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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. His postion seems potentially hypocritical unless he has never used libraries to research any of his books, ever. Even for general background and overview or to get ideas for a new book.
  2. :lurk5: I have always had noticable vertical ridges on my fingernails.
  3. We just bought one after christmas and I love it.
  4. One thing that I have not seen mentioned yet is to make sure there is not a physiological cause such as an intolerance causing defiant behavior. My dd was quite defiant for years, then she started throwing up and it continued longer than it would for a stomach virus. I took her to see an allergist and he suggested removing wheat and dairy from her diet. Within less than 12 hours I noticed a dramatic improvement in her attitude and behavior( and not more vomiting either). When we added each food back into her diet separately wheat turned out to be the culprit so she is now wheat-free. Obviously, that will not be the issue for all strong-willed children but I am very thankful that I now know what dd's underlying issue was. Especially since the wheat intolerance was only getting worse and I don't want her to have to live a full-blown anaphylactic allergy.
  5. Another tip for broken toes/feet is to apply comfrey salve. I have found that very helpful in addition to taping, icing, rest, ect. I don't know whether you would be able to find it easily in another country though.
  6. When I was working and going to school I was working with men in both locations. In fact, at school during my last year all but one of the instructors in my major and most of the other students were male. I never had a problem with anyone crossing any lines.
  7. Would you mind giving the titles of the cookbooks? Dd8 is on a wheat-free diet and a two day rotation diet so I am always on the lookout for non rice-centric recipes.
  8. Nicotine is addictive. He may have become addicted to it from the second hand smoke before he ever started smoking himself. It would be very hard especially for a teen to break such an addiction without enough control over his enviornment to stay away from the offending substance.
  9. My dd8 refuses to wear any other kind of jeans than the jeggings type. I don't know if a boy could get away with those though.
  10. :lurk5: I have wondered about making nondairy yogurt and cheese myself.
  11. My chickens have figured out that they can bully my three small dogs so they do.
  12. I totally agree that that approach would not only not be helpful to those with weight issues but has a very high liklihood of causing eating disorders in sensitive children. I already have had to have conversations with my thin eight year old after she has seen anti-obesity marketing. Also, if we eat out I have trouble finding full fat milk, ect for her since she borders on being too thin. These issues are definitely a concern to me.
  13. Thanks! Those look yummy, I will have to try fixing those for dd8.
  14. That is very interesting. I have not tolerated the meats mentioned in the article for years but I always assumed it was the hormones and chemicals from industrial agriculture.
  15. Dd8 currently is missing all four front top teeth. She lost the first one of the four probably back in the summer and the new tooth just broke through today.
  16. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
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