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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. My oldest dd's chest looked like that. She had a pectus excavatum (sunken chest). Looks like this little girl could have a minor one....that or just the lighting:)
  2. TV shows: Keeping Up with the Kardashians...just addicting. I used to watch The Girls Next Door. But, my all time favorite trashy show is Paradise Hotel. It only ran for two seasons, but I loved every minute of it:) Movies: I admit it, I would watch scary movies every night if my husband would let me. Especially the paranormal types. Books: Love Patricia Cornwell. My husband thinks they are too graphic. And i'll admit it...I read and liked the last book of the Twilight series. And what about video games? Because I love to play some guitar on Rockband:tongue_smilie:
  3. When I was really young it was: Smurfs Sha Na Na Fraggle Rock The Littles The Muppets When I was late elem/Jr.. High it was: Wonder Years Growing Pains Who's The Boss I remember watching Quantam Leap a lot, though I think that was more my parents thing.
  4. My kids dig into their Halloween candy that night. I don't do the rationing thing. When it's gone, it's gone.
  5. I am using this for my 2nd grader (his tutorial uses it so we can't switch). I agree that it is more suited for upper elementary or junior high. My son is enjoying it (especially the chapter on the digestive system), but a lot of it is way over his head. We try to make it a little more fun by "acting out" our digestive sytem, making clay cells, etc. I think the exposure is good, but I don't expect he will remember much of the vocabulary or details of the reading. I really think they could have simplified this if it's target audience was elementary school!
  6. No connection for us. Dd (3) has anaphylactic peanut/tree nut allergies, but is otherwise fine. Dd (13) is dx with PDD-NOS. P
  7. My 7 yo ds is the same way!! I have yet to see a sign of it getting better. Our last argument was one how to spell the word "does". He was convinced it was dose. We argued to the point that I told him that I had know idea how I made it through college since a seven year old is obviously smarter then me....not my finest moment. He was quiet for a minute and then said "Fine, but that's how *I* am going to spell it". Serioulsy.....grrrrrr!!!!!!
  8. My favorite was working as a counselor in a group home for at-risk teenage boys. My worst was working in a group home for at risk teenage girls!!
  9. You may want to double check on the zoning overruling the HOA or CC&R's. In out neighborhood it is not the case. I called zoning and was told we were zoned agriculture, but that HOA override them. This may vary in different areas:)
  10. I allow my 7 yo to play out front when the other neighborhood kids are out. I stay out with my 3 yo, obviously. And dd 13 has no desire to play with the kids;)
  11. I was in elementary and using touchmath around 83-85. I guess it took them awhile to figure out it wasn't working....
  12. I just posted without seeing your response. Did you grow up in CA? Noticed you are there now. That's where I grew up. Maybe it was a CA thing?
  13. Sadly, I would sat Touchmath. It was the "new math" of that 80's, despite being designed for use with special needs kids. I still use dots when adding and subtracting. Terrible program for kids without special needs.
  14. My forum addiction actually started on another forum. A lot if people posted negative things about the WTM boards.....too snobby, mean, opinionated. So, I had to be nosy and check it out. Obviously I found it to be none of those things.....and with far less drama and heated threads than the other board. I come here exclusively now:)
  15. This has always annoyed me!!!! Especially when you are out in public and someone is going on and on about their migraine! Or, like you said, complaining about it on the computer! Really?!?! I only get one or two a year now, but had them frequently as a child. They have always incapacitated me. I still cry.....in between throwing up and lying in a dark room. I can hardly bring myself to talk....much less type away on the computer. So, yeah, bugs me too!!!
  16. My favorite around that age was The Wonder Years. Still love it.
  17. I prefer the spicy black bean burgers from Morningstar. I don't like the Boca stuff....
  18. When I am sick I crave a Veggie Delite from Subway. Weird, I know.
  19. Love our house, love our neighborhood, love our neighbors....but still want to move out to a place with more land so we can have a mini-farm someday!
  20. I love reading these too!! Here's a link to one I wrote last year: http://homeschoolblogger.com/3littleshellfish/775298/
  21. Ours is over our gas fireplace. We haven't had any problems, though we don't use the fireplace all that much. We love it because the kids can't touch it with their dirty hands:) and it frees up so much floor space. DH made shelves in the coat closet to hold all of our stuff....the Xbox, DVD, cable box, etc. He had to do all the wiring so it was hidden, but we love it! We haven't had an issue with the height of the TV.
  22. I think it's cute, but also know of too many dogs named Sadie for me to have considered it:)
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