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Everything posted by Mynyel

  1. My daughter likes a series called Dinotopia, I don't know if they would like that. The American Girl series might interest them if they like Little House on the Praire and the like. The Christy series is supposed to be good as well. One way to look at what is available is to go to amazon and look at the books for the age levels, the have them separated. I have struggled with my daughter too, she reads everything under the sun (including out pocket Constitution) and then some. Fortunately she is now 12 and she has been able to move up to different books. Hope this helps you out! :grouphug::grouphug:
  2. Or Texting...my sister found that out the hard way :) Here is my experience while driving in LA... White knuckles :) I grew up in Cali...not LA but been there enough. Your going to end up hitting hte major veins and arteries that make that city go round if you are going to go anywhere. The 405, I-5 the 101 (perhaps the 101 depending on where your going). There isn't a time, that I know of, that you can avoid any of those roads without them being congested. However with a few precautions it won't be totally a nightmare. Make sure you coach the kids that while mom is driving in LA please keep the noise to a minimum, you have to concentrate. Mapquest is your friend and if you have a GPS even better. If it says Compton go the opposite way. Have a clear route on where you need to go. OH! If you want to see your route first hand go to googlemaps and use street view. You can see the roads and take a tour. We do it all the time to see different areas! You can even see the pyramids and the Great Wall of China! Hope this helps! :grouphug::grouphug:
  3. Our Constitution was from the same era...is that not valid anymore? Just wondering.....:001_huh: I realize that this is just an opinion but regardless of who and when this was said it still is valid. This wasn't a quote about clothes or shoes or anything else that changes every year. This was about freedom and safety and that has been a concern since time began. Should we say quotes from people last year are invalid because it was a different time/different place? Things this year are extremely different than last. Again...my opinion :hugs:
  4. /bow I am not worthy... Wow I feel especially not smart right now....
  5. I disagree, just how much freedom can we and should we give up in the name of "national security"? Correct me if I am wrong but this guy that had the bomb in his BVD's didn't board the plane in the USA so why are we in the USA having to succumb to more security measures that I personally find disturbing. I have a 12 yo daughter that I do not want going through those machines. I don't care where they put them...another room..another country! There are going to be people looking at these and I don't like it. What is next? Full body searches? You may think that extreme but even a few years ago these machines would have been extreme. I will not sit by and give up any more freedoms. I did not bomb anything, I have never even though that way. The majority of America doesn't think that way yet we are all treated like the criminals when they come down with these policies. They need to get their own act together and go after the bad guys instead of subjecting all the average normal people to things like scans and pat downs. *steps off soap box* My opinion....:grouphug:
  6. When you say hearing issues...your not talking about selective hearing are you?:D He hears just fine and knows when to ignore..the little twerp ;)
  7. I know he says less than 20 words...umm hot, dah (dog), bum (boom), dat (whats that) and ut-oh....he can sign please, more and thank you. He does have code and we know what he means, he will go brrum-brrum for his toy truck, he will make a whooshing noise with his mouth and point in the sky for airplanes and when he wants to watch the shuttle launch (he loves watching the shuttle) and he will also make singing noises and move his head left to right to watch teletubbies. He does other things but those are the main ones I can think of. He also understand everything as well, if I tell him to get something he will. Just this morning we lit a candle (good smells :D) and he saw it and said "ot" (for hot) I said yes! good! it is hot isn't it..he nodded...I asked him...do we touch it and he shook his head no. So he is understanding but well just not saying it I guess! I have thought of that but I know of others that have done that same thing so I have made my kids and husband (and me) from birth, not speak for him. We ask him what do you want, and he will point or take us to it. I have tried to get him to say things like "nurse" figuring he can say nah or whatever is easy for him but he gets mad at me when I try to make him. Maybe I am being a worry wart. I was worrying about my 7yo a few months ago because his reading wasn't going as I wanted it too (he has vision issues +650 in the left and +550 in the right) however we took a few week off over the summer (family visits) and when we started again he took off like a shot! So perhaps I am worrying to much? Another FYI is my sisters daughter was speech delayed, she is 2.5 and is finally saying simple sentences but at 2 she could barely say a handful of words. Anywho, thanks ladies (and gents for those out there!) for any insight, support, and/or help! :grouphug::grouphug:
  8. Ok so I am a forum junkie..kinda :) I get on websites and look up things (that can be bad) and it seems according to some that my 19mo is behind in speech. You would think with him being my 3rd that I would know but alas there is 6 years between my middle child and this one. I don't remember what my other two were saying, if anything, at 18-19 months! :confused: I remember that by 27 months my first was talking, we took her to daycare then and I know she could talk, my middle child I just can't remember (that is horrible sounding). His motor skills are great! Again according to charts he is ahead in motor skills. So any other moms out there want to share? Thanks!
  9. However, the book is still readable if found, for these clothes they aren't wearable by anyone. And people don't need books to survive (ok well maybe some of us fell like we do! :D) but people need clothing. Trust me we wouldn't want to see a bunch of people walking around without any! :willy_nilly::eek:
  10. Yanno, I have always said that if everyone could do just a little then we wouldn't have the problem we do. I really hope they get their act together. The fact that they do that is selfish and unreasonable. So what if someone else sells it? They did what that company couldn't so....move merchandise. *sigh* Glad that student was a whistleblower!
