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Everything posted by MeganW

  1. If Singapore 4A & 4B were not at all challenging to your child, and you were going to skip a year, would you skip 5A & 5B, or 6A & 6B? (He goes to a university model school that uses Singapore Standards Edition, so I can't just do both at double pace - we have to choose a year to skip.) Thanks!
  2. Anybody tried it? I thought about doing a high-level flyby of history this summer, but the only reviews I can find are from affiliated people.
  3. I am looking for a math app to help reinforce the upper multiplication facts - 13s, 14s, and 15s. Everything I can find stops at 10 or 12. This would be used on a Kindle Fire. Any recommendations? Thanks!
  4. We did / tried all three. I would go with OPGTR hands down.
  5. I have a kid who struggled getting started reading, and then went through the can-read-but-doesn't-like-to phase. She can read the words on any page, but comprehension is a bit below that. She read a Roald Dahl, and the light turned on! She has read everything he has written, and is hungry for more! All she wants for Christmas is books, but only books that are "as funny and awesome as Roald Dahl books". Suggestions?
  6. As for how to do a supplement, we used BA over the summer in conjunction with another program. We did BA until we hit a natural stopping point, then switched over until we got to a good stopping point, then switched again. Another option would be to do BA on Fridays, and SM Mon - Thurs (or some other combo). Or finish your current SM book, then switch to BA and do a book, then switch back.
  7. Can you just double-time the SM until you are at the right level? Just do the odds, and if he gets them all right, move on!
  8. So much of CC is dependent on the community you are in. I absolutely loved our CC community, and we got so much out of it! But I know that if I had been at the one 10 minutes north of here, or the other one 10 minutes south, I wouldn't have been nearly as happy, because I/ we wouldn't have fit in nearly as well with the director and other families, as well as the group dynamic. Our director was awesome, tutors were great, parents really encouraged kids to go for Memory Master, presentations were all well-researched and expanded on memory work, etc. We got a ton out of it. The time came to move on to a 2 day a week university model (I have one kid who needed a teacher who wasn't me!), but it was with genuine sadness that we left. I would really encourage anyone considering CC to visit a few different campuses BEFORE signing up. One in our area is VERY conservative Christian, one is hard-core academic, and one is really new-age-hippy-ish. You have to find a group you fit with. Our group was mostly families who focused on math & language arts at home (at least in the K-2 age range, which is when we were involved). Most of us did a few readalouds weekly based on the memory work, and called it done. With the presentations, though, my kids at least had an inkling of what the memory work was about. We met a ton of people who had similar values and focus areas. It was awesome! CC, though, would NOT be a good experience if you didn't fit with your group and their goals.
  9. To us, A seemed very scattered. B was AWESOME, and the best program we have ever used in any subject. I'm not sure I would have loved B as much if I hadn't done A first, though, if that makes any sense. I was getting my bearings with A, and then could really soar with B. I liked the first half of C, but we got mired down and ended up moving on.
  10. My math whiz kid hit the first math he couldn't fly though when we did Beast. It's HARD. I would equate Beast 3 with Singapore 4, and other math at a 5th grade level. And there is a lot to be gained from the 3rd grade books even if they are a good bit past that. The *thinking* is wonderful! I would probably start with Beast 3 for any kid 4th to 6th or 7th grade. Except my 4th grade girls, because they aren't ready yet. :)
  11. I would take a year (or a semester) off from homeschooling. In fact, that's what I did. Mid-year 2nd grade, I was just DONE. I finished out the year, but I was not joyful about it! I sent my kids to school for 3rd grade. One came back to homeschooling at Christmas. The other three finished out the year at public school. All four are back to homeschooling now. Taking that time off helped me to step back and take a good look at the big picture, and reevaluate. It also helped me to see the one area that my kids were really lacking (computer skills), and reassured me that I was doing more than enough other than in that one area. It helped the kids to gain a better understanding of many of their friends' worlds - they have a better frame of reference to communicate with peers. And they have a MUCH improved attitude about working hard at home instead of being difficult, because they much prefer the shorter days and relative freedom of homeschool and want to keep homeschooling! They are significantly more appreciative of me and my efforts. I am not going to say that the academics knocked my socks off, but I am very glad we took that year off. Doing it again, I would send them after Christmas instead of at the beginning of the school year. We could have gotten everything out of the experience that we needed by going half a year, without quite as much of a break from the things *I* thought were important that the school didn't. (We did a lot of backtracking for the first few months we were back home.) Still well worth it though. Life won't end if you take a break. And remember, no decision is permanent! You can enroll them, and pull them back out, even within one school year, if need be.
  12. Very helpful - so glad I asked earlier rather than later, as it sounds like I need to be investigating mid-way through level 5 to see if 6 is a needed. (I bet two of mine will need it, and two may be able to handle a breezy overview.) Thank you!!!
  13. My kids are working through Singapore 4a - Standards Edition right now. I expect to continue with Singapore through 6. My son and one daughter are very mathy, and the other two daughters are not so mathy, but are hanging with Singapore. I know that's still a ways out, but what is the best option after Singapore 6? Is Singapore 6 pre-algebra? Or do I need to run through a pre-algebra program before launching into the upper levels of math?
  14. This is SO helpful!! Thank you all so much!!!
  15. I realize that I should be able to figure this out, but I have thought about it way too much and now I'm totally confused! My kids read a multiplication sign as "___ groups of ___ items". (For example, 4 x 5 they read as "four groups of five items".) For division, they do the opposite: 20 / 4 = ?, they say "twenty divided into four groups - how many are in each group?" ---------------- How do I apply that to more items to multiply? Or can you? 4 x 5 x 2 x 8 ---------------- What would the similar phrases be for fractions? (I'm getting mixed up when we divide fractions.) ----------------
  16. Yes, public school - 13 more days til we are back to being homeschoolers! :) That's a GREAT idea about just donating it!!
  17. Book fair - I feel like we need to buy something to support them
  18. Has anybody ever seen / heard of / looked through the "Ever After High" series? Total twaddle? Trying to pick out the least junky option from a list...
  19. My kids will be attending a university model school next year (two days a week). Three of them will go into Singapore 3A at this school, and my son will go into Singapore 4A. How far would a kid need to get in Miquon to go straight into Singapore 3A and be successful? What about 4A?
  20. My kids have never used PowerPoint, and have to do a presentation using it. We have two weeks, and plenty of time. I thought I'd use this time to teach them how to do it. Thoughts on how to do that? Is there an app? Game? Website? Anything more interesting and effective than me talking? :)
  21. Why do all the apps seem to stop at 10? We know our facts up to 10, and have gotten through the 11s, but I would love to go back to the game method of learning them as it is less painful for all of us! Can you suggest an app for this?
  22. Doesn't it figure - NOBODY voted for the one that looked most interesting to me (Faces)!
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