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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. Here is a really inexpensive ground beef substitute that my dh will eat. There is a gluten free version given farther down that is just as good. I had to hunt for a source for the gluten so I have made both versions and when you make the mashed potatos for the gluten free version ytou can just make more than you need and use them for a side dish or potato pancakes or something like that. http://veggieconverter.com/2011/01/whole-food-vegetarian-ground-beef-substitute-recipe.html
  2. Dh got one once and was sick for severals days, neither dd nor I have had one and we have no plans to get them in the future.
  3. :iagree:It certainly seems impossible to be confident of the safety of food now.
  4. :lurk5:I am interested in making cheese but have not ventured into those waters yet.
  5. :lurk5:Some of these ideas sound yummy.
  6. :lurk5: I love refried beans and have been thinking about making some.
  7. The fastest we ever started looking for and got another dog was after we lost our female dachshund. Our male dachshund was showing signs of depression so we found another red, longhaired female within about two weeks. He perked right back up too.
  8. Kumon has some graduated workbooks with coloring and cutting skills practice that may help. They are also fun, dd7 would probably still do them if I would buy her one.
  9. Why does it make a difference that your ds is a boy? My dd7 is going to get a bb gun from her grandmother for her eighth birthday. Her grandmother will teach her how to use it with an emphasis on safety. My mother, the previously mentioned grandmother, is an excellent shot and very comfortable with guns. She lives alone and I do not worry about her safety as much because of this.
  10. I love Mercedes Lackey books. I have to be careful when I buy them though because when I start reading one I generally stay up all night to finish it.
  11. I would work in any of those establishments if necessary. The only requirement I have is that I will not work somewhere that has alot of secondhand smoke in the work envoirnment. I can't due to asthma (and besides the resulting doctor bills would probably be more than I was making).
  12. :iagree:I wonder if there is any way that harrassment charges could be pressed?
  13. Does this ever start younger? Dd7 has been acting very sassy and immature lately. I fixed french toast for breakfast this morning aqnd that resulted in a total meltdown.
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