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Everything posted by nukeswife

  1. :iagree: Sounds like she's just not there yet, I would put AAR aside and just work with the tiles on blending letter sounds together, once she starts getting that, then continue on with the program.
  2. How could she not know what it means. When you make a listing on homeschoolclassifieds.com it says in the form you fill out "Postage" and next to it is a drop down box with two choices "Included in price (US)" or "Buyer to pay additional" I'm not sure how she could misconstrue what "Included in price" means when she picked it.:confused:
  3. :iagree: I was a little taken aback about the super messy house and bedraggled mom comment. To some of us it's not a priority to be dressed to the nines in the latest fashion or to have a spotless BH&G photo shoot of a home, but that doesn't mean we just let it all go to he!! in a handbasket either. If those things are important to you, you find a way to make the time for them.
  4. I haven't but my 7 year old keeps telling me he needs to color in Cappyboppy.
  5. I like Clare, but that's my dd's middle name so I'm a little biased there. Jen Joan Jean Lil Kel Meg Not sure about those that posted Chloe and Cali, when I say those they are two syllables, CLO-ee, and CA-lee ETA: Just thought of another, one of my cousins named his daughter Brynn
  6. Five Guys hands down, but my kids are weird and only my youngest will eat there. My oldest has never in his 13 years eaten a hamburger which can make fast food difficult. My dd will only eat a burger if it's mcDonald's :ack2: I can't believe someone is lucky enough to have a Panera with a drive through, that would rock. Fazoli's is alive and well here in SE VA. My favorite restaurant that's not fast food is George Webb, it's only in WI (specifically SE except for the one in Osseo and one in Peshtigo.) it's a good ol' greasy spoon diner chain. Open 24/7 with breakfast anytime. They also have good soups, but the chicken flavored noodle is my dd's favorite. It's so yellow you could use it for landing lights on a runway at night. LOL
  7. I like Maria Elizabeth or Maria Clare, but then again my dd's middle name is Clare. I specifically spelled it with no "i" I like it better that way and it was to honor my grandmother Clara, but we felt Annika Clara didn't flow as well as Annika Clare.
  8. I've done that a few times, but there are times I want to do it all myself. Mostly because sometimes I just have an idea in my head and like to design on the fly.
  9. I haven't use any plans for ana white, but have been inspired by many of them. I so want a circular saw, kreg jig and that rip cut Darla posted. I have a table saw, that I got for my birthday, but that rip cut and a circular saw would be awesome so I could buy sheets of plywood instead of other types of boards for some projects. You can't really put a big sheet of ply on a table saw.
  10. I have to start working on my dogs teeth again. I had started, but then got lazy about it. Now that we just had to pay $1000 to have our cats teeth done and some taken out, I will make sure to make it a priority. I agree with those that say you need to have it done. I didn't realize how much pain my cat was in before, now that he's had them cleaned and the painful teeth were removed (due to us not brushing, although I'm not sure that his former owners did either. We got him a couple years ago when he was 6) he seems so much happier now.
  11. I agree with those that said 8th grade would be where he starts that fall after his birthday. My oldest turned 13 in late May this year and we started 8th grade this Sept.
  12. I have this, along with this set http://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-77-10-Stainless-10-Piece-Cookware/dp/B00008CM68/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1352748605&sr=8-3&keywords=cuisinart+cookware It's a little bigger than the one Darla posted about. I love them all. We were able to get mine at the Navy exchange so it was a little bit cheaper, but it's the best cookware I've ever owned and we've never regretted buying it.
  13. Sometimes it's just a personality thing. My dad was always a loving Papa, but my dd took to him much more than my sons. She was a Daddy's girl right from day one and I think that was part of it. She was always more comfortable with my dad, my bils or my fil, but not my MIL or my mom. She's been a little lost the last few months because my dad died this July and she's taking it really hard (he was only 61). So if they are asking about it I would just tell them, that's just the way he is. Just like they gravitate toward certain people so will children. Things may change over time, so they shouldn't take it personal.
  14. For me sleeping in means I'm not out of bed before 10:30 am. I usually get up between 8 and 9. I think a lot of this is going to depend on what type of person you are. Some are early morning people. If I'm up before 7:30 I'm a miserable person all day. I usually don't go up to bed until at least 11pm and then I'm up watching TV or reading in bed until about 1-2 am. I missed your update so I voted to when I normally wake up.
  15. I was referring to the ZB that a pper mentioned. Does currclick sell that?
  16. Everyplace I've looked would cost me almost as uch in shipping as the book itself.
  17. Did I miss the part where the OP said they were pit bulls? I only remember her saying they were 'Large, dark colored' dogs, that doesn't mean pit bull. That could mean a lab too, or a great dane, or a newfoundland, or many other breeds.
  18. It's going to vary by dogs. I can say from experience that my neighbor with the crappy see through fence and the two yappy terriers just replaced said fence with a nice vinyl one that's 2 feet taller and that you can't see through. Our dogs and his two yappy terriers used to bark at each other and run along the fence any time they were out at the same time. Since that new fence went in, we have almost no barking and if we do it's because there is a rabbit or something in the yard. For me this wouldn't be a deal breaker. I wouldn't judge a dogs aggressiveness by their actions from the other side of a fence. Dogs can act very different when they think they are "protecting their territory" , so just because they seem that way when in the fenced yard, doesn't mean they'll act that way if they aren't in that yard. I'm not saying dogs out of a yard off leash are ok and harmless, I'm just saying it's hard to judge the aggressiveness of a dog, when you're an unknown on the other side of the fence from them.
  19. Are we supposed to vote in the poll if it wasn't actually us? I've never been in, but my dh has almost 18 years in the US Navy. My dad was in the Army during Vietnam, my maternal grandfather was in the Navy as was my uncle (his son). My paternal grandfather in law was in the navy. Two of my husbands uncles were Marines (one retired after 30 years in), my dh also has one cousin in the Ohio army national guard and a cousin who's a lt. col. in the Marines who's got about 26 years in now.
  20. I think I've figured out what I'll do. I'll use the S&S from HWOT, but will make my own pages in startwrite or by hand so that the letters will be the way I want them to be. That "r" just grates on my nerves. It's like someone made an upstroke and then wasn't sure how to go into the next letter so just made a little swoop to get over a space, it doesn't look like a real letter.
  21. I've looked for ZB around here and there is no where to buy it other than online.
  22. I'm totally open to teaching some print letters in there that just work better. Most of the writing I do I don't bother to make the cursive capital I was taught. My dd thinks the lower case b is just dumb because if you're not careful it can often look like an l with an odd tail, so we just do a manuscript lowercase b and put a tail on it to connect it. Due to HWOT she hates the lowercase r, so she makes a manuscript one and then picks up her pencil and starts a new even in the middle of a word. I'm ok with it as long as she places the letters close enough that you know they are all in the same word. Thanks for all your suggestions everyone, I have a few things to look at and think about now.
  23. We do work on this too, we've put most of our focus on this over the last year, and it has helped a lot. He's made great strides but still has horrible printing.
  24. DH and I always joke that we're either going to buy an old missile silo in Kansas or buy a decommissioned submarine and sink it in the ground somewhere in Kansas,Nebraska, Oklahoma, or Texas. ETA: I've never wanted to live in another country, nor have I ever visited one or wanted to visit one.
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