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    HS Mom with 4 kids
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    North Carolina
  1. When we went a couple of years ago to Hatteras the places we went to were: Currituck Lighthouse Wildlife Center in Currituck Jockey's Ridge Wright Brothers Museum and Memorial Bodie Island Lighthouse Hatteras Lighthouse Frisco Native American Museum (Private museum, but I highly recommend it to learn about the Native tribes that used the islands for hunting and fishing grounds) Ocracoke Lighthouse Lost Colony National Park Roanoke Aquarium Most of the National Parks in the area participate in the Junior Ranger program which my kids enjoyed participating in and earning the badge. Have a great time. We are hoping to go back again in a couple of years. Amy
  2. Here is mine. We are leaving tomorrow for a soccer tournament. I gave more detail about using T4L which was asked about last week. Hope everyone has a good weekend!! Amy
  3. Mine is up for the week. We've made some pretty big changes for the time being. Ended up having a really good week!
  4. Since we came back from Spring Break I've been trying Time4Learning out with my children. Leading up to Spring Break, I and the kids were getting really burnt out and seemed to be getting no where. I kept working on our schedule and could not seem to find a way to have one-on-one time with all four at the amount they 'seemed' to need. The last two weeks have been wonderful. The two oldest are using T4L for grammar/LA and Math review, and are doing great. They are re-covering some material and learning some new things, actually seem to be retaining it from day-to-day. DD10 is thrilled to be doing comparable work with her ps friends and getting graded on it. Not to mention, we have discovered that dd10 and dd7 really can work independently and don't need me to sit there for moral support on every single page. I also moved dd10 to TT5 and she LOVES the program. We are still doing SOTW, WWE and Science together, but are actually having time to do more projects with those!! Because everyone has their computer time independently, I've actually been able to sit down and and do individual work with the kids with no interruptions. My bathrooms have been cleaned and clean clothes are folded and put away by the end of the day. Since the trial is coming to an end, my mom has offered to pay for our T4L membership. And, I'm really considering taking her up on it. I would like to use it in conjunction with our History/Science rotation and the literature lists I pull from Ambleside (I lean CM/Classical in approach), but I know that computer-learning isn't especially compatible with those philosophies. I'm just feeling a bit of guilt at making this change. I love the CM/Neo-Classical philosophies, but the changes have been so dramatic...especially since I was just about ready to throw the towel in on homeschooling my oldest after this year. Please be gentle. :001_smile: Amy
  5. Mine is finally up. We had an off week with trying to come back from a two-week Spring Break and our older dog passing away in the middle of the week. For what was going on I feel pretty good about our week. Amy
  6. I can't answer the telescope one as we have not made it yet, but it is pretty small. I think the idea is to learn how a telescope is put together - it says in the book that it does not magnify as well as a real one. The solar system model are solid styrofoam balls that need to be painted (paint & brushes included). There is also a sticker map of the solar system for the child to take stickers and make a poster of the solar system. Activities/Experiments: Why don't we see stars during the day? How to turn a regular flashlight to a night-vision flashlight. Make a constellation box What do you need to make a telescope? Do you think sunlight can make colors change? Why is the moon so bright when it does not give off its own light? Phases of the moon. How do we know on Earth when a solar eclipse occurs? Does Uranus take longer to orbit the sun than Earth does? Solar system mobile Everything for the activities is included except batteries. The activity book is also filled with lots of little bits of information just like one finds in MSB books. I got it just as a fun add-in. I already had a solar system model for the kids to make, we have our own telescope and there are lots of space activities that I culled from library books - this just looked fun and was inexpensive...and I have been pleased with it. It is probably too easy for my 10 yr old, but perfect for the younger two. Hope this helps. Amy
  7. I am using it with my 5, 7 and 10 year-olds currently. So far I really like it. It comes with everything you need for the projects, except the batteries for the flashlight. We've only done a few of the experiments as they match up with what we are studying and we have not focused on stars & constellations yet. The projects can be as simple or as complex as you need so that my 5 yr old and 10 yr old can both get something out of the activity. For me it has been a nice way to include my 5 yr old in her sisters' science and I am looking at more of the Magic School Bus Science boxes to use next year with physics. Amy
  8. I'm looking at my schedule for next year where I'll have 3 school-aged and 1 pre-schooler. I'm considering using the Audio CD for SOTW4 for the two oldest to listen to, but I was wondering if it took away from the experience of teaching history? Of course I'll still be having other read alouds, but it could be one less thing off my plate KWIM. If you have used the audio CDs did you like them? Why/Why not? Thanks!! Amy
  9. Thank you for this link, I know where I'll be today. ;) Good thing it is Spring Break. Amy
  10. Yes, we can park it in our side yard. 75% of our neighbors have campers or RVs... I want to thank everybody for replying. I'm saving the replies for things to think about when DH and I discuss it tonight. I think both of us are leaning towards taking it. It is just that the offer was such a surprise to us and we had never really considered it before. Another question, is a pop-up camper something that I alone could handle say when I took it to my parent's. Could I handle the set up and take down without having to be extremely strong? Amy
  11. Our family has been offered a pop-up camper trailer for free from a friend. Of course it needs some minor repairs that DH can handle or things we can live without (non working propane frig). We can't decide whether to take it or not. Cons 1. We'll have to have a hitch and electrical harness added to the van, but the van can pull the trailer. 2. We are very busy in the spring and fall with weekend sports and such, and DH works a second job April through September. 3. We'll have to pay the title transfer fees and $75 trailer registration (not really a con...just is what it is) Pros 1. DH and I grew up in camping families and always wanted to share it with the children, but because of back problems he doesn't do well sleeping on the ground. 2. We live minutes from a couple state and national parks that have nice campgrounds - quick camping trips would be very possible. 3. We can use it when we visit my family as neither my father or mother have enough space for all of us to visit at one time - but are willing to let us set it up in their yards. 4. We were already considering a fall trip though either VA or the Smokey Mountains this fall...and this would make it much more possible since we could pay campground fees instead of hotel rooms for 6. Yes my pros out list the cons, but we are concerned that it may end up a dusty lawn ornament with the way our schedules are. Would those in the Hive mind take a freebie like this? Thanks Amy
  12. Thank you so much!! I really think that I am going to give it a try. We've loved doing nature studies (CM style) all these years, but dd10 wants more. It says that it is written at three levels ages 6-12, so I can do it with all the girls. Amy
  13. I really want to focus on incorporating more nature study into our schooling. We spend a lot of time 'studying' different types of nature and exploring in the local parks, but I want a more developed program. My oldest dd really loves nature and is a naturalist at heart. Has anyone used the Kamana Naturalist Study for kids put out by Wilderness Awareness School? I heard about it through one of David Albert's homeschooling books. Thanks Amy
  14. Our weekly report is up. It was Spring Break, but quite educational. Amy
  15. Mine is up. We have a few things to wrap up today and then we are taking a two-week Spring Break!!
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