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Everything posted by celticmom

  1. My dd will definitely not be getting this vax as long as it is my decision and I will thoroughly explain my reasons to her so hopefully she will not consent to it when she is older.
  2. When I was a child we had a dog that suddenly became incontinent and it turned out to be kidney stones and she had a buildup of them in her bladder.
  3. My father wanted to donate his organ's but he died in a motorcycle/car accident in a remote location so it did not happen.
  4. I would make sure that it can be insured like a normal house rather than having to be insured as a mobile home. If it can be insured as a normal house I would definitely consider it. I might have someone knowledgeable check how the foundation and the house are attached to each other and the subfloor/upper foundation on the house as well. I would also research the company the house came from thoroughly.
  5. :lol: When I saw your title I thought it was about a televised eating contest of some sort. Such as who can eat the most pies in 30 minutes or something like that.
  6. I think some of the variation of success in taming feral kittens/cats has to do with the individual cat's personality. Ours was probably older than is generally considered ideal for taming but it was relatively easy to tame him because he had a very submissive personality. My mother raised a kitten that was not feral but her mother died when she was very young(less than two weeks) and that cat was a total psycho. I can't count how many times she scratched me as a child. The vet visibly cringed when mom brought her in for her annual shots and checkup. She tolerated mom more than most other people.
  7. We adopted a feral kitten living near our old house. We saw him and started feeding him. Then we realized that as soon as we left after putting food out the other feral cats would chase him away from it. We started stating outside with him for a while after putting food down and pretty soon he decided that we were less scary than the other cats. I was able to gradually begin to touch him and then one day it was raining lightly and getting cold and halloween was a few days away so I picked him up and carried him into a spare bedroom. He stared out the window until I showed him the food and water bowls then he was no longer interested in the outdoors. He went to the vet for surgery and shots a few days later. He was always a little timid especially around strangers. He was also very agorophobic. If he was in a room and a door to the outdoors was opened he would flee to "his" bedroom and hide under the bed.
  8. I recently had a similiar question. I ended up purchasing the nabi xd for my dd8. According to the recommendations she is a bit young for it but she is an accelerated learner so I went with the model for older kids. We have been happy with it. It would be nice to have the padfolio with the keyboard but that is not out yet. It is marketed as a children's tablet but I may eventually get one for myself.
  9. All states except Mississippi and West Virginia have either religious or philosophical exemptions so I would look into those for the states your target colleges are in.
  10. :iagree: especially with the bolded. We have a Belgian Malnois which is a very similiar breed and sometimes we refer to her as PTSD dog. She was abused by someone trying to "make her mean" and then was abandoned during Hurricane Katrina. She has definite issues related to these events.
  11. :iagree: My mother's second dh who I mentioned in an earlier post did not seem to be a "loser" initially and my mother owned her home and had a job that required a degree. She is a very strong woman but I do not necessarily believe that that is the only thing that kept us safe.
  12. One of my first thoughts was that could have been a picture of my mother as a child. The clothing, mother in the picture, setting and child herself would have looked different but when I asked my mother how old she was when she learned to shoot a gun she said that she cannot remember ever not knowing how to shoot a gun. She is still an excellent shot as a retired grandmother with two prosthetic hips. I realize that teaching a child that young to shoot is not the safest idea in the world but my mother grew up in a very rural area and it was probably alot more normal in that place and time. Hunting was probably the main reason for the presence of guns in the house. However, I strongly suspect that Mom's second dh's knowledge of her ability to shoot prevented violence when she divorced him.
  13. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Another thought, food allergies/sensitivities can cause most if not all of the issues you mentioned. I was diagnosed younger as a child than your dd but many of my symptoms were behavioral and my dd has behavioral symptoms due to a food sensitivity.
  14. Our oldest dog is a paraplegic and he does this. He has no control over when and where he tends to his business so fecal incontinence could definitely be the issue.
  15. :iagree: I was thinking about linking that same lesson, now I don't need to.
  16. :iagree: Only my dd is 8 and we have not had too many problems yet. Some of the social skills books might be helpful for me also. I strongly suspect that I am an aspie.
  17. I have not had to call the police myself but I was involved in a situation where the police were eventually called. We lived in a neighborhood with a community pool. There was a somewhat nosy retired couple who lived one house away from the fenced pool. There was also a couple with a child that was about 3 or so living on the same cul-de-sac. The retired couple saw a young child who resembled the child who lived nearby wandering near the locked gate of the pool trying to get in. They led the child to their front porch and called the parents. This is where things got more interesting because the 3 year old that lived nearby was in the kitchen with her father. Next step is to try to ask the child that was found near the pool what her name or parent's name was and where she lived. The child was almost completely nonverbal (at that point I did not have a child so this did not seem unusual to me looking back this child definitely had delays) and wearing a diaper. The older couple managed to keep the child occupied while several other neighbors including me walked around the neighborhood looking for a parent frantically searching for a child. We found no one. Eventually the police were called and about the same time the child's father turned up to claim her. He had just gotten home from work and the child's mother was asleep and the child was gone. He was very happy that his child was safe.
  18. I have seen the jerky locally also. Compared to being exposed to parents or other close family members smoking or using tobacco products I really don't feel that such products are that big of a deal.
  19. I am very thankful that mom enjoyed and collected antiques before they became fashionable. Even the kitchen of the house she and dad built in the late 60's does not look too bad by today's standards and not it has not been remodeled. She has replaced the wall-mounted oven and the refrigerator but that is it.
  20. Flexi-8s and ficcares just went on my wish list.
  21. I used to bruise easily. I went through much of my life with at least one bruise somewhere from a minor bump. Then dd had to give up wheat so I did so too to support her. Then one day I looked down and realized I had not had a bruise in a couple of weeks.
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