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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. :iagree: She may even need to be on a locked ward so she cannot leave and somehow injure herself.
  2. Thanks for the warning about that cookbook. I need to avoid processed junk as well as wheat for dd8.
  3. :lurk5: Dd8 has not mentioned christmas cookies, yet. However, I suspect that yet is the key word.
  4. I will probably be experimenting with gluten free pizza dough sometime in the near future so :lurk5: .
  5. :iagree: The pill has caused problems in both me and my mother. With that sort of family history I plan to make dd well aware of the likelihood that it would be a bad idea for her but not all families discuss that sort of thing. Also my mother told me and I did not want to listen. At least when dd is still a minor I should be able to make the doctor aware of family history.
  6. Oatmeal can be gluten free but it has to have been kept free of gluten contamination between harvest and sale. There are gluten free oatmeals available but they are probably not as cheap as regular oatmeal. I will be lurking on this thread for ideas for dd8. Quinoa and millet might be suitable. With regard to the abrupt requests, I am sorry that they are not nicer about but it can be very stressful to be on a restrictive diet. :grouphug:
  7. I recently took my dd to an allergist and he placed her on a 5 day elimination diet for wheat and dairy. He also placed her on a 2 day rotation diet. We reintroduced dairy first and the improvements that had occured continued. Then a couple of days we let her have some wheat. Her behavior took a dramatic turn for the worse so she will remain off wheat.
  8. :grouphug: The aftermath of hurricanes is sometimes as bad or worse than the hurricane itself.
  9. :lurk5: I don't really have anything to add at this point but we just found out that dd8 has a sensitivity to wheat so the information on this thread is very useful.
  10. I would say that it is probably better to give such items to an individual than to a recycling company. An individual will be more likely to separate the usable components safely. Electronics given to recycling companies could end up in China being broken down in a city where it is often done very unsafely. I do not have a link handy but I remember seeing a show about the city where alot of that sort of recycling takes place and virtually all the children had very high levels of lead and other toxins. edited to correct typo.
  11. I am very fortunate, my mother is sewing dd8's christmas dress this year. She made alot of clothes for her this summer that were cute and appropriate and there is no way that I would have found similiar clothes in her size in the stores.
  12. :lurk5: We just confirmed yesterday that dd will have to be wheat free from now on.
  13. Fortunately Grandma is familiar with the general concept of cooking for those with food allergies/sensitivites. Both she and I have our lists of things that we can't have. I imagine she will find the cross-contamination issue easier to deal with than I will. I am checking this thread every so often as I clean wheat containing items out of the kitchen. I may, however, need to have dh read information about cross-contamination. Thanks for that reminder. If he does not want to be careful I can always threaten to leave very, very hyper child in his care until it wears off.
  14. Thank you!! All of these suggestions sound wonderful. I will probably get at least a few for myself as well.
  15. We discovered yesterday that dd8 is definitely sensitive to wheat. We had removed it from her diet for about a week and let her have some yesterday on Thanksgiving. The main symptoms were behavioral and the change was unmistakable. The problem is that we are in the habit of letting dd spend the night with her grandmother(my mom) once a week. Grandmother saw her behavior yesterday and is in total agreement with the diagnosis, that is not the issue. The issue is that she expresses her love by making sure everyone around her is well-fed and is unfamiliar with wheat-free/gluten-free cooking. This is complicated by the fact that she does not have any sort of internet access device or an internet service provider(let's not get into the discussion of why right now). My question is if you were unable to access online recipes and other resources which one or two recipe books would be most valuable to you?
  16. I tend to agree. They do generally each get a piece of the turkey neck.
  17. I tend to agree. They do generally each get a piece of the turkey neck.
  18. My dd8 had some odd spectrummy behaviors and speech issues until very recently when the allergist took her off of wheat and dairy. Suddenly her behavior was so much more normal. We reintroduced dairy with no problems but as soon as we reintroduced wheat all the behaviors and problems were back full force and then some. All this to say have you considered an intolerance or sensitivity to a staple food could be part of the problem?
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