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Everything posted by Staceyshoe

  1. We're not too far into BFSU yet, but I've found that there's not too much prep for me. I skim through the lesson ahead of time and gather materials. The day of the lesson, we read through a lot of the material together, discuss it, and do the experiments. I've heard of some families working through Vol 1 and Vol 2 simultaneously with their kids if they are older or are really advanced in science.
  2. :bigear: I've been looking for this too. We use BFSU, and I've been thinking about getting the HOTS from Singapore and just using it as we can. (I'm not sure how well it would work, however, using HOTS apart from the rest of the MPH.) I've also been eyeing Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Science.
  3. Does anyone happen to know where I can find a list of object lessons that are in the Bible? I have a couple of lists from books (The Power of Teachable Moments and Heart of Wisdom). I'd like to find a third source and combine them as a handout for a presentation I'll be giving. When I try to Google search, I keep finding object lessons that people have created to teach the Bible. I'm needing a list of object lessons directly from the Bible.
  4. If she enjoys the fact-based-fiction books, she might really like the Magic School Bus chapter books. They are just slightly above the Magic Tree House so shouldn't be a big jump.
  5. We are within a couple of days of finishing 2B. We use Standards edition with the IP, and it's easily incorporated. The topics are pretty much the same and in the same order so far. When he finishes a unit in his workbook, we do the same unit in the IP. Singapore teaches multiplication and division at the same time, but I wouldn't bother with 2B if your dd tested out of it. I would buy or print off some triangle flash cards with multiplication/division facts. Since she's already familiar with multiplication, she'll pick up on the division quickly.
  6. FLL can easily be done orally, and WWE 1 doesn't require a lot of writing (at most, 1 sentence per day). We went through a brief period of using GWG orally also, and that worked. If you want to start a spelling program, letter tiles can be used with any spelling program to cut down on writing.
  7. Whether SM is teacher-intensive, I think really depends on the child. I think some can do it fairly independently while others need a lot of direction. But I certainly would not automatically write off SM as being a teacher-intensive program.
  8. Do you have a favorite source for free Bible lapbooks? I'm not sure where to start looking. TIA!
  9. Biblestoryprintables.com also has samples of Seeds of Worship songs and free downloadable visuals to go with each Bible verse.
  10. I've been considering using Donna Young's free materials when we are ready for cursive.
  11. We use our Foundations Guide, audio CDs, and tin whistle for Foundations. I consider the tin whistle and audio CDs essential for our family. We did not purchase the Memory CDs or really look at the VP timeline cards that I bought. The timeline cards were a huge budget item, but I find that we didn't use them. I also purchased a membership to the online community. Next year I plan to periodically purchase a monthly membership. We just needed it now and then, but it was incredibly helpful when we used it.
  12. I agree with going with the grade level according to age (unless you are radically accelerating his education). This will keep him competing against same-age peers if he ever enters competitive science fairs or math competitions also. If he enters the public school system later, you would want to look at their policies regarding gifted education, subject acceleration, and whole grade acceleration. Any of these options probably requires testing, which the school system would provide for free. Ds started in pub school, and I found that the school system was very negative about accommodating his learning needs until they had test scores in hand, so the testing can really change the perspective of the school system about making accommodations. HTH!
  13. I can't get a good feel for exactly what this is either. Does it just focus on creative writing?
  14. Do the workbooks have more text that teaches the skills?
  15. The only Critical Thinking Co workbooks we used were a few Mindbenders. Right now ds has the software for Building Thinking Skills. I called the co. before purchasing, and they assured that the content is exactly the same as what is in the book. Ds loves it. I don't even assign it--just limit how much time he can spend on it. (In all fairness, he also loved the workbooks, and I had to ration how many pages he could do in a day.) I think we'll switch to workbooks for the next Building Thinking Skills because he will start learning keyboarding, and I try to limit his computer time. The software is a nice investment--I bought it used, can use it for both my kids, and then re-sell it. (Of course, by then it will probably be woefully outdated, but it's still much less than 2 workbooks.) ETA: Another nice thing about the software---There are 2 modes. They can either do whatever exercises they want, or they can work methodically through the material. (When going through it systematically, they have to get at least 85% correct on a given level before they can move on.) The software also tell them the correct answers when they answer incorrectly, but it doesn't explain the reason (at least not that I've seen).
  16. Actually I've never asked him to skip count during math time. :tongue_smilie: It's always in a situation like you described. Isn't it fascinating to watch little minds developing and changing?
  17. Glad to hear this! I really love the one I've been reading, and I was thinking about getting the one for younger children soon. ETA: But I will be keeping my eye out for any in this series now! :)
  18. Funny how our kids go on these learning jags. Keeps a Mom on her toes!:tongue_smilie: I posted this before we got the results of our psycho-educational assessment. I think those results shed light on what's happening. The psychologist said that ds's abstract math reasonabilities abilities are very high. I was surprised that his math abilities are so high because it takes more effort for him and he's more "behind" in math compared to other subjects. He said that ds will take more effort to learn the basic arithmetic facts and will likely fly through higher order, more abstract math. It seems backwards, but I guess that's just how his mind works--the concrete and practical takes some effort, but the abstract is more intuitive. It will be interesting to see if that holds true once we're into higher level math. In the meantime, you've given me an idea ;)--I may try giving him similar problems while making some concrete to see whether that helps or hinders him in reaching the answer.
  19. Oh, I love love love the look of this for my science-minded kid! What level are you planning to use? Are you planning to make it mostly independent or will you be very involved? (I'm starting to plan for this myself and trying to figure out what level to use and how independent it would be.;)) Please keep us updated on how it goes!
  20. I was able to find Family Math by Stenmark at the library. I love it so much that I plan to purchase it. I notice there are other family math books: Family Math for Young Children, Family Math II, and Family Math: The Middle School Years. The books all seem to have different authors. Do you consider the content and quality and usefulness comparable for all of these books? Or are some of them not as good as others?
  21. Thanks for the replies. I checked out Amazon, and the prices are definitely better than what I've been paying.:) While I was there, I couldn't help noticing this deal: http://www.amazon.com/HP-Black-Cartridge-CD971AN-140/dp/B001NID7XK/ref=sr_1_3?s=office-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1307308602&sr=1-3 The reviews are really good, but there are only 4. Anyone have experiences with a product like this?
  22. Where can I find the best deals? Online? Off-brand? We started hsing this yr and are going through this stuff like crazy.
  23. If you're looking for a starting point in a math curriculum, many have online placement tests. We use Singapore Math and the placement test was right on the money with where we needed to start.
  24. Great ideas! Thank you! Now that I know what to look for, I'll be checking the library to see what's there. :)
  25. Is there a website or resource that has recording of different musical instruments played individually (preferably the same song)?
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