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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. My ds9 is finally reading a book he loves....The Indian in the Cupboard. I am not exaggerating when I say that this is the first book he has EVER enjoyed. He actually said he loved it *gasp*!! So, now I want to find some along this same line....I guess sort of fantasy. Any recommendations?
  2. I'm thinking of switching to this next year. DS did Prima Latina this year. He did fine with it, but thought it was really boring. Pretty much the same worksheet every time, just with new vocabulary words:(. Latin for Children with the DVD looks like it might be good. Any experience? Would we start with a or b given that we completed Prima Latina? Thanks!
  3. Well, now I have to go google an LCC schedule:)
  4. Thank you for this....a lot to think about! My ds does fine with FLL3, but dd with special needs....not so much. I've never looked at Shurley...off to do that now.
  5. I appreciate all of the input! The four hours was only part of the school day....it ended up taking about 6.5 today. And that was cutting history short, no spelling or writing, and no Latin. I think I need to change our read aloud time to bed time, schedule silent reading for after school, and get a LOT stricter about the time wasted whining and messing around. I wouldn't mind a six hour day....so long as we got everything accomplished. Right now it's 6 hours with a lot left undone...very frustrating. Seeing others schedules is very helpful....keep em' coming:)
  6. We have TV, love TV, and don't plan on giving it up. No one watches in excess, even without restriction.
  7. I absolutely appreciate any suggestions! You're right....reading takes up a good hour. As does math for some reason. Sometimes over an hour for math:(. I just read about all these great supplements people use and I wonder where they get the time! We can't even get through our core subjects everyday! We have to do our science and history daily at this point due to assignments from our tutorial. We won't be back next year so it will be nice to just do each twice a week instead of daily.
  8. Our school days seem to last so long! We are still at it right now and here is what we have accomplished 4 hours in: Math FLL Read aloud Silent reading Science So, no spelling, history, Latin, Bible, writing, or art yet. Of course, we don't do all of these subjects everyday, but I feel like we should have a little more done after 4 hours than we have. Both kids are working at a third grade level (oldest has special needs). How long does your day take and how many subjects do you fit in? I feel like I'm doing something wrong....I would like to complete FLL, writing, math, read alouds, reading, spelling, and either history or science AND Latin or art on alternate days. Am I expecting too much or are they just really slow? We never have time for extras like critical thinking books, games, etc. What do you do in a day and how long does it take you?
  9. Ours offers up it's extra room (where they hold storytime) for local co-ops for free. They also have have a great used book sale twice a year:)
  10. I had considered MFW K, but it seems to get a lot of bad reviews. I may try FIAR since I already have it. We are already working through OPGTR. I am thinking Horizons K for math, switching to CLE in first. We will also use HWOT. For science and history, the majority will be listening in with the older two, as well as what I decide to pull from FIAR. We all use Artistic Pursuits for art and the kids seem to really like it:)
  11. Little Hands to Heaven--hands down. The songs were weird....something seemed not right about hearing my 4 year old sing "the Phaoah's dead...". Some of the activities were just as strange to me....beat your stuffed animals and then love them and talk about how God wants you to treat things? My dd preferred the beatings and didn't get the lesson there;). MUS-another bust Scaredy Cat Reading- I just didn't get it. Appetizer, salad, entree days? Too many games, not enough meat.
  12. We go to Dollywood multiple times a year and have never dealt with long lines, especially during the week. We always stay in a cabin for a week and find plenty to do! We usually go in May or June and back again in the fall.
  13. I'd say Dollywood too, especially if you just did Disney! It's beautiful and much less crowded! We always pay for the Qbot ($40 or so), and it works like the Disney fast pass. Except you can reserve your spot from anywhere in the park on the little keychain they give you. Plus you get front row seating at the shows!
  14. Thanks ladies! Any other suggestions? I would love something that will provide a year round curriculum!
  15. I've never heard of that! Off to Google.....
  16. We have been using Apologia through our tutorial for the last 4 years. We are not going to be attending next year which frees me up to pick our own curriculum. I would really like to move away from the textbook for a year. So, I am looking for something (no specific subject) that is really hands on and fun. I need it to be able to work for a 4th grader and K. So, something I can modify for their ages. Any recommendations?
  17. My daughter had these for years. We never found a miracle treatment. On the bright side she outgrew them by 14:)
  18. The picture of the sad little girl sitting alone on her mattress cracks me up!! There were so many fallacies in this article I don't even want to get started!
  19. I have taken it for anxiety for about 7 years now. The first few weeks I felt awful....so sleepy, headaches, nausea. Since then, I have had zero side effects. It has helped me tremendously! I would try to wait it out if you are just having a general sick feeling.
  20. I have really thick hair and the thing that works best for me is a curling wand (curling iron without the clip...you just wrap your hair around and hold it there). These curls last ALL day with no hairspray. I don't like the curl I get from hot rollers, though they do work and last a while for me.
  21. Mountain....it comes out like meowntin. The kids think it's hilarious:)
  22. We're kind of going through the same thing. We have been using our school room for the past two years. However, for some reason this year we have migrated to the family room. I'm surprised to say that I enjoy it a lot more! I thought I just HAD to have a school room but it just didn't feel right for us. Now we spend our days wrapped up in blankets reading on the couch, drinking hot chocolate at the dining room table while doing math, lying in front of the fireplace while studying grammar, etc. It just feels so much cozier and relaxed. So, yes, we seem to be willingly giving up our school room:) ETA: although we aren't doing our work in there, all of our stuff will still be stored on the bookshelves in there!
  23. Thank you! Very reassuring:) We'll just continue on then:)
  24. We have tile throughout the kitchen, entryway, and bathroom downstairs. The family room is carpet. I do get frustrated with the stains, etc., but my kids love to roll around on the floor, lay on it to watch movies, practice their gymnastics, etc. Plus, I just think it's cozy. I love the look of hardwood and a big area rug, but while we have kids we will stick with carpet.
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