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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Thank you! I wish I had people closer to me that could relate! And absolutely, :grouphug: to everyone here that has a child with special needs. Every day is both q blessing and a challenge with these special kiddos!
  2. My kids are extremely close to their grandparents and would be heartbroken if they didn't come. It's never been an issue though, they wouldn't want to miss it.
  3. Despite being old, this thread came at the perfect time. My dd is 15 and functions socially and academically at a second grade level. In early elementary she was only a year or two behind. As she has gotten older, the gap continues to increase. I have finally realized that pushing academics with her is pointless. I think she has reached the peak of her capabilities. Next year I will put more focus on life skills. You can only do second grade math for so many years before realizing that they are just not capable of the work. It has been a hard reality check for me. I often struggle knowing she will never live independently. I feel bad for her and, honestly, for me and my husband. It's going to be a long, hard road for everyone:(
  4. I use the second grade level this year. The lessons, while short and to the point, seemed effective.
  5. http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/cms_content/?page=1192562&sp=1016 Here you go....
  6. Nope, in fact I used it for my dd with special needs to help solidify basic addition/subtraction:)
  7. Boyfriend is my new favorite!!! My must have on hand is Sun Moon Stars (which my husband tells me that the perfume lady told him was so outdated when he tried to find it. How does a scent become dated? ).
  8. Thanks for the great recs! Filling up my Amazon cart:)
  9. Any suggestions for an upcoming fourth grader on basic geography....like latitude, longitude, equator, etc. He loves workbooks and catches on very quickly.
  10. I signed up for Behavioral Neurology and the Science Fiction course. Excited to get started!
  11. This is awesome! Thank you for sharing. Is it weird that I am a little intimidated about signing up? It's been years since I was in college. I haven't written a paper in years!
  12. Thank you all SO much for your input. I think I needed others to confirm what I suspected....that I should change our focus from academics to life skills. It is just a hard change to embrace as it feels a bit like I am giving up on her. I finally have to acknowledge that she will likely always function at a young elementary level....and that is heartbreaking. I will definitely look into all the resource options you suggested, especially as she nears 18 and will qualify for vocational training, etc.
  13. I could use a hug, so thanks:). I'm so defeated.
  14. My dd is 15. She is dx with Autism. I have been homeschooling her since the third grade. In the last few years she has made ZERO progress. I mean none....at. all. She plateaued at about a second grade level in all areas. She barely grasps adding single digit numbers....it's a daily struggle. So, no moving on to anything else in math. She can't remember any grammar/ parts if speech at all. She can read, but struggles to narrate back to me as she can't organize her thoughts well. Writing a narration? No way. Elementary science and history goes right over her head. After reading (or listening to me read) she can't recall a single fact. I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall every day. I have tried so many curriculums, but she just hits a wall (like with the addition) and can't move up. How many times can we do second grade, seriously? I truly just don't think she's capable of any higher level skills. So, what do I do with her all day? I feel like giving up. She really just can't do the work and repeating the same level materials doesn't seem to cement anything. What's the point....we both end up in tears a lot if days. I just have no idea what to do:(
  15. Yup, I feel the same way! And my kids show zero interest.
  16. No tweaking here. We occasionally skip flash cards, but not often. The only reason it takes ds almost an hour is because he is constantly arguing with his sisters, distracted by something he HAS to tell me, or sliding down his chair onto the floor. It should take about 30 minutes.....if only he would realize that! We have used CLE for 1-3 and he has done really well with it. I see no reason to look elsewhere:)
  17. I do a chapter per day. Otherwise I fall asleep:). Works out to a book a month.
  18. I have really been debating this. I have the opportunity to tutor, so cost isn't really factoring in. However, we have been in another tutorial for four years and I am really tired of others dictating our time and curriculum. I don't want to spend the time on memorization that CC requires. I'd rather spend that time reading good books. So, I'm leaning toward no. My only hesitation is the social aspects....for me and the kids. But, with the abundance of homeschoolers in our area, I think I can find something less intrusive.
  19. We are almost finished with: CLE math-ds-love CLE math-always worth it FLL 3-questionable; retention seems minimal SOTW-worth it Apologia flying creatures-meh, kinda boring, minimal retention Essentials in Writing for dd-worth it Prima Latina-not worth it Things we didn't finish: IEW--jumped ship half way through...ds hated it:( Sequential Spelling--I just suck at fitting this in Artistic Pursuits--love it, just rare we have time Any math program with dd--she has special needs and hits a wall with every program:(
  20. Making note of these...thank you!!
  21. Good to know! Even I thought PL was boring:)
  22. Oh really? I didn't realize that! He will be thrilled:)
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