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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. 1. Chicken with Italian Sausage and beans in crock pot 2. Pulled pork sandwiches 3. Chicken Cacciatore 4. Manicotti 5. Mediterranen pasta with chicken, kalamata olives, asparagus, and artichoke hearts These are all things that everyone will eat.
  2. :iagree: My husband does IT as well. Talking about computers makes my head spin so we leave it at that.
  3. He gets home around 5. I would lose my mind if he didn't get home until 7!!!! By 5 I am done...very, very done:)
  4. I do it....guilt free! Sometimes I will do it even if there is not a cop if someone is going ridiculously fast....particularly on those two lane back roads!!
  5. Thank you!!! Off to our local school store to see if they have any of these:)
  6. :iagree: This is what I used as well. My set is about 10 years old. I plan on using it for my 3 year old. Simple to use and very effective:)
  7. I agree, most of the suggestions seem to be for advanced readers. My son is NOT an advanced reader so I look over reading lists (like those at Sonlight) and check out what they suggest for your "average" grade level reader. We use a lot of the books on the list, which are a lot easier than what many poster's children are reading. I don't feel like he is behind....he's right about where he should be (even if he is 7 and reading Frog and Toad!). Check out something like that and you will likely be reassured that your child is not struggling as much as you think!!!:)
  8. I need a good word problem workbook for my dd. Long story short, she is special needs and it is unlikely she will ever be able to do mult/div without a calculator (she is almost 14 and we are still working on adding). So, I'm looking for some type of workbook solely containing word problems. I would like some for add/sub/mult/div. Basically I want to use a calculator with the workbook....so not challenging her computation skills so much as learning when to use a specific operation. So, not looking for a new curriculum, just for word problem workbooks. Thanks:)
  9. Mine do. And every other ninja/gymnastics/break dancing-ish sort of move they can come up with. On a side note, I tried demonstrating a handstand into a forward roll to my kids recently. The results were not good. And painful:)
  10. Just have to say Lassen would be my pick! So much to do and see there....my all time favorite place to camp!! As for my area, I would say: Going to the caves Water rafting Camping by the lake and renting jet skis Zip-lining
  11. Sitting here drinking my coffee as I type:). Today I was able to spend the entire day with my youngest dd(3).....alone!!!! Oldest dd was off with grandma and ds was at tutorial. Took her to gymnastics, to paint some pottery, had a picnic lunch, and squeezed in a Home Depot trip. Now all three are home and playing with our neighbors! Such a nice day!
  12. My kids have never shown much of an interest. On a funny side note, my great grandmother bought my dd (now 13) a subscription for her bday ears ago. We never did receive the magazine and asked her about it. She had no idea why we hadn't received it. About 6 years later my grandma passed away. When going through her stuff we found three years worth of Your Big Backyard magazines on her shelf:). Guess she never put two and two together!!!
  13. The Handmaid's Tale....my all time favorite! As for more "fluff" type reading, I love Patricia Cornwell. Seriously...love;)
  14. Nope...we have 1 boy:). Dh wanted to, but listened to my reasons and finally agreed not to.
  15. I start by calmly telling the kids it is time to start school. It usually escalates to me yelling something to the effect of "Get down here NOW"!
  16. I'm okay with hugging. Kissing....ummmm, no. Not even on the cheek. Ever.
  17. That's so funny! My 3 ye. Old did something similar when we tried LHTH. She was supposed to throw her stuffed animals around, hit them, whatever (I forget exactly). Then she was supposed to show them forgiveness. We tried talking about the right way to handle yourself when upset but she just kept insisting hitting and throwing the animals was way more fun. We only used LHTH for a short while. She just wasn't into it....at all. Neither was I.
  18. My hair. Too many haunting memories of bad perms and cuts from Supercut-type places from when I was young.
  19. A treat?!?!? Not for me!!!! I have a major aversion to people touching my feet. My mom made me go with her this summer and I was so grossed out. Never again!!!
  20. We haven't done an ongoing class yet, but we have done the one time classes. I think they are only $5 for the family. My kids really enjoyed it!! How it usually works is that the teacher comes on in a small box in the corner. The kids can interact with them through the chat box. Then there is a PowerPoint presentation, followed by Q&A. The teacher usually emails transcripts and further activities and materials after the session is over. We plan on doing more this year. I would eventually like to do one of the book clubs, but da isn't old enough yet:)
  21. Yup, we're watching it and having a "sleepover" in the family room:)
  22. As far as "chick flicks", mine likes: Uptown girls Tuck everlasting Now and Then Hairspray Twilight series And many of those already mentioned!
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