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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. I closely supervise/help my dd8 with caring for her long but not thick hair.
  2. I would definitely recommend starting with at least a folk/celtic harp and preferably a lap harp. I play harp at a beginner level and have very small hands. Some of the folk and lap harps have closer string spacing that is easier for those of us with small hands. Also, a large harp could very well have strings that an eight year olds arms are not long enough to reach so it would functionally be a smaller harp for her. Many if not most pedal harpists start with a folk harp to learn the basics on. Smaller harps are also much easier to transport to lessons, recitals, ect.
  3. My father was close to 40 when I was born. When my dd was born he was still in excellent health and there was no reason to believe that he would not continue to live much longer. He died when dd was about a year old in an car/motorcycle accident. He was on the motorcycle. That event could have happened at any point in his life and was completely unrelated to his age(no, younger reflexes could not have prevented this accident).
  4. This recipe is a hit at our house: http://www.artofglutenfreebaking.com/2009/10/autumn-soup-a-la-four-chickens/
  5. Thanks, these look like they will be fun to make.
  6. Java script and Java are totally different animals. If Java has a vulnerability it is very unlikely that javascript would be impacted.
  7. :grouphug: I am not certain that I would be able to trust that doctor to do a d&c and leave other areas alone. :grouphug:
  8. I did find it in the nook store, wouldn't that be android? Oh and thanks for the information OP.
  9. I have made mayo and salad dressings in the past. Dh makes BBQ sauce. I may start making ketchup.
  10. Missed the original thread. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  11. Has he remembered to schedule time to check and adjust his schedule?
  12. One thing that I have not seen addressed here is that deleting the files of others without permission is a form of theft. The op's nephew is very fortunate that the files were recovered and no one is too terribly angry. If the circumstances had been different, I am no expert but I suspect he could have faced criminal charges or at least a few very uncomfortable conversations with law enforcement. He needs to understand the potential gravity of his actions. If he had done the same thing on the job as an adult at the very least he would be fired.
  13. I am pretty sure I have a fairly large number of herbs and spices but I have never counted.
  14. :grouphug: I hope your son feels better and you get a good diagnosis. I might have to start looking into testing dd for celiac based on some of the posts here. We did an elimination test and she went bonkers when we added wheat back in. She is very slender and prone to constipation. However, an allergy skin test did not test positive for wheat allergy. I am not entirely certain I care why; she says she feels so much better with no wheat that she refuses to eat wheat now.
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