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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. :iagree: I remember being surprised by how inexpensive it was.
  2. Is your father open to trying the Dean Ornish diet or something similiar while he is in a holding pattern waiting for other treatment?
  3. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: I especially like the bolded. Maybe if they were facing real consequences for their behavior things would change. And by real consequences I would definitely include the possibility of prison time. If ANYONE else did many of the things some medical personnel think they can get away with there would definitely be criminal charges.
  4. I know that I have only seen white leghorns once at the feed store. They don't seem to be very popular with backyard chicken raisers in this area. I have not tried them yet but if they don't have good instincts the local hawks would probably eat them if I did get them.
  5. Yes, I am making her wait. I have been using the time to load some content so she should be happy about that.
  6. Update - I exchanged the first nabi for another identical one and turned broadcasting on on the wireless router and the wireless is working fine now.
  7. I would be strongly tempted to tell them that I did not want my dd in their school because then I would have to deal with them more.
  8. :lurk5: I have found lots of ideas in this thread that I will have to try.
  9. I have a wireless router and I can access the internet using my nook. The nabi could not see my router but I entered the name manually. I think that this one may be a lemon. I purchased it from walmart and I know where the reciept is so exchanging it for another xd or something different such as a nook or kindle should be easy enough.
  10. Update: Thanks for the ideas. I looked at the Nabis and purchased an xd for dd yesterday. Unfortunately, I am having trouble with the wifi. It won't pick up my router even 2 feet away. I know that it is not my router because my nook's wifi is working fine. Has anyone else had similiar problems? Edited to add: I have already sent a message to their tech support and am awaiting a response.
  11. This is along the same lines as my first thought. I thought of allergies. Fatigue can definitely be a symptom.
  12. I remember getting a few gifts at Easter as a child. I do tend to buy larger and more expensive gifts at Easter than I received. This is primarily due to birthday timing and our annual budget cycle. I have a spring birthday but my dd's birthday is close to Christmas so when she was younger she was often in a different place devolpmentally by the time Easter rolled around. Our budget also tends to be tighter around Christmas than at Easter.
  13. I am thinking about buying a tablet for dd8 for Easter. Does anyone have any experience with this one: http://www.walmart.c...Colors/21152158 Does anyone want to suggest another tablet that is not outrageously expensive (less than about $150)? Are there any pitfalls to buying a tablet for a child this age other than the obvious internet access? How do those who allow their children to have their own tablet at this age handle these issues? As you can see I have several questions and would appreciate a variety of input. If it makes any difference we are a pretty techy household and dd has had very closely supervised computer access from a young age but this would be her first device of her own. Edited to correct spelling error.
  14. :iagree: Especially with the bolded. When you mentioned actual cognitive symptoms the possibility of an undiagnosed medical problem of some sort was the first thought that entered my mind. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
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