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Everything posted by SproutMamaK

  1. Nope, age doesn't bother me. The passing of life milestones makes me super weepy, though. Having my first kid hit double digits, etc. Right now I'm pregnant with our last baby, and realizing that this will be the last time I feel a baby kicking, the last time I nurse, etc, breaks my heart a little. My oldest has his first crush right now and it feels like he's officially out of the "sweet little Mama's boy" stage, which is also bittersweet. So AGE doesn't bother me, but seeing so many things in life moving forward makes me emotional. Not necessarily in a bad way, but in a "wow... time is slipping through my fingers and did I enjoy it as much as I should have?" kind of way.
  2. Ketchup on mac & cheese is THE BEST and you have no idea what you're missing out on. Cheese and tomatoes, together forever. :P
  3. MedicMom, that post reminds me of the Hive-r whose neighbour enjoyed chopping wood naked in his backyard. Not some sort of euphamism, actually chopping firewood with an axe while all his junk was hanging out. As far as bad ideas go, that's got to be near the top of the list.
  4. I said I would never: - homeschool - let my kids go out in public with messy clothes/faces. - let a child freak out in public without immediate, harsh correction. (I have two kids with autism, lol) - use TV or video games just to get a break. Ah, the idealism of youth.
  5. Butter Chicken without the butter or the chicken. What could possibly go wrong?
  6. Nope, all of Canada is definitely not doing that. Unless there's some extenuating circumstances there's no reason to wean the baby that early. Heck, we have year-long mat leave partly so that people can feed their babies longer if they want, lol. Was she maybe just talking about transferring him to drinking from a sippy cup instead of a bottle? I know some dentists recommend doing that sooner rather than later for paletter formation, but if she was honestly talking about weaning him off formula entirely, I think you just got an out-of-touch nurse.
  7. Insurance broker. Not owning your own brokerage, but working at another. Depending on how much education you already have, you can be qualified in a year.
  8. I do this. I often make posts that indicate the general province/area I live in just when people ask for tourist-y advice. If I were to post my kids real names, people could easily google "Child1 Child2 Child3 Child4 province" ... and our family, complete with real first and last name, address, and phone number, would come straight up. No thank you. I post pictures because I remove all location info on them, and anywhere else they would be posted online is completely private/password protected, so if people try to google search the images, they get no information.
  9. I didn't see it, we don't get any of this on TV up in Canada, lol. What did she say?
  10. Just letting you know I'm thinking of you today. I imagine your head must be spinning.
  11. The fact that someone else has had this problem with him, and that you've had it before, and that you were so firm, makes me think he needs a REALLY clear message here. As in, "I told you flat out not to do it, and you did it anyway. You have disrespected not only my son, by me as a parent. If you do it again, you will not be given another chance. You are NOT his parent and it is absolutely inappropriate for you to speak to him as though you were." etc etc. I wouldn't back down, and I wouldn't let your husband do it. Your husband isn't offended as you are, and, while you're married, the offense was against YOUR request as a parent and against YOUR son. He needs to know that he crossed YOUR boundaries, not your husband's, and that it needs to stop now. This guy makes me livid and I don't even know him, lol. I'll admit to kind of just desperately wanting to see him get smacked down for this. How DARE he.
  12. There are no houses here for less than 200K. A house with 3-4 bedrooms and 2+ bathroom on a city lot is 350K or so. A house with 3-4 bedrooms and 2+ bathrooms with a decent sized yard is on average 450K. And we live in a small, suburban town with about 100,000 people, not a major city centre or anything. I can't imagine being able to buy some of the houses you guys are posting for the prices listed, wow.
  13. I love being sarcastic and have a problem with biting my tongue and occasionally a comment slips out. Sometimes I'll respond to tripe like this with something like, "So the moral of the story is, if you give up everything for your kids with no thought for yourself, you kids will become ungrateful assholes who think the world revolves around them. Good to know!"
  14. Be on a postage-stamp lot in the middle of the city.
  15. I had weird teen crushes because I always liked older men, lol, so Sean Connery Richard Gere Patrick Stewart and for just a bit of variety Prince William.
  16. Probably going "... and this is our extra second, kids, isn't it coo.... okay yeah, it's over now, as you were."
  17. I'm for media coverage of the rally today, and lots of. Agreeing with the PP who said that it will only serve to show the people who still support the flag exactly what they flag is really being used for and who they're in bed with, even if they'd like to pretend its not the case. Will it do any good? Probably not, they already know that white supremacists use teh flag and don't care... but the more in-your-face it is, the more difficult it is to ignore the problem.
  18. To be fair, the man who was assisting her at the base of the flag pole, making sure she didn't fall and also being arrested, was white, so it's already crossing racial boundaries, which I think is fantastic. I actually very much like the symbolism in that, even if it was unintentional. The oppressed taking matter in to their own hands and standing up for the themselves, being giving the space to sight their battles as they see fit, but those of other races standing alongside them, supporting them in whatever ways they can.
  19. I wouldn't be upset. Well, I suppose I would a little bit, because if a friend was injured and had no health insurance, I'd probably offer to help them pay for it myself, and if they decided to sue me rather than take my offer of friendly help I might be a little offended. I'd be annoyed by the friend who's upset by this, actually. I mean, her friend has been hurt, has no insurance and no money to pay her medical bills, and the friend is upset at how this affects HER? Someone in this scenario doesn't seem like a good friend, but it's not the woman who got hurt.
  20. Hello, Big Brother. We've been expecting you.
  21. I'm curious, does anyone know what they do in Germany at the cemeteries for Nazi soldiers killed in battle? I'm assuming they don't fly the swastika. In this case, the defense of the flag is, "well, it's in a cemetery honouring those who feel defending this flag." Personally, I'd think being buried under a banner that supported such intolerable practices we moew like being eternally publicly shamed, but since that's clearly not how it's perceived in this case... what's the alternative? I'm curious if Germany has any good ideas that walk the line between honouring their lives and seeming to honour their cause.
  22. Wow, that's incredible! I hope some of the female sprouts can grow successfully so that they can get the true ancient variety back. SO cool!
  23. And these are the people that say others are full of hate and spite when they dare to say outrageous stuff like, "Maybe children shouldn't be sleeping in poop?"
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