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Posts posted by Sandragood1

  1. A soft spot in the enamel that " catches" the pick is not a cavity. It will be, though, if you don't take care to treat it. Double up on the brushing and flossing. Cut back on sugar.


    Id probably do the above and switch dentists next time you are due. My kids' dentist always wants to fill soft spots. I just nod my head and ignore them. I'd switch but the kids are comfortable there.

  2. If it really bugs you, give her more options. Find some folk sings or jazz songs or old country songs and sing them while she's around.


    I know you said that you are a low media family but what are you doing for music? As in making it. Sing, hum, play the Uke, a recorder or a keyboard. If you aren't comfortable with that I suggest you get a CD or two. Have you tried Beethoven's Wig? It's great! I also had a wonderful CD from Cathy Fink and Marcy M.,, something.


    I still hum tunes from those two CD's. :)

  3. My brother found that a food allergy was causing GERD symptoms. Has your Dh kept a detailed food diary? It might be worth trying a week off each of the major food allergens (alternating not all at once!) plus any that run in the family, and keep detailed notes on how he feels.


    I'll also endorse the aloe vera gel for the burned esophagus. Sooo soothing.

  4. You certainly can! It can be great for weightloss and fitness. But with the extra weight you are REALLY pounding your body. Have good running shoes. Avoid concrete. Try to run on dirt or grass. Check your running form. I find "barefoot" running style to be less jarring but I do wear shoes with lots of cushion but little heel rise.


    Stop running if you feel pain.


    I suggest also doing ab work to support your back while running.


    Have fun with it!

  5. Yes. My Dh and Dd have this. Anything too "eggy" is a problem. It is a different type of allergic reaction in the mouth, mostly.


    Dd doesn't even skin test positive for eggs. So all kinds of baked good are ok. Creme brûlée is not. Quiche and frittata are out. Once she even had a problem with the egg/ricotta mixture in a lasagna. Pancakes or waffles with eggs in the batter are fine with regular recipes.


    The allergist just to avoid foods that bother her. However, she already carries an epi pen for other allergies.


    Perhaps consulting an allergist and getting skin tested would be the prudent thing to do.

  6. About the noise, I have few suggestions for keeping your littles quiet-sorry. But a white noise generator or light classical music as background noise may make the noises of the littles less disruptive to the olders.


    For the littles think tactile. Play dough, sand table, water table (bath for fun?), very large beads and shapes for sorting. Color hunting - can you find everything in this room that is purple? Also letter hunting - can you find 5 things that begin with the "b" sound?


    Good luck to you and I hope your recovery continues at a quicker pace. :)

  7. There are a number of different charts which cover age appropriate speech problems.


    I felt that waiting until it's a "problem" at age 8.5 was wasting time. A different chart said that kids typically get the r sound at 6.


    We did speech therapy when she was 6 and it took very little time to get the r sound. It was totally worthwhile. Her confidence increased and she was more intelligible.

  8. Yes, it worked. BUT you have to check for underlying medical problems. The alarm we had came with s book which helped to check for those problems. It has been so long that I don't remember which alarm it was.


    I had to sleep with my kiddo for at least a week to help him awaken and get to the toilet when it went off. I don't think it would have worked otherwise.

  9. Don't underestimate the importance of bone strength! Many older people die as a result of breaking a bone, even though it isn't listed as the cause of death. A hip fracture or even a broken arm is frequently the beginning of a difficult end. When my mother stopped hrt after the nurses' study her bone density went from healthy to poor in a matter of months.


    While I am interested in people's personal experiences, I think that this is something to really do some medical research on. You might be interested in reading articles from DrHurlock.com.

  10. My brother is doing this. It is more $ than regular braces. It really doesn't show at all except you have to remove them to eat or to drink anything other than water.


    I looked into it a bit. Another option which is cheaper in my area is to use clear traditional braces on your top teeth and the metal traditional braces on the bottom. This cuts cost but reduces the visibility of the braces and you don't have to remove them all day long.


    I hope you find an option you like,

  11. I'm not sure how you can do this, but if you can get paper wasps to nest in a tree in your yard the yellow jackets should avoid nesting there. Twice now we have had summers free from stinging insects (yellow jackets and hornets ) and when the leaves fell in the fall we found a large paper wasp nest in our front tree.


    The paper wasps are so low key we didn't even know they were there.


    Also I have seen fake paper wasp nests that you can put in your tree but I have no idea how well they work.


    I hope you can stop the yellow jackets from ruining your enjoyment of your yard,



  12. I have observed in myself and others a tendency to "hide" from the real world inside of books. If you think that this is going on - then you need to talk about it and about balance.


    Those who think that all reading is good are oversimplifying. Too much of a good thing IS too much of a good thing. Trust your mommy instinct here.


    That said, the Warriors books seem to be really, really attractive to Tweens. My dd read them like they were candy. I did not limit per se but required that other books be read and that some balance between reading and other activities. The balance didn't need to be daily but rather over a few days.

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