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Everything posted by EmmaNZ

  1. I am on my fourth run through as well. I still have one more to go after this one.....I don't think I can take it! Having said that, if we have got to FLL at least that means we have finished with phonics and the dreaded alphabet. HATE teaching the alphabet!
  2. Wow, that is so spectacularly WRONG, I almost can't believe I read it on here. It is the kind of thing one finds on Facebook or BBC news comments sections. The purpose of a hijab is to cover yourself according to laws sent down by God. It has NOTHING to do with a man whatsoever. I choose to dress the way I do. Some days I wear a long dress, other days I wear trousers and a tunic top. Every day I cover my hair with different colour scarves (often to match my shoes and bag :)) At the beach and the waterpark I wear a burkini. If I was in France right now I would probably be facing a fine just because I want to play in the surf with my kids. I also think 'women are just as valid as men'. Nobody watches or disciplines me except myself and God. My husband and my children walk the path with me, and we try to make good choices together. I have NEVER met a muslim man who thinks women are filthy and dirty and need to be watched. I suspect I have met MANY, MANY more muslim men and women than you. I do not suspect non-muslim women of being 'out to do bad things' when not covering. I overwhelmingly see them as trying their best to do the right thing in a confusing world. Yes, they have made different choices to me, but I respect them all the same. Why is it impossible for you to respect a women for choosing a different dress code to yourself? In my experience, in several countries around the world, most people are respectful and friendly. Much the same as when I wear hijab. Niqab is a different thing to hijab, I agree. I do not currently wear one, for a variety of reasons, although I have in the past. But a women in a niqab is no more oppressed than one in a hijab. (Obviously, here I am only talking about countries I know well which does not include some of the Middle Eastern countries). However, the women I know who wear niqab, including one of my best friends, are intelligent, university-educated and useful members of society. They do not do this thing lightly, but they do it knowingly.
  3. I married into a pakistani family, so we eat with our fingers often. Not only is it ok to lick your fingers, it is also ok to wipe them around your plate to get up all the juices and sauce. So in light of that I voted yes, ok to lick your fingers at home; yes, ok to lick your fingers in a fast food. I voted other about the 'nice' restaurant, because it depends what kind of restaurant it is. Even in a 'nice' restaurant that serves curry, or middle eastern food, it is ok to lick your fingers.
  4. Lori, you always give the most helpful advice. It is much appreciated. Emma (another mother of a struggling speller)
  5. I love the word 'snicket' from the north of England (a little short-cut path) And when I visit my family in Lancashire, somebody always need to 'brew-up' (put the kettle on and make some tea)
  6. An advert in Britain for milk in the 80s (all said with a scouser accent): "milk, ugh" "it's what ian rush drinks. Ian Rush says that if I don't drink milk, I won't even be good enough to play for Accrington Stanley!" "Accrington Stanley, who are they?" "Exactly" "Gimme some"...."Nah, get off" It's so good I'm gonna link it! Also: "If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club"
  7. But with a thread title like that you would have to be a saint not to look!
  8. Ohh brilliant suggestions! Thanks very much
  9. I don't want anything too trashy, but my brain needs a rest and I can't handle anything too involved or 'difficult'. I usually like historical fiction, but have enjoyed most genres in the past, with the except of crime novels - I don't like to be scared! Any ideas?
  10. I got myself a housekeeper - somebody to clean the oven, put away the clothes, tidy the toys etc. I plan ahead (months in advance!) if I want him to be somewhere in particular on a weekend. Then I block out his calendar! Weekdays, I plan for doing almost everything myself with the kids. Even if he happens to be home, he will be on the phone or the computer. Not sure how old your kids are, but things have become easier recently with having all the children potty trained, and the eldest able to stay at home for short periods alone. The other thing that has helped here is prioritising my relationship with DH. If we feel 'bonded' then I am less likely to feel hard-done-by!!
  11. I cry all the way through Pooh. The other bit that never fails to get me is about Tigger: 'because Kanga knew that he wanted as much kindness as Roo' (or words to that effect!)
  12. Oh....I get it!! I knew it was Pi day but had no idea it was because of the date :)
  13. I would go to Lake Malawi. (Well, I've already been but I would go again!). Love Malawi. If it's Kenya you fancy then you need to go to Kilifi, just north of Mombasa. But if you want quiet, then Lamu is fabulous. Don't go to Cape Town in winter - it's really cold. I have never been to Botswana or Namibia, but they are both on my 'list' and would be great choices.
  14. Our stroller has travelled the world with us. Think it might be time to show it the USA! :lol:
  15. Thanks for all the replies - it is really helpful. You actually all make it sound so doable! I have never, ever planned a holiday anymore than booking the accommodation in advance before so this is all new to me. I do see the reasons why, and like the idea of a late lunch planned into most days (I don't think I can handle planning every single day). Minniewannabe - you sound a lot like me! We have the one sit down meal and one counter service meal plan.
  16. I am overwhelmed with information! My family of 7 have a trip planned for 8 days in May. The children will be 11, 9, 8, 5 and 3. We are staying in the animal kingdom villas, and have paid for the dining plan. But what next? Do I need to reserve somewhere for us to eat every evening? What things do I need to make sure not to miss? I am not a great planner and certainly don't want a schedule for my holiday. When I look at Disney sites they all seem to plan out everything to the nth degree. I can see the advantage of a plan though - I just have no idea how to start making one. Can you help me? Thank you!
  17. Well, I love Versailles! But I would skip Venice (smelly and dirty in my opinion!) and choose Florence instead. I adore Tuscany. And I would pick Brussels over Amsterdam too. Plus maybe Prague - but that's quite a bit further away again. Have fun planning!
  18. I don't think I have a name for just one ring. I suppose it would be 'ring' if it was anything. But I think I use hob as a collective noun!
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