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Posts posted by Sandragood1

  1. Saxon 3 is a bear. Are you using songs to helP with the skip counting? They can help tremendously.


    Also note that right-brained learners tend to have difficulty with rote memorization. My kids used a cheat sheet for the times tables while we continued with new material. They did learn their math facts but they didn't learn to hate math.


    Do not make her one area of weakness such a big deal. Move on. Because the nature of math is to constantly build, so move on. She will get it.



  2. We have been using MM for a few years now. I rarely have looked at the game links. I sit with my dd most of the work time. She has trouble staying on task if I don't.


    We read the explanation. If she doesn't understand I add my own explanation and examples. Then she does the problems. I check them.


    That's it. Once or twice I have had her watch a Kahn Academy video on a topic for clarity. In the early grades I used physical manipulatives sometimes to clarify a point.


    So, IMHO it is not a self-teaching curriculum but has (almost) everything you need within it.



  3. I just finished reading (this afternoon) "Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain" by John Ratey.


    I intend to have my ds and dh read the first chapter and the chapter on ADHD. Forms if exercise which require thought are best. Martial Arts. Gymnastics. Running for some people. The book explains the neuroscience of why it helps.


    My library had a copy.




  4. In your example, A, B, .... all were x out of 3. If all outcomes are out of 3, I would think a bar chart would do it. Y axis, 1, 2, and 3. X axis, letter names.


    If they are not all "out of" the same number, I'd switch my results to percentages, and use them for the Y axis.


    I'm assuming that what you want to present is the # or % completed.

  5. The best way to get grass-fed beef, cost-wise, is to buy in bulk. Find a farmer whose practices you like, and buy a quarter, half or whole side of beef. Sometimes small farmers are raising just a few head. In Virginia, there are part-time farmers raising a small number of livestock to maintain their "farm" status for tax purposes.


    Take a look at http://www.EatWild.com for listings of farms and ranches that pasture-raise livestock. The listings are by state, with some regional subdivisions. Not only is beef available, but chicken, goose, lamb, goat,....


    For beef, I have to say that we purchase mostly *ground* beef. In the cold months, I get roasts for braising. The crockpot is a friend to grass fed meat. Sometimes, I splurge on skirt or flank steak for fajitas.


    If I splurge on non-fajita steak, I get organic, but not grass-fed.



  6. I know of a college prof who has two FB accounts. One account under her name, which her students can use (and maybe co-workers?) and a separate account under a fictitious name that is for friends.


    The only snag is monitoring two accounts.


    I was really surprised when I got a Friend-Request from someone I had never heard of - I had to ask another mutual friend about it.



  7. My ds used to have night terrors. It was always at those times when he was over-tired. The cause could have been too short a nap, snoring at night, etc. When he slept restfully the previous night, he was fine the next.


    Doubtless, your kiddo is suffering from quality of sleep issues. Does the problem improve if you have earlier bedtimes, later rising times, and maybe the opportunity to doze off after lunch? You might be stuck in a vicious cycle with bad sleep. Temporarily forcing more sleep may help.


    You could also try melatonin to help break the cycle... and perhaps magnesium.



  8. I really think our culture has changed what "normal" weight looks like. I mean that my kids, who are count-their-ribs thin, would have been normal weight even 30 years ago. Friends comment to me that they are too thin.


    As further support: I just watched footage shot on an aircraft carrier during WWII. Every single person was skinny. The VoiceOver (original) mentions a particular pilot, "that chubby guy on the right.". He was not chubby by today's standards. Today he'd be described as thin. He was only marginally more fleshy than any of the others.


    Btw, I am NOT thin.


    So take heart,



  9. I'm looking for a 1 year American History for a 7th grader. Her reading is labored (vision issues) so I'm not looking for anything super challenging. We haven't done American history since she was young and I am seeing that she needs it.

    I did Hakim's Story of US before, but I don't see how that would work here.





    P.s. less religious is better, but it is not a requirement.

  10. According to more than once source, the stink is from an excess of soap/detergent which builds up inside the washer (yeah, and maybe mildew, too). Use less soap. Use vinegar to help rinse the excess soap out. But what has really made a difference for me (after I bleached mildew away in that rubber gasket) is to use Borax in the "powder detergent" cup. 1/4 to 1/2 cup. It is marvelous! I suppose it is helping to rinse the excess soap out of the washer:):001_smile:


    Everything smells clean, including the washer.



  11. My ds really does better in a small class environment. He likes being around other people, he does well with their deadlines, he is learning accountability. He is taking classes at one co-op-ish organization - it is actually for home schoolers in 7-12th, but you pay by the class and they hire teachers. Next year we will be adding classes from 1 or 2 other similar organizations.


    I found these opportunities through networking with the local home schooling community. Only two of the three groups are advertised online. One I found totally by word of mouth.


    By attending some home school events, such as home school skate at the ice rink, I hear about many opportunities that I would otherwise have no idea even existed! Is there something like this that you can be a part of?


    Otherwise, hire a teacher and look for 4-5 others to join in the class. This way you get exactly what you want, it could even be at your home or a close library!



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