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Lisa in SC

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Everything posted by Lisa in SC

  1. No. I believe it should be Mondays and Thursdays. The apostrophes are incorrect, and kittens are needlessly suffering.
  2. In SC, current code requires one smoke detector on each floor, one detector inside each bedroom, and one outside of bedrooms within 10 feet of bedroom doors (so the number there would depend upon bedroom placement). There is no fire extinguisher/sprinkler system code requirement in our municipality. In our 5 bedroom, 2 story home, we have 9 smoke detectors in order to meet the code requirements. ETA: I meant to add that while there is no fire extinguisher requirement, we do have one in the kitchen and one in the garage. The one in the garage is wall mounted, but the one in the kitchen is under the sink.
  3. This is such sad news. My thoughts are with those who knew and love her, particularly her husband and son. Her life seems as if it was so full, so well lived and much too short. I know she is missed by so many, and touched countless lives. May she rest in peace.
  4. That sounds great! I always like to hear when board members have the opportunity to meet IRL! :)
  5. I'm jumping on the GERD train too. It was the first thought I had as I read the symptoms you listed. I've had more than one child who had it, but only one whose symptoms were severe. She presented much as you have described.
  6. Ok, well, joannqn is making me feel like a sloth lol. Good job! I'm actually very impressed and envious of both your plan and energy! Happy Birthday, Viola! Didn't you get the memo? As Jean stated, no feeling fat on one's birthday. I will: Finish school Address graduation announcements Put course materials in binder Work on next year's order Do Walk Away the Pounds Fold and put away towels Figure out dinner Put ribbon and flowers on mason jars for baby shower center pieces
  7. My children did this also. The strangest thing they did during pretend play was to vocalize actions. "Walk, walk, skipping along merrily. What's this? Sudden stop. Bend over to examine closely." I have no idea why they did this, and they all grew out of it, although my 7yo will sometimes still do it when playing with his bear pal.
  8. I totally agree. WendyK, you definitely have an air of wisdom and serenity about you. You also remind me of someone, but I cannot put my finger on whom. Someone in a painting? Someone famous, but not necessarily a celebrity? Anyway, I think you're lovely. Thanks for sharing your picture.
  9. I look nothing like the primate in my avatar. Wait. That's not entirely true. I often have a similarly shocked expression on my face, for any number of reasons. Pick one: a slithery thing has been spotted nearby :shudder:, my 7yo has announced he wishes to be euthanized (meant baptized), my fil forgot to tie his robe shut on his way back from the shower, my 14yo had a hormonal brain freeze and seriously announced today that one way to melt butter at a consistent temperature of 100 degrees Celsius was to heat it with a thermometer...I could keep going. So, yeah, the expression is similar. But I'm less hairy and more attractive according to dh (at least after my shower). ;)
  10. There are quality public schools. My daughters attended an excellent public high school. My sons will likely homeschool until graduation, but it won't be because the local high school is substandard. However, there are poor public schools. My children have friends who attend some of them. These kids know the schools they attend are not stellar, and always seem to want to distance themselves from the school they attend. I don't think this is any different from what you stated regarding substandard homeschooling in the quote above. The desire to distance oneself from something one perceives as negative isn't unique to homeschooling.
  11. I have flexeril that I take as needed. It makes me sleepy if I am forced to take it during the day, but not so much so that I'm unable to function. If possible, I try to take wait until bedtime to take it on the days I need it. I don't notice any effects the next morning, as long as I get a full night's rest.
  12. My dad has passed away, but I called him both Dad and Daddy through adulthood, depending upon the circumstances. My children do the same with dh.
  13. Can't do yogurt, so we do gelato or sorbet...mango, yum...but I'm weird about mixing textures, so no toppings for me. If I choose to give myself a lot of physical pain and do frozen yogurt or ice cream once in a blue moon, it's extra hot fudge only. My neck/shoulders are ridiculously stiff pretty much all the time. Old movie fave: Rear Window springs to mind, but I have many, many more.
  14. Awwww!! Congratulations!!
  15. I'm not sure, but I've bookmarked them to show to her when she gets home. Thanks! :)
  16. I think you could use them for something. Reusable gift bags, perhaps? Do you travel? If so, you could roll your panties and place them inside for neater packing. You could roll and store extension cords inside. You could make little car kits out of them with small packs of Kleenex, a granola bar, a juice bag,a couple of bandaids, a small notepad, a pen...whatever you think would be handy. You could use them to keep plastic spoons and forks, paper napkins, and the little condiment packets in the car if you brown bag it to an event. I don't know...I could probably keep going. Maybe I'm too frugal? :D
  17. Oh wow!! I'm actually so excited! I think I love you (in a totally non-creepy, non-Internet stalker kinda way lol). These look great! We will be heading to the nearest Payless tomorrow night, because she doesn't have to work. Also, I know nothing about compression hose. If they will help her, she will wear them if I have to hold her down and wrestle them on her swollen little feet myself (I'm kidding, y'all). Where do I get them? I didn't have any significant swelling, and I guess I never picked up on this info anywhere else. Bad mommy award for me. Thank you so, so much!
  18. For school, she must look stylish. She's in a cosmetology program through Paul Mitchell The School, and sneakers aren't permitted. Boots, stylish flats, and any sort of high heeled pump (which is, of course, out of the question) are allowed. At work, black sneakers were allowed prior to last month when new management enacted a new dress code. Now, only a dress flat is allowed for female servers. The bunion was entirely her own fault due to vanity. This current issue is because of dress code restrictions.
  19. Dd20 is 28 weeks pregnant today. She has gained 18 pounds so far, and was small to begin with, so,the doctor is satisfied with her gain. She just saw the doctor today, so we know her swelling isn't concerning, medically speaking, but her feet are very swollen. It doesn't help that she's on her feet all day at school, and then is a server at night. She'll take a leave from school and from work starting at the end of next month, but until then, she needs a professional looking flat, closed toe shoe, in black, that she can fit her foot into. Going up sizes doesn't help because the toe box is still too tight. To complicate matters, she has a bunion from working as a server since she was. 17 and being too stubborn and vain to wear a supportive shoe. Birkenstocks are out because the back must be closed. Danskos are too tight across the top of her foot with all of the swelling. I'm at a loss. Honestly, she's such a little girl, but her feet are huge with the swelling. I was so surprised when the doctor pronounced it normal. Anyway, she's currently cramming her feet into a pair of cheapo, unsupportive ballet flats because they are the only thing that meet dress code and fit, but she's miserable. If anyone has any suggestions, I will gladly take them. :)
  20. As NotSoObvious suggested, have another yearly check done to be thorough, but all of my children have gone through childhood with spotty shins. Last year, youngest ds's shins were so spotted with bruises, that I specifically asked his pediatrician about all of the scary possibilities. He said he would run labs, but since there were no bruises in areas that were typically "low contact" areas, he was fairly certain they were all due to his high activity. Ds is constantly running, jumping, climbing, biking, sliding, etc. The dr. said that the bruising associated with scary diagnoses typically present with bruising in areas that wouldn't bruise during normal activity such as the back, neck, abdomen, etc. (i think i may have set a record for most frequent use of the word bruise in one sentence...sorry). Ds's labs were clear. I'm happy we did the testing though, because I wasn't second guessing anymore.
  21. It's a total stab in the dark, but could it be ocular migraines? They can present without pain, cause dizziness and vertigo and also flashing light or colors. Hugs!
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