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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. celticmom


    I voted no because I would be concerned about the toxins in hair dye at that age. However, I might consider something very temporary.
  2. Our walmart has a small section of GF products and I have purchased bread there but dd is not fond of the brand they carry. An added wrinkle is that MIL is one of those people who is likely to accuse us of "depriving" dd by not feeding her foods that will cause a reaction(yes, she is one of those MILs). Hence I would prefer to be able to get dd's favorite brand.
  3. Thanks for the information! We don't have a Whole Foods in my area and the few times I have been in one predated dd's diagnosis but it makes sense that they would have GF products. The other grocery stores named are also unfamiliar so I will probably just check mapquest or something similiar to find out which is closest to MIL and FIL's house.
  4. Dd8 and dh are going to Austin, TX to visit dh's parents in about a week and while I plan to send some flours and mixes along it would be a good idea to know some good places to buy gluten free products. Dd's favorite brand of bread is Udi's bread. Thanks in advance.
  5. :iagree: Actually our society does not seem to have very much tolerance for children of any age acting like children here lately.
  6. This debate about whether or not enumerating rights in the constitution will limit them is not new at all. If I recall my American history, the bill of rights was actually very controversial when the idea was first put forth for this very reason. Many of the arguements in the Federalist papers would most likely still be valid. Ideally the government would keep its nose out of areas that it is not specifically given juristiction over in the constitution but our present government is not inclined to do so unless explicitly told to stay out. Hence the arguements for additional enumerated rights.
  7. Another thought, since you are planning to go overseas in about a year could look into GF options in the traditional diet where you are going? Those should be easy to find when you get there and are often inexpensive. Other suggestions are once a month mom has a gluten/dairy free and a paleo section. I don't join I just follow links to the recipes. Split pea soup, red beans and rice, jambalaya are more inexpensive GF ideas.
  8. You might also want to consider having him take the SAT as well. My score on the SAT was slightly higher than on the ACT so that is the one the colleges used.
  9. We have a well and I don't believe there is a filter on it.
  10. My dd8 has a similiar reaction to wheat and while I have had to live with allergies and food sensitivities all my life my dh is less familiar with such issues. Since dd8 was diagnosed less than 6 months ago she could already read well so I immediately began to teach her how to read labels. Dh was caring for her at an overnight event while I went home to take care of the animals. Someone offered dd8 food(other than what we had brought) and she explained that she could not eat wheat and asked to see the label before she would eat what was offered. I found out later from the person who had offered her food and was favorably impressed that dd knew how to read labels. I would not punish your son but I would either teach him how to read labels or the correct questions to ask of someone who can check the labels. In dd's case, I believe the ability to read labels and keep herself from feeling bad is very empowering. Edited to correct a misspelled word.
  11. :iagree: I sincerely hope that this idiot's name somehow gets out. Maybe if enough of these arrogant doctor's like this get named and shamed and boycotted they will stop trying stunts like this to intimidate parents. The hospital's name is in the articles and if I were in the area I would definitely avoid that one in the future.
  12. Even though they are marketed for kids, you might want to consider a nabi so that it will be less likely to be damaged. Dd has one and we have the kindle reader app on it. I have not tried yet but I could probably put the nook app on it as well.
  13. I attended private and then public school and am pretty helpless w/o my glasses. Dd has always been homeschooled and has perfect vision.
  14. My prom was scheduled the friday night of the week of the AP exams. I had taken one or more AP exams for several days prior to the event. Needless to say I did not attend the prom. I was tired and ready to rest. I am an introvert who hates dressing up and shopping so the prom did hold alot of appeal for me anyway.
  15. Have you looked on nuts.com? They have a wide variety of products so they may have something that meets the necessary criteria.
  16. I have a confused hen that crows so I don't hear songbirds in the morning.
  17. I used allergy shots as a child and it is quite possible that they literally saved my life. I had severe allergies to both foods and inhalents. I took allergy shots for both and the inhalent shots probably kept my asthma from becoming severe and the food shots enabled me to eat. The downside to allergy shots is that they are shots and taking them is not exactly fun. They can also be expensive depending on how much is covered by insurance. The shots are made using extracts of the things that you are allergic to in individually calibrated amounts to desensitize your system to them. Your prescription will be very individual to you more like glasses than most drugs.
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