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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Someone already mentioned it, but Meetup can be great! Since you have a toddler you could always look for a playgroup in area. This us how I met some of my closest friends when we moved here from another state. You really just have to get out there. I had to go through a few groups before I finally found one I was comfortable with. And none of them are homeschoolers...go figure;).
  2. I purchase something in May and it just arrived a few days ago (postmarked May!). So, apparently media mail can be super slow at times. A few other things I bought arrived within days. Hopefully your will arrive soon!
  3. We love our fireworks (and the rest of the neighborhoods as well!). We moved from an area where they were illegal and were so happy we could do them here. So, I would be really bummed if they were illegal. As would my kids. Now, if we lived in a subdivision with tiny lots like we did prior to this house, I wouldn't be so happy about it. I don't like them to be set off within a few feet of our house:)
  4. I am far to attached to replace it! It is very simple, but I think that reflects where we were at that point in our lives. We were young, just getting started financially, and it was what we could afford at the time. And I love that!
  5. I have a copier/scanner that I use daily and LOVE. But, my husband had this brilliant idea last year that I could just scan what I need on it and then print it out on the laser printer to save on ink (the copier tends to use a lot). :glare: It is SO much easier to just copy it.......wish he would have stayed out of it:D
  6. My older two have them and it's never been a problem. In fact, we don't limit other technology (except at the playground, when we have guests, etc.) and we don't have any issues with obsessiveness. I think because access has never been strictly limited, they have sort of a take it or leave it attitude.
  7. The Lincoln museum is great! As was the tomb! While we were there we made a trip to Arthur...it's an adorable little town with a large Amish community. We paid to have lunch at the home of an Amish family. They were great!! They gave us a tour of their farm and we learned a lot about their lifestyle. My kids loved it and it was the highlight of our trip:) have a great time, Thereis so much to do in Springfield!
  8. We just flew with our 3 year old and didn't use a seat. In fact, I think the only time we used a seat was ONE time (and we fly a lot) with our oldest when she was a baby. Too much of a hassle for me. There is no requirement so I guess you just have to do what you are comfortable with!
  9. I have always had terrible anxiety. I REALLY wish my parents had gotten me treatment at an earlier age! I am now on medication and it has made HUGE improvements. I know how difficult it is to put our children on medication (I struggled with putting my dd on meds for years), but you truly are doing your child a favor. Anxiety is miserable to live with. While herbal remedies may work for some, they were unsuccessful for me. I agree with the previous posters and would suggest seeing a psychiatrist ASAP.
  10. I use both the DVD and workbook for my daughter. I would say if you had to pick one over the other, to go with the workbooks. The clips for each lesson are very short...just a few minutes each. They are basically just an example of the situation you will be discussing in the workbook (ie. social cues such as not interested, bored, conversation starters, etc.). If you were to use just the workbook, it looks like you there would only be about 1 page per lesson that you would not be able to complete (there are about 7 pages per lesson (or topic) and there are a total of 12 lessons. Hope that helps a little:) I have been happy with the program!
  11. Ummm.....I got a 60. I also hit a mailbox with my side mirror yesterday. I guess I should utilize public transportation. FWIW, most of the questions I missed were because I erred on the side of caution. So, who's up for a road trip....I'll drive:)
  12. I'm also biased, having a special needs kiddo myself, and would LOVE to put all of my kids in a group like this. Just having a big sister with special needs has helped shape my younger ones to into VERY compassionate kids. My ds7, especially (dd is only 3), tries to include other kids and doesn't notice their quirks so much...he's had so much exposure to quirkiness I think he just thinks it's normal:) DS became kids with a little boy at his co-op last year that was Autistic. The boy cried on the first day (he's 9). I told ds he was Autistic like his sister so he went out of his way to include him. I don't know if he would be so willing to do that if he had not been exposed to special needs all his life. You have such a great opportunity there...I hope more parents of "normally" developing kids take advantage!!
  13. Well, only if you actually go unto the school room. There is no "evidence"in any other room:)
  14. Just wanted to give you my sympathy!!! I broke my foot last year and was on crutches for a month and then a cast with walking boot for 2 months. It IS hard to let everyone take over "your" responsibilities, but try to accept and enjoy the help:). As for the stairs, I ended up crawling up them and scooting down:). My dh and the kids were quite amused.
  15. I think it's been mentioned, but Touch Math was AWFUL!!! I STILL see little dots on numbers and count them up to add and subtract. Such a bad, bad habit. It was designed to be used in special education classes, yet somehow trickled out to the mainstream. I am sooooo slow at math because of this ridiculous method. That said, I actually have taught my 13 yr. old dd Touch Math:blush: However, she is Autistic. I attempted to teach her math with a more traditional approach and got NOWHERE. She was still unable to do basic addition/subtraction problems by the age of 13. So, I (reluctantly) taught her Touch Math this year and she can finally add/sub!! I would never use this method with my non-special ed. kids though!!!
  16. We went last February and it wad BAD....really bad. Apparently it was a school break for many people on the East coast. Next time I guess I will be checking public school break schedules. Did I mention it wad bad?!?!?:)
  17. Hahaha....I felt the same way you did the first few times. I swear it does get easier!! And you DO get results. But, yeah, I still glare at her and think some "not so nice" things when doing the video.
  18. I can't even imagine how anxious you must have been all night:( :grouphug:
  19. Nope, we don't put our weight on our DL either. I don't lie about it, but it never really comes up. Besides my dr., I can't remember the last time someone asked what I weighed.
  20. My memory of middle school is vague. Here are books I remember reading: 1984 Animal Farm Catcher In The Rye Huck Finn A Handmaid's Tale (one of my favs!!) Lord of the Flies Frankenstein Of Mice and Men 12 Angry Men To Kill A Mockingbird Brave New World That's all I remember. Great thread:)
  21. I'd be out of there! My son also does gym and is just now doing back handsprings (assisted). He is 7 also. The coach is firm, but encouraging.
  22. My dd reacts the same way. OFF has been the worst!! It's like it's made of water!! We use Repel...it is high in Deet content (the family version is 23 percent or so). I wish I could use something with less chemicals, but it just doesn't work for her. She also swells up and has even gotten staph infections from scratching at them.
  23. Disney also offers a guest assistance pass. If your childs disability prevents them from waiting in long lines (and there were 1-2 hour waits for the "good" rides when we went in Feb.), they will give you a pass at City Hall to use the wheelchair and/or back entrance for the rides. We have used this with my Autistic dd. I love Disney, but the massive crowds would turn me off if it were a once in a lifetime vacation. I would likely do a cruise or an all inclusive resort. ETA: Should have read the thread first since everyone already mentioned the pass....oops:)
  24. My dd is VERY academically delayed. She is 13 and we are still trying to get first grade math skills mastered. Her ds7 has long passed her up in every subject. I use different curriculum for them so that there is no comparing/competition. I stopped letting her academic level bother me. For me, any bit of progress is success....no matter how long it takes. If we are doing addition/subtraction for two more years before she is ready to move on, then so be it!!
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