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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. I think parental involvement and supervision of activities is key. I do not make a habit of dropping off dd for activities and disappearing. The sport she is involved in now actually requires that parents remain within sight and sound range. I think that protects both the children and the adult volunteers.
  2. I just signed up for the android programming course. I considered the Greek mythology course but I don't think that I will have the time to invest in it. Has that course been offered in the past? Are some courses offered every term or once a year?
  3. I did not know about that site prior to this thread. It has now been bookmarked and I am off to explore it.
  4. :iagree:I thought of her dementia as soon as I read your post. It is really somewhat surprising that she is concerned about you reading the letter.
  5. In my experience with my dh grouchiness to the point of irrationality is one of the symptoms of high blood pressure. Therefore I would not take anything he says personally and would pretty much treat him as if he was not thinking completely rationally.
  6. Dd7 was not a screamer but she was very prone to carsickness. In her case the projectile vomiting started after less the 30 minutes if she was rearfacing. She is still happiest if someone is sitting in the backseat with her.
  7. :iagree: This is the sort of thing I would use if your dd becomes aware of the pregnancy. If she does not I would leave the subject alone.
  8. I don't get it, but my the paint is wearing off the buttons on my phone so I have decided that I might have to replace it sometime in the next six months or so. I also need to add that my phone is definitely not a smart phone and not apple.
  9. Could the toy the dog destroyed have had some sort of food smell on it from a spill that was wiped off or something like that?
  10. Could you turn a small fake magnifing glass into a christmas tree ornament. I would go with fake to minimize fire hazard.
  11. :iagree:I would also add that MIL does not need unsupervised acess to your allergy child ever.
  12. :iagree:Stories like this make me glad that our yard/house is not visible to the neighbors or from the street and we have nice neighbors.
  13. I agree that they can be, the one I linked is homemade from lentils and rice and the gluten free version does not contain anything exotic and the only expensive thing is a small amount of mushrooms. This recipe is for black bean and sweet potato burgers but I used it as filling in enchiladas and dh(another meat lover) has actually requested a repeat. http://onceamonthmom.com/sweet-potato-black-bean-burgers/
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