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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. Dd8 sometimes gets more emotional and less likely to behave when she is having a growth spurt. She seems to be outgrowing that though.
  2. I like to cook myself but I want someone to clean up and reorganize the disaser area when I am finished. Edited to add: It would also be nice if the clean-up helper would handle the actual grocery shopping.
  3. It definitely sounds like A is a brat but I wonder if that is the only problem. If he has an issue that would benefit from professional intervention of some sort his mother is probably perpetually exhausted. He might just benefit from strict consequences. Dd was very high enegy at that age and I was exhausted. After I stopped working and care-giving was almost exclusively my responsibilty rather than being split with a very permissive dh I was able to rein in her behavior somewhat by being very strict. That helped alot but I still had to be very alert. Shortly before Thanksgiving as an 8 year old she began to show physical symptoms which sent us to an allergist. As soon as the offending food was removed from her diet her behavior changed dramatically for the better and the physical symptoms went away as well. All that to get to my suggestion, is there any way you can point out that she seems overwhelmed and recommend one of the books about strong-willed behavior that has been mentioned in other threads here. You could also mention the possibility of some sort of physical problem such as allergies(I use that as the example because of dd).
  4. I would definitely limit the number of choices and not allow changes after the choices were made. Drama would be met with age-appropriate consequences. If they want to change their mind but are not allowed to then you could use a menu plan to point out when that option will be available again.
  5. Maybe They could play one game of chess normally and another with your dh handicapped. Here is a wiki entry about chess handicapping. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_handicap
  6. Thank you! Dd loves banana nut muffins and is now wheat free.
  7. :lurk5: I keep some things in our pantry but I would like to keep more stocked. I will definitely look at some of the resources on this thread.
  8. I would not like that at all either. The information could have come from one of the credit bureaus like the information companies use to send out credit card offers. I don't know how much information they can give out.
  9. Have a TeA party with your dh. I personally would not use castor oil or herbs unless there was a medical reason to hurry things along or I was facing some sort of deadline such as induction at 40 weeks. Even natural techniques are not necessarily risk free. One thing to note is that if it is not time yet nothing is likely to work.
  10. My guess is that it is more complicated than simple dominant/recessive. It has been quite a few years but I think that there might be multiple genes involved especially for hair.
  11. While there are still bigots in Mississippi there are at least some in many other states as well. There are also many people in Mississippi who are not bigots, in fact, possibly most of the people in the state are not. In my experience bigotry and Christianity are not necessarily linked. Please do not mischaracterize the entire state based on the actions of one person whose motive(s) are not known at this point.
  12. I used a leash on dd when she was younger and she liked it because she had more freedom when she was on the leash. I also placed names and contact information in the backpack just in case. We go to a large SCA event every year and this is where the leash was used the most. It was also used in the Walmart parking lot. I even used the harness part on the playground. When dd wanted to climb something that was in my opinion too tall for her I would hold onto the harness just in case she slipped.(Trying to hold onto her resulterd in a meltdown but If I held the harness she would begrudgingly tolerate it.)
  13. The nearest walmart got rid of their fabric for a while but it came back sometime last year.
  14. There is a wonderful eggplant kiku recipe in Nourishing Traditions. I second the baba ganoosh reccomendation as well.
  15. I would probably start questioning whether that was a good friend for my child to have facebook or real life. But that is a subject that would seriously wig me out and my child is still too young for facebook so I might be being too extreme.
  16. Yes, I think so and there is also a ferry between the two areas. The ferry might be closed during the off season. Edited to correct spelling and to add: I have never compared vacation rental prices but I am pretty sure that real estate is generally less pricey on Dauphin Island.
  17. My plan is to try this recipe instead of traditional falafel. www.heatovento350.com/2012/03/falafel-pie.html It does call for flour but I plan to sub one of the all-purpose mixes and see what happens.
  18. Have you looked at Dauphin Island? It is on the other side of Mobile Bay from Ft. Morgan and has a fort of its own. There are lots of rental houses and the atmosphere is more small town. There is a bird sanctuary and a marine education/museum facility.
  19. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I have had some unusual allergic reactions and have read about even more. :grouphug:
  20. $1 if pulled by the dentist, $2 if she gets it out herself. The "tooth fairy" initiated this policy after the dentist had to pull one bottom baby toothbecause the adult tooth was coming in behind it and dd wanted all future loose teeth pulled by the dentist.
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