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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  2. It reminds me of a book I read once that had a character who refused to wear prominently labeled clothing that was basically an advertisement. Then he contracted AIDS and started wearing clothes like that as much as possible because he knew that the companies probably did not really want him wearing their clothes and/or logos.
  3. My dd8 is currently visiting her aging grandparents but dh is along. I packed things for her to do with each of them at their home to facilitate bonding. Dfil enjoys jigsaw puzzles so I sent two large ones. Dmil enjoys cooking and dd8 has had to go gf so I packed some mixes for them to bake together.
  4. I would make sure that she has a cell phone of her own that she keeps with her at all times and is familiar with the procedure to call 911. I would also program mine and dh's cell numbers and the house number into the phone for non-911 worthy questions or issues. I would definitely encourage as much communication as possible by dd while on the trip.
  5. There were definitely major security issues for them to have been able to gain entry so easily. Now the ease with which the security was defeated is national and possibly international news. It might have been smarter of the nuclear facility to handle matters much more privately and then improve their security. Now no matter what happens the nuclear facility looks bad.
  6. Does X have any other indicators of Asperger's? Another thing to look at might be audio processing disorder. You might have to look at several things since most problems have multiple symptoms and you listed one relatively major symptom.
  7. :lurk5: Bumping because I have deveoped an intolerance for almonds.
  8. Nourishing Traditions is not a GF recipe book per se but it has multiple recipes for salad dressings and condiments.
  9. I have not seen any variation of sweet potatoes mentioned and that would be a good side with pork.
  10. Here is the link to the app I mentioned: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/gluten-free-cookbook-recipes-lance-etcitty/1109232005?ean=2940043886835
  11. One resource that would probably have lots of information about local laws and resources would be a women's shelter.
  12. I have seen a GF fresh pasta recipe on GF recipe app I bought on my nook. I have not tried it yet though. I will check to see which app later, I have several.
  13. My dd8 has gained weight since we eliminated wheat from her diet as well. She is still slender but looks alot more "normal" instead of underweight.
  14. If you definitely want to know everything that goes on on a given computer a keylogger would probably be your best bet.
  15. Does she like Mexican food? There are alot of GF options there. Once a month mom has a GF/Dairy free section. You can generally follow links to the recipes w/o joining and sometimes the blogs linked to have even more yummy ideas.
  16. Another vote for let's pass it around. Edited to correct punctuation.
  17. Another idea would be building custom computers for people (often gamers) who want certain specs on their machine and want it snazzy looking too.
  18. Computer repair might be an option. She could partner with someone who preferred fixing the software glitches and concentrate on hardware fixes and upgrades.
  19. I have one of the blue ones and it has held up well so far with no special treatment and lots of use.
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