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Everything posted by SnMomof7

  1. I have one purse . The bright pink pleather I bought on sale at Marks that needs repairs. I do love it. I have a black messenger bag/diaper bag/Sunday school bag. Maybe I can count it.
  2. We are a CLE family. It is less often recommended, but it is very open and go. This is our second time through.
  3. So here is what we have and like: The Real Mother Goose (it's OK) Where the Sidewalk Ends, Shel Silverstein Andrew Pudewa's Poetry Memorization - this is in our together time We also read the poetry from the WYCNTK series 2-3x/week for youngers, 1x/week olders. The Llama Who Had No Pajama (a favorite here - it came with a SL core) A Child's Garden of Verse What isn't a big hit: Milne, just have never felt the love A Family of Poems, not sure why, but it just isn't reached for Rod and Staff Poems for Memorizing (May not be exact title) - I like these actually, it's sort of borderline, not really getting read though When All the Stars Have Fallen (meh...not reached for, but it's a Canadian children's anthology, so...) And a handful of other things that aren't substantial enough that I want to mention them. Maybe I'm feeling the nudge into more meaty stuff for my oldest and a broader collection for my youngers.
  4. I'm voting for GSWL as well. I'm going to start all of my girls with it.
  5. The Barefoot Book looks really good! I was previously unaware of it.
  6. Is there a lot of overlap between 2 and 3? Do you feel they are distinct enough to own both?
  7. I plan to use it for all my children from 1st-5th as our family primary history cycle. So, my current focus is my 7-yo 2nd grader (I write her oral narrations and she illustrates them), and my 9-yo 4th grader (she writes and illustrates on her own.). My 4-yo Ker listens in, and if my eldest DD (12) wasn't in love with her own (independent) history program, I'd have her participate also.
  8. Say you wanted to have five poetry books to see you through K-12? What would they be? We like some of ours, but others are...meh. Most of them are younger collections, also.
  9. I didn't feel SOTW had enough of a Christian worldview for us. We eventually went with the Guerber/Miller narrative history series, and so far I'm very pleased with that decision.
  10. I hear you. I'm totally overhauling our clothes. I think we have toooo many, but not the ones we really need. That just makes things worse.
  11. CLE. Very independent for 4th, do the placement tests to avoid frustration. First is never independent here. Ever. Congrats on your twins :). Ours are 7 months. It can be a bit of a ride. Rest lots :).
  12. We like CLE Reading, but if you haven't used it from the beginning and want to skip the phonetic work, 3rd is generally a better place to jump in. The thinking questions can be a bit challenging though, it isn't just the level of the readers themselves, but the LU work to consider. Have you looked at the samples?
  13. Congratulations!!! Baby time! Woohoo! (My dearly loved grandmother said 'oh no' when I told her I was pregnant last time.)
  14. Nope. We do CLE LA/Math/Reading/Bible...noooo problem :).
  15. Iodine can also be very helpful. Even if it is an old school remedy.
  16. I have a middle name. I didn't change my name when I got married. My girls received my last name because they see girls (the first two). Any boys would have DH's name. Flash forward a few years. I got saved. I realized Eve had the SAME NAME as Adam in the garden before the Fall, because they were one unit. Once a man and a woman marry they are also one unit, one flesh. (Not looking for a debate, just sharing my reasons.) I legally changed my name and the names if our existing children. We had all been Bogarts now for quite a number of years. All the new children. Are Bogarts. None of them have middle names. If they want one when they are grown, they may choose.
  17. I just had my first c section this year with the twins. I'm 36. We will likely have more (we have 7). Uterine conditions can and do change between babies as well. I'd go for it if you feel led :).
  18. Congrats! We just had our twins in January. Next oldest is 2. Then 4, 7, and 12. A twin pregnancy is hard. Rest and eat a lot, mama. We only finished half our work for that year. I homeschool in the couch while nursing the babies, mostly. The kids bring me their books. It's happening. DH does the cooking now. That helps IMMENSELY!!
  19. Yes, upon reflection, I think I will only remove the poor chapter books. DD2 is a reading machine, and I hate library fines.
  20. Ah, goodie! Research to do during my next few tandem nursing sessions! Thanks for the suggestions and links :).
  21. I have over readers too. So...even I the treasuries are a wee bit less accessible, we still have single titles and no lack of reading here. Hunter, I find my phone the easiest for internet access while I'm nursing the twins. So accessible. I'm actually thinking of going internet-free. I believe it would help my focus and family connections. Weekly library trip for wifi. Maybe I'm nutso :).
  22. They are especially fond of the ones with pictures of the individual titles on the front page. They pull it out and point to the story they want. I find them on the floor pouring over them them. So, I'm going with 'yes'. :)
  23. I think we need to add a Mother Goose board book as well. We have never had one, surprisingly.
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