ME SOME SAGE ADVISE!! Annie:crying:
  10. I am a little ahead of myself since my kids are 2.5 and 4 months. I am just in the planning stages. I want to gather as many ideas as possible.
  11. I am looking to turn my office into a classroom. I want to get any ideas (with pictures if possible) you may have about decorating a classroom. I love the idea of making it look like a real classroom as much as possible and yet with a unique sense of style as well. Thanks, Annie:001_smile:
  12. Okay, I am very new here so please don't blast me for this question... What is your opinion of the program Hooked on Phonics? They are currently having a sale and I was considering buying something for my 2 1/2 year old. Thanks, Annie
  13. Thank you for all the sage advice. I want to enjoy my daughter and not push her too much at this age. I guess I just get a little ahead of myself:)
  14. I just found this board last night. I am in the process of doing research on preschool curriculum but I have no idea of where to start. My daughter is 2 1/2 years old. When do I start and what do I use? I am very new and confused. Annie
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