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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. It sounds like paleo recipes are what you are looking for. Once a month mom has a new paleo section and I have found quite a few recipes that we like on that site. http://onceamonthmom.com/menus/paleo/ You can follow links to most of the recipes free without paying to join.
  2. You can find them at SCA events and Renn Faires but I imagine you are looking for something more convienient.
  3. I believe that I once read that in at least one of them they had the kids in the "control" group on a "special diet" that was already so high in sugar that the additional sugar given to the experimental group did not make any difference. Ido not remeber where I read that but it is pretty typical of how those who start with the determination to find a given result game the system.
  4. I would schedule a day when I will be away from home with my cell phone turned off and dh watching the kids. Then I would leave plenty of poptarts for the kids for breakfast. When I returned I would ask dh if he will ever be bringing poptarts home again. Of course, I am a bit devious like that.
  5. I wasn't saying to contact social services right now but I would definitely try to communicate as much as possible about these matters by email and don't delete. Then if you and more importantly your father ever need the documentation you have a nice paper trail.
  6. Almond flour can be used to make some substitutes and it is higher protien and lower carb than rice flour mixes. I have also heard of garbanzo/fava bean flour mixes that are probably lower carb than rice.
  7. In light of your mother's past behavior, I would document every time she pulls something like this and document it if she does not pick up the food. That way you have records of her behavior if she ever becomes dangerous to your father and you need to contact social services. I am sorry if this sounds harsh and normally I would not be inclined involve social services but not taking care of your father's special dietary needs when he cannot take care of himself is pretty neglectful and inhumane.
  8. I do not have any experience with adoption or foster parenting, but my dd had numerous odd behaviors that either ended or dramatically improved after removing gluten from her diet.
  9. This sounds like a good idea and spreading it out over an entire year is less overwhelming than trying to tackle everything at once.
  10. I have not had this discussion yet with dd8 because I am almost certain that she will have this reaction. She told me that weddings are gross because the bride and groom kiss. I may try getting a book for her sometime soon so she can pick it up when she is curious and put it down when she becomes uncomfortable.
  11. :lurk5: I just started a similiar thread except my dd is not particuliarly girly. I strongly suspect if any TeA content came up it would either go straight over her head or gross her out(she told me weddings are gross because the bride and the groom kiss).
  12. Dd8 has enjoyed Roland Dahl books in the past and is currently working her way through all of the Ramona books by Beverly Cleary. That series might last another week and she has already read all of the Henry books by Beverly Cleary. I will probably direct her toward some of the other books by Beverly Cleary but I am hoping to get some other ideas for books and series that she might like. She is somewhat sensitive and has already rejected Rick Riordan books as too scary and likely to give her nightmares.
  13. My father's family took recycling family names to a truly ridiculous extreme(my father's first name was the same as an older sibling that died before he was born) so it would not phase me in the least. My mother's side of the family is not much better, she is the fifth generation with the same first name. She horrified her mother by breaking tradition and giving me a different name.
  14. If he knows she has a kindle why doesn't he just buy an amazon gift card so she can put books and other things on it?
  15. A dsi with some game and a decorate it yourself skateboard were the biggest hits for dd8.
  16. :grouphug: My wheat-allergic dd8 and dh are going to visit his parents sometime next year. I am not looking forward to that trip because I would not be surprised if his mother tried to "test" the allergy. I am staying home to take care of animals.
  17. Have you seen the recent Iron Chef Redemtion episode? One of the chefs cooked bacon wrapped bacon.
  18. Dd8 has one barbie that she does not play with very often.
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