  11. WOOT for coffee :) Honestly...I was (yes was) on weight watchers (loved it but just can't seem to get myself motivated again) and that was one thing I did NOT skimp on when counting my points. Coffee was a given, even if I had to half my dessert or eat less bites at lunch. I won't go without coffee! :) I don't know if this helps but it's my 2 cents!:D
  12. I take an put my chicken in the slower cooker (or oven if needing it quick) with nothing but Italian dressing. It adds flavor to the meat and I still use it in any dish, adds a nice flavor to any dish. May favorite to use it with is chicken enchiladas...YUM!
  13. How do all you moms & dads do it? I have three kids and can barely afford the school supplies needed to homeschool the two that are homeschooling right now (Thank you Lord for libraries). I also know that plenty of us homeschoolers struggle too :) I see the signatures with 4, 5, 6 and even more kids and wonder how? I long to have more children but am astute enough to know we simply can't do it. My husband is only employed part-time, I am looking for a part-time job so we have at least a full time income (such as it will be) and we live off student loans and (cringe...some are not happy about people like me) the government by way of food stamps. So how is it done? I would so love to have more but need the means...not to mention the space! So...how do you do it?:) Whats the secret if any? :bigear:
  14. Your house almost sounds like mine, laundry, toys, crayons and random pieces of nothing all over the place. I won't even mention the clutter on the counters. The joys of homeschooling 2 (and a half..19mo isn't quite there yet) kids in a 3 bedroom 1100 sq ft doublewide! Not to mention the baby is acting up...not feeling well I think so all he wants to do is nurse and cling, we didn't get the whole school day done and I spent way to much time on these boards today because all he wanted to do was nurse and sit in my lap :glare:! I understand! I do! But there comes a time in every woman's life where you say....I'm done for the day...smile and say...oh well I am going to eat ice cream (or insert your favorite comfort food) and worry about it tomorrow! :)
  15. I pulled my daughter out before that point...:D The school she used to go to (and she never wants to look at a public school again) had a sign up says "You cannot pick up your child after 2:15". Granted school was out at 2:30 but excuse me I will pick up my child when I want to tyvm! :tongue_smilie:
  16. First...big hugs :grouphug: Wow! It is awesome that you and baby are doing so well! (At least physically :001_smile:) If it was me I would take time off, fall back and regroup. One beauty of homschooling, out of many, is being able to do just that! I school year round, I like it better and isn't as stressful to me. You have "more" days when it is year round. We still get our 180 days in but we rotate 3,4 and 5 days. For instance in the spring/summer we do 3-4 days a week and fall/winter we do 4-5 days a week. If we need time off for vacation or something we just add an extra day to each week after. So if it was a 3 day week we took off we would add those days to the next three weeks. All I do is write 3, 4 or 5 on each week on my wall calendar and go. I don't know if that helps you, trying to type it I confused myself a bit! You can PM me if you want me to try again :D I had nowhere near your experience with your pregnancy but I was tired and feeling generally blah so when I was pregnant with my last that school was on the back burner for about 2 months. Your kids aren't really that different in age from mine and mine have picked up so much more than I thought! Please take heart, you don't have to be super-mom. Enjoy your baby, enjoy your kids first, the rest will fall into place.
  17. Dixon Ticonderogas are one of my fav's as well however, I have found that good ole papermate wood pencils are really good. I do not personally go for mechanical because around my house pencils have a nasty habit of walking off to Neverland. I don't go to the expense of mechanical or even disposable mechanical. I buy, in bulk, the wood pencils at the back-to-school sales :)
  18. Hi! I don't know if this helps but we are just finishing up Core 6 and my daughter read all the books. Mara, Daughter of the Nile was a really good book. I read it myself, no violence, no ummm physical activity (if you get my meaning)...ok well there was one kiss. My daughter (11 when she read it) loved it! She won't let me sell it with the rest of the Core six books. Same with the Golden Goblet, SOTW and a few others. Now she has said, and I haven't read it, that Black Horses for the King was a bit violent. So I really can't say about that book. However she said it was a bit violent but she wasn't real disturbed so I don't think it was extreme. We also did Core 2 and 6 together this past year and it was fine. My daughter (who was doing Core 6) read all the core 2 books as well as her own. My son (the Core 2er) would listen to the read alouds (the ones we did read I didn't read all of them, my daughter isn't patient enough, she blows through books like they are nothing) so when you are doing two cores at once it is almost like the younger ones are getting a double education. They soak up more than you think! I am going to continue doing it this way, I love it!
  19. Hi! I file one every year for myself, and no you do not have to have filed for 2009 yet. Go to fafsa.ed.gov and just fill it out. That site I use and it walks you through everything. Hope this helps! Rachel
  20. I don't know if I really have anything to offer but what I will say is if your son is eating something up fuel it. Keep going with other the other things but feed the want on the side. For instance we use Sonlight, and my daughter (now 12) LOVES history, she blew through SOTW 1 and 2 (more than once). She won't let me sell those books because she reads them all the time. So I just let her go...let her read what she wanted at her own pace. She is the same way with Science. I let her go...she likes them so much she is always ahead and it isn't just going on to something new, she will re-read her books. Perhaps if you let him just read it himself he will do the same thing. Will read and re-read. Now we kept the "pace" with other things like English and Math (Math is definitely a four letter word for her). I don't worry about "structure" so much as content. And she has done me proud, she will pop off with a fact of this or that at the oddest times and I think...WOW She is learning! Hope this helps at least a little! Rachel
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