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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. We married in my mother's front yard. My FIL was the pastor at the wedding.
  2. Dd8 is getting the Mary Frances sewing book and a sewing kit with lots of thread and cloth for christmas.
  3. We are planning on getting a couple of sugar gliders after the holiday season is over. They are long lived but are also somewhat expensive.
  4. OP reason number 8 that you gave would be more than enough for me. My uberpicky dd is now having to adjust to a wheat-free diet and a few of the things that I have prepared she has been told that she will eat whether she likes it or not because I don't have anything else fixed. Edited to add - I do not allow commercial cereal in the house.
  5. I voted for root beer because I like it but I love real ginger ale.
  6. Some dog foods include probiotics. I know Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul does and there are probably others as well.
  7. I have lived in the south all my life and have seen this. However, my family has never done this sort of thing(except when I was in labor) so it is not universal.
  8. I have not looked at it much yet but Manga is free and seems to have a very wide selection of languages.
  9. There is a Mary Frances book that covers handsewing. Another resource for knowledgable sewers is the Society for Creative Anachronism( a medieval recreation group other historical recreation groups might be able to help as well). There are generally multiple knowlegeable sewwers in a group and they are generally willing to help someone new learn.
  10. Is the cage with the hamsters that keep dying closer to a window or anything like that than the others? An aquarium could possibly heat up somewhat from the sun and that could heat up the bedding and make any potential problems worse in that cage.
  11. Will your dog jump on and off the couch if the steps are not there? If he won't I would consider removing them for a while. I have a dachshund that has had sugery and physical therapy but the surgery was too late to help (I came home to him paralyzed on the floor). If your dog is not in severe pain or paralyzed, I would just watch him carefully and take him to the vet ot be checked tomorrow. One thing that I would change is to work on discouraging him from climbing up or down stairs or any jumping(going down is worse because it compresses the spine). Train him to wait for a person to pick him up. Also always support his back end when you pick him up. Another factor since your dog is rather young, is he overweight? If so, losing weight will definitely help his back. I have known of MSM/glucosamine supplements to be very helpful for older dogs with arthritus symptoms and I doubt that it would cause any problems and might help. Edited to add - if a dog's back goes out to the point of paralysis, the sooner surgery is performed the better the prognosis. In the case of our dog he was probably injured for too long before he recieved surgery. We don't know how long it was because I came home and foun him paralysed.
  12. This looks great especially since I can set up a half size one instead of a full size one.
  13. :lurk5: I have drooled over bookshelves at IKEA only to change my mind when I saw the shipping costs. That set up looks great and I would want it too only in a different color. I definitely sympathise with your dilema :grouphug: .
  14. I think that this might be a subject where the region you live in makes a major difference. We don't wear coats heavier than what most people would call jackets very often. We do generally take them off once we are in the car but dd8 would probably remove all her clothing if she thought she could get away with it. I think that the whole issue would probably bug me a lot more if I lived in a colder region.
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