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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. :lurk5: I will bump for ideas for my dd8. She is getting a "real" Bible (she requested this), a learn to sew kit, an archery set, a knitting/crochet kit, probably some books and a gently used dsi with some games.
  2. Cool program. I think that part of the success is due to the fact that there is no one to tell them the "right" way to do things so they have to experiment.
  3. At least she did not leave the dirty pair of underwear on the living room floor. :glare:
  4. :iagree: Is there any way that your father can set something up with the social worker so that either you or your sister has to sign off on any major decisions such as this since she does not seem to be making the SAFEST decsions about your father's care?
  5. I could definitely imagine my dd doing the same thing.
  6. :lurk5: I have the same problem. Dd does spend time at her grandmother's house on most weeks and that is when I have gotten some things done.
  7. I would probably get a laptop or tablet for my dc if I were you and carefully monitor the amount of time they spend using it. The laptop (and I assuming the tablet since I don't have one) has a dvd drive that can play the dvds and is therefore more versatile.
  8. :iagree: This would not have gone over well with me at all and my mother knows it.
  9. I have not used it yet but I love the idea of a like button. This is actually my first post after the update.
  10. I have not used it yet but I love the idea of a like button. This is actually my first post after the update.
  11. :iagree:with the bolded. Especially since they often have gluten free bakers on that show and dd was just taken off wheat for 5 days which may end up being permanent.
  12. My mother had a wild box turtle that would come to her back door to be fed regularly. You could try watching to see if your turtle returns to where he is used to being fed. Maybe put the posts outside the enclosure on the side he got out so he can climb back in the same way he got out but not get back out again.
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