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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. My dd7 is getting a bow and some arrows and a target for christmas. She has become interested in archery through the Society for Creative Anachronism which is a medieval recreation group. There are local groups within a reasonable distance in many areas so you could check with a nearby group to see if there is a regular archery practice nearby.
  2. Not a tutorial per se but I would just cut two circles using a dinner plate for a pattern and then cut a circle out of the middle of one using a dessert plate. Then put the two circles right side together and sew around the outer edge. Then bind the small inner circle with a strip of cloth.
  3. I tend to agree that it is better than more permanent modifications. It is definitely something that I would not want to do.
  4. Maybe he will make the connection with how much better he felt after the pill. One of our dogs seemed to make that connection after she was hit by a car and was being medicated.
  5. Do you sew? It is fairly easy to make berets using a dinner plate and a dessert plate to cut out the cloth and then a band around the inside of the "doughnut".
  6. I have used the spray cheese to cover the pill. If that doesn't work, Istick it to the roof of their mouth with peanut butter. I have also stuck my hand in their mouths. Ours figure out pretty quick that the pill is going into them and if they take it nicely with cheese they won't get pestered further.
  7. If she was pregnant when you saw her she could be having the babies so I would note any changes if she shows back up.
  8. We are definitely on a budget this year for both christmas and birthday. Dd7(will be 8) is getting some toys but I am going to try to encourage interests that she can continue as an adult. Some things along this line will be a sewing/embroidery set, an archery set, armor for SCA youth combat, an inexpensive bow and arrows, and a crocheting set. several of these sets will include things that I am making such as her quiver and the armor. She will also receive books about several of these subjects.
  9. I had braces over twenty years ago and while there was some initial discomfort it was not too bad. Of course in my case the braces actually relieved pain since they stopped my bottom teeth from hitting the roof of my mouth.
  10. :iagree:That is exactly what I was trying to say but I think you worded it better.
  11. :iagree:Could you possibly tell your mother that you believe that the dog is stressed by the situation and you are concerned about him? I know that your first concern is your children's safety but that approach might go over better with your mother.
  12. :grouphug: Have you considered cameras in various strategic locations? Then you could possibly know if she comes onto your property and you would have proof if it became necessary.
  13. :iagree:This sort of incident could have happened easily at the first high school I went to.
  14. :iagree:I would add some sort of chapstick or petroleum jelly for her lips. Mine were somewhat chapped but I don't think that this is necessarily normal.
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