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Lisa in SC

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Everything posted by Lisa in SC

  1. Happy birthday! What a delightful way to start it!
  2. My name is Lisa, and I suffer from BRF. So do both of our daughters. We are all very nice people, but, sadly, most don't know this, because we have BRF. I'm thinking of starting a support group. People need to get the message that this is a condition that really exists. It's a problem. I mean, I just looked in the mirror, and I kind of don't even want to talk to myself. :D <--- this is the kind of face I need to wear to combat it. People don't want to talk to a freakishly happy person either. It's a problem, I tell ya! This has been a tongue-in-cheek confession. Hyperbole may or may not have been used. ;)
  3. I think you definitely need to be more firm with your initial answer, and have a stock phrase to close down the conversation if it starts to sour. Many times, if asked if my children don't have school, I'll simply reply, "not today," or " we have half day." I've never been challenged about it. If, I choose to share that we homeschool, I say it firmly but cheerfully and with a big smile on my face. If someone asked me if I was having a nervous breakdown, I would probably say something jokingly like, "oh, just like every mom, chocolate helps on stressful days." Only a handful of times has anyone been rude about our choices, and that's when I give the shut down. I say things like, "Well, then it's great that we all have the freedom to make our own decisions," or "it's confusing to me as to why my family's decisions are so concerning to you. Have a nice day," or "this is what works for our family. Good day." That kind of thing. :)
  4. I'm so, so sorry. :( I know your heart is broken. Hopefully, the good memories, and the knowledge that you brought him love, care, and saved him from his previous life will bring you comfort. These things are so very heart wrenching. Hugs.
  5. Thanks to everyone for all of the well wishes. We're just so thrilled with our little grandbaby. I couldn't upload without starting a new thread...probably because I'm far from savvy. However, if you look for the new thread, she is pictured there. :D Thanks again, everyone!
  6. Sorry I had to start a new thread, but it was the only way I could upload from my iPad. Well, there may be another way, but I couldn't figure it out. Meet Katelynn... :D
  7. Our little lady was born Friday, after a 6 hour labor and only 40 minutes of pushing. She weighed 8 lbs. even and was 21 inches long. Dd did so well, and I couldn't be a prouder grandma! They will be living with us for a while, and I will be her granny nanny when dd goes back to school and work. She is such a joy and is blessing our family beyond measure. I'll post a picture as soon as I figure out how to resize it. All of the pictures I've tried have been too large to upload. Just wanted to share our happiness.
  8. Dd21 will be 41 weeks Friday. We are off to her last dr appt because they will induce if she doesn't show signs of starting labor. We are excited to see this baby girl! :D However, it's stressful, because we must move dd17 into her dorm on Saturday. I can't be both places at once and both girls want me. Soooo...come on, baby!!!! I'll possibly post when we know something. I will definitely post when she's here!
  9. Our eldest was almost Elizabeth or Mariah; our next was nearly Peyton or Riley; our first son was never destined to be anything but his actual name as I had decided on it before I even met dh (fortunately dh liked it too); and our youngest was quite close to being Samuel. Of course, I'm glad I went with the names they have. I can't imagine the other choices "fitting" them now, but I think that's the way it usually works.
  10. This will be the first year I have ever waited until September. Not only am I waiting, but we're not starting until the middle of September. My mom is coming this week for a visit, we have to move dd17 into her dorm, and our first grandchild will make her appearance sometime this week. Dd20 will be 41 weeks on Friday, and they won't let her go any longer than that. The two of them will be living here for several months, and I haven't even received all of my homeschool materials, so I will definitely have a late start this year. Nevertheless, we will persevere and press on. I'm not even very excited this year. Hopefully, that will change.
  11. Nicely played. You *should* feel good...you did a good thing for yourself and your family!
  12. Yes. I occasionally watched That Girl, but primarily I know her from my Free to Be You and Me LP played on my portable record player. :D Oh, and as Rachel's mom, of course.
  13. What a gorgeous space! You did a wonderful job...it looks positively smashing! May you make many precious memories there.
  14. What a lovely little girl! Such a precious little beauty...congratulations to all!
  15. She was asked this over the phone, but she doesn't have a rash. She does have lots of broken blood vessels from her constant, vigorous scratching, but no rash.
  16. Thank you! And thanks to everyone who responded! We'll be going in the morning, and hopefully all will be well.
  17. I didn't realize it took a day or two to get results. It makes sense, then, that waiting until morning won't pose a problem. I, too, am assuming they'll induce if she does have it. She wasn't dilated at her last appointment, but was 70% effaced. I hope she doesn't end up with a c-section (I had five), but a healthy baby is always the most important thing! :)
  18. Oh I'm sorry about your experiences with it! Thank you for the information, that helped ease my mind a little. :)
  19. Being on Medicaid, she sees a different doctor at nearly each appointment, so we haven't had the opportunity to develop a relationship with any one doctor. The doctor she spoke with is the on call doctor, and will be the same doctor she will see if we go to the hospital. It's the only hospital she can go to on her Medicaid, as the next closest SC hospital is 1.5 hours away. Obviously, I will do whatever is necessary to ensure the health of dd and her baby, but Im hoping someone has had experience with cholestasis and knows if it's safe to wait until morning. I can't seem to find that info online or in any of our pregnancy books.
  20. She will be 38 weeks tomorrow. She started itching occasionally on Monday. It has gotten progressively worse, and it's now driving her crazy. She took Benadryl, but it had no effect. She called the Medicaid nurse line, and was told to contact her doctor immediately. She called the doctor, who said it could be cholestasis. He told her to call the office in the morning, and come in for blood work. I'm familiar with what cholestasis is, but is it ok to wait until morning. I can't find anything that says how long it's safe to wait. Is it fine to wait until morning?
  21. I voted other, because I could only choose one. I say manual and stick fairly equally.
  22. What a wonderful experience...in every aspect. A nighttime garden walk sounds absolutely lovely, and meeting your mom's best friend who then told you your dd looks like your mom? Well, that's both tear-worthy and heartwarming. What a special evening!
  23. Dd17's eyes do this prior to the onset of migraines. A PP mentioned the same symptoms preceding migraines. I hope it's absolutely nothing, but you were smart to do the right thing and get it checked out. Hugs!
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