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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Just an FYI....you don't pay any extra to use a travel agent. They are paid via commision from airlines, tour companies, etc. So, this money will either line the pockets of the big companies or go to your local travel agent. You don't save any money by booking yourself. I do understand the desire to research and plan ones own trip though;) My family owned a travel agency when I was growing up. I like using a travel agent when going out of the country. They have a lot of great BTDT advice and can tell you what areas to avoid. My mom did a lot of traveling for free/cheap when she owned the agency....another perk:).
  2. Thank you!! I was really hoping I wouldn't have to buy them:)
  3. This has probably been asked, but I searched and came up with nothing! Are the DVDs a must have for Prima Latina? I have NO experience with Latin. I hesitate to buy them because of the cost. Thanks!
  4. Funny, I was just dealing with this yesterday with my ds7. It just so happened an episode if Hoarders was on. I had him watch a few minutes of it. He came down from his room a little later with a bag of stuff;)
  5. Nope, no closet:( That table is tempting! I love how it folds down so small. My biggest issue is storage and workspace for me. I'm thinking maybe begging dh to build some built in bookshelves. I amjust NOT creative. When I look into the room, my head spins. I don't even know where to start!
  6. I, too, was surprised by A Childs Geography. Definitely is more of a science book than true geography. Guess I should have read the description more carefully:)
  7. At this point, I still save it....all of it. I don't need it for record keeping, I just struggle throwing out what the kids worked so hard on all year! I'm sure my story will change in a few years when my closet is overflowing with expandable file folders:)
  8. 10x10 or so. Right now I have 3 school desks, two computer desks, two sets of workbox shelves, and a small book shelf in there!!! Seriously, it's chaos! There is NO room!! I know I need to move some stuff out....just looking for inspiration;)
  9. Does anyone have pictures of their small school room? I need to re-do ours over the summer. There is just too much stuff!!! Looking for some ideas on furniture placement/organization. I don't have a huge budget, so the more creative the better:)
  10. Side by sides are AWFUL!!!! We just bought one as our old fridge (with bottom freezer) didn't have a water and ice dispenser. I regret it. We should have spent the money to get the French doors with water and bottom freezer. Side by sides have NO room and are impossible to organize. Luckily we kept our old fridge out in the garage!!!!
  11. Love them!! Although I wasn't as enamored before we had a tornado shelter:)
  12. I have only had a 10 year so far, but I went and had a great time:). I was one of the odd people that actually loved high school:).
  13. Thank you for all the advice!! DH gave her a bath and washed her hair, but who knows how thoroughly;). I will try again today....you know, because I have nothing better to do than getting marshmallow out of a three yr. Olds hair!!!:)
  14. So, we roasted marshmallows the other night and dd(3) got a huge clump of melted marshmallow stuck in her hair:(. Now it is a huge matted knot and I don't know how to get it out!! She has very thin hair and it is finally to her shoulders, so I REALLY don't want to cut it! She also has a severe peanut/tree nut allergy so peanut butter is out! Any suggestions?
  15. We do the whole "bed on the couch, movie day" thing. I can't imagine being told to read when I feel sick!! I just want to lay there, expend little to no brain power, and sleep on and off!!
  16. :iagree: LOVE this book! It didn't just help me to get my house under control, but built in scheduling days, "town" days (to run errands and grocery shop, etc.). I had my cute little notebook with my "To Do" list ready to go every morning. We went on vacation last month and I fell off the bootcamp wagon:( I really need to start back up....having my nice little lists relieved so much stress and anxiety! Hope you find something that helps you!!
  17. I was going to suggest Currclick as well. We haven't done one of their book club type classes yet, but we have done a few of the one time, live classes. Both kids really enjoyed them and I thought the teachers were great!
  18. You and your family are in my prayers. I can't begin to imagine the pain you are in....I am so, so, so sorry for your loss.:grouphug:
  19. I was SO excited to use LHTH with my 3 yr.old dd. And I was SO disappointed when I did:( I didn't want anything rigorous, but found myself saying "Is that it?" at the end of every lesson. The suggested reading took all of 5 minutes. She looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to do the "dramatic play". She did, however, enjoy the songs and finger plays. It just didn't engage her the way I had hoped it would. However, I purchased it after reading MANY positive reviews so apparently it works well for a lot of people.
  20. SWB talks about this in this youtube video: I had the same concerns about the overlap and this really helped to clarify:)
  21. Mine are still young, and I am still learning. However, I would echo previous and RELAX! I started poor ds off in K with high academic goals. I mean, we were homeschoolers, we were supposed to be academically ahead...right?!?!? I wish that thought had never entered my mind. We would focused far less on curriculum and getting "ahead", and more on field trips, family time, character development, etc. I have learned to stop comparing ourselves with others and just work at our own pace. If we fall behind because an awesome field trip opportunity comes up, so be it!! Our math workbooks will be there tomorrow. I also wish we had read aloud more together. I started off attempting to read the "classics" to my children. I found myself bypassing the "fun" stuff. Now we mix it up a bit and spend a lot more time reading together. Finally, I wish that I wouldn't have been a cheapie and continued with curriculum that just wasn't working with a particular child.
  22. We opted for, what I consider, the best of both. We live in the suburb of a large city. A smaller town with homes on a few acres, but still in a subdivision with neighbors and neighbors for the kids to play with. We have plenty of room for gardens or animals, aren't living on top of our neighbors, the kids have other kids to play with, and the commute for dh isn't bad at all. Then again, I have some friends that want to be within walking distance of stores, restaurants, etc....requiring them to live in a larger city. To each his own!
  23. We also go through Homelife Academy. So, so , so easy. I pay my registration, fill in grades and attendance on-line twice a year, and am not required to do any testing. I don't know how it gets much easier than that:)
  24. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I'll have to hold off on placing my order....why is that so hard for me?!?!? :001_smile:
